Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 86 Fire Control Technique

"Then without further ado, let's start refining."

The three referees from the Alchemy Association also stood up and urged.

"I wonder which second-grade elixir the Alchemy Conference will ask us to refine today?"

Master Mo asked.

One of the referees took out a sealed scroll with the logo of the Alchemy Association from his sleeve, removed the sealing mud on the spot, unfolded the scroll, and read three words: "Chenglu Dan."

Master Mo understands that this Clear Dew Pill is a water-attribute elixir. It is made from several water-attribute rare herbs as the main ingredients. It has considerable benefits for warriors who practice water-attribute to take it. Its effect is It is roughly similar to the effect of Lihuo Pill on fire attribute warriors, but its efficacy is one level lower than that of Lihuo Pill.

Among the second-grade elixirs, this Clear Dew Pill is considered to be a medium-level existence. It is neither too difficult nor too easy to refine.

"Everyone, please move and follow me to the alchemy room."

Master Mo took everyone to his alchemy room. There was a purple silver furnace here, which was an alchemy furnace with both water and yin attributes. It was perfect for refining the Clear Dew Pill.

"Take two copies of the ingredients for the Clear Dew Pill!"

Master Mo called one of his apprentices and gave instructions.

The referee of the Alchemy Association said: "In this case, we will set a time limit of two hours for the two people of the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch. Within two hours, if the two of them can successfully refine the Chenglu Pill, then it will be considered The promotion was successful.”

Master Mo nodded and said, "Then let me refine it first."

The combined refining time of the two of them cannot exceed two hours. If Master Mo's time can be shorter, it will undoubtedly buy Su Chen more time.

This is what Master Wang was thinking. He looked at Su Chen with a sneer on his face, thinking to himself, no matter how much time Master Mo buys for him, what if Master Mo buys him more time? Even if he is given ten hours, he can practice Are you going to make a second-grade elixir? dream!

After the materials for the Clear Dew Pill were delivered, Master Mo began to refine it.

There are eight flame mechanisms below the purple silver furnace. When opened, they can spit out flames. Master Mo opened all eight mechanisms, and after preheating the purple silver furnace, he began to put the materials in by category.

Master Mo's techniques are very stable and skillful, demonstrating his strong skills as the number one alchemist in Qinghe City. After the materials are put in, they are purified to form elixir liquid, and then the elixir is condensed.

After completing this series of steps, beads of sweat appeared on Master Mo's forehead. Refining alchemy is a very delicate job, and nothing can be careless, otherwise it is very likely to fail.

More than half an hour later, a thick white mist rose from the purple silver furnace, accompanied by waves of elixir fragrance, symbolizing the success of the elixir condensation.

"Elixir is complete!"

Master Mo opened the lid of the alchemy furnace and took out the hot Clear Dew Pill.

"Master Mo is indeed a highly respected and famous figure. This alchemy technique is extremely exquisite."

The judges from the Alchemy Association all praised that refining the second-grade elixir was as normal as handing in homework for Master Mo. They didn't even see how hard Master Mo put it, and the elixir was successfully refined.

This is because the other people in the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch are too incompetent and are holding them back. Otherwise, the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch would have been promoted to a second-grade branch long ago.

"Little friend Su, it's your turn."

Master Mo smiled and said to Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded casually, got up and came to the purple silver stove.

"This Mr. Mo is too willful. He obviously has a chance to be promoted to a second-grade branch today, but he insists on acting recklessly."

The judges also shook their heads. In their opinion, there was still more than an hour of ample time left. If Master Wang was to refine the second Clear Dew Pill, the chance of success would be extremely high. It's a pity that Mr. Mo insists on trusting a young boy who is still young, and actually lets this boy refine such an important Clear Dew Pill. It seems that the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch will miss the opportunity to be promoted to the second level this time.

Master Wang had a sneer on his face. Master Mo deserved it. He might regret it later. Anyway, he would never help the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch.

The unknown girl blinked her eyes and looked at Su Chen with some curiosity and inquiry.

Among all the people, the only one who has confidence in Su Chen is Master Mo.

"Master Su, I'm begging you." Master Mo said silently in his heart. Whether the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch can be promoted to the second level this time depends entirely on Su Chen.


Su Chen sat cross-legged in front of the purple silver stove and reached out to activate the four flame mechanisms under the purple silver stove.

This step made Master Wang reveal a sarcastic smile: "No, it only opens four mechanisms. Doesn't this kid know that this alchemy furnace has eight mechanisms?"

Not to mention Master Wang, even the judges looked puzzled. You must know that when the alchemy furnace is preheating, the flame must be as strong as possible, so that the temperature in the alchemy furnace can be heated up as quickly as possible. Go up. Opening four organs is definitely not as strong as opening eight organs. How low-level do you have to be to make such a mistake?

Master Wang shook his head in disdain: "Oh, I didn't expect that he is a complete layman. I wasted so much time just now."

Master Mo also looked slightly puzzled, but he believed in Su Chen and felt that Su Chen had a reason for doing this, so he smiled and remained silent.

Su Chen naturally listened to other people's comments, raised his brows, and said calmly: "You are so shallow and ignorant, does it mean that the more organs you open, the better? Then why don't you just light a lot of firewood under the stove? "

"You..." Master Wang's forehead was throbbing with veins. He had never been spoken to with such venom before, and he suddenly became furious. "How can you be reasonable as a layman? I won't argue with you. Everyone here is an expert, so they naturally know what's going on. "

The referees all nodded. What Master Wang said is absolutely correct. When the alchemy furnace is preheating, the fire in the furnace should be as bright as possible. Otherwise, the subsequent alchemy may be damaged due to internal problems in the alchemy furnace. Failure due to insufficient temperature.

"Frog in the well, keep your eyes open!"

Su Chen formed a complex and strange hand seal with his hands, which looked a bit mysterious.

"What is he doing?"

"Could this be the legendary fire control technique?" a referee asked in surprise.

Immediately, these words were like a stone that stirred up a thousand waves: "How is this possible? How old is he? How could he have mastered the fire control technique!"

No wonder they were so surprised. The Fire Control Technique, as the name suggests, is to use mysterious magic techniques to control flames. This is something that only third-level alchemists and above can do. Looking at the entire Anyang County, I am afraid that only a few from the Alchemy Association can do it. The president and vice-president may have mastered it.

And now, they actually saw the existence of the Fire Control Technique in a fifteen-year-old boy from Qinghe City. How could they not be extremely surprised?

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