Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 87 Strange refining techniques

"Everyone, please be patient. It may not be the fire control technique. It may just be that this kid is pretending to be a ghost!"

Master Wang stared at Su Chen. He didn't believe that Su Chen had really mastered the fire control technique. He was 100% just bluffing people.

However, the result was destined to disappoint him. Su Chen's fingers were slowly moving, and the clusters of blue flames under the alchemy furnace also rose and fell with the movements of Su Chen's fingers, just like Su Chen's. There is an invisible thread on Chen's fingertips, which seems to be controlling those flames!

This scene also left everyone present stunned!

"Fire control, this is really real fire control!"

Master Mo's eyes shone with excitement. He had only seen him use the Fire Control Technique from the President of the Alchemy Association before. He was astonished at that time. He never expected that today, he would see the existence of the Fire Control Technique again!

Not only that, when Master Mo saw the direction of the flames clearly, he was startled again: "Little friend Su is adjusting the intensity of the flames based on the unevenness at the bottom of my alchemy furnace!"

Few people know that the bottom of Master Mo's purple silver stove has some flaws and is uneven. Therefore, sometimes, uneven preheating is inevitable, which affects the speed and quality of the elixir.

Not many people knew about this matter, but Su Chen didn't know when he saw the flaw in the bottom of the alchemy furnace, and was adjusting the intensity of the flame according to the unevenness at the bottom of the alchemy furnace.

In this way, the alchemy furnace will be preheated more evenly.

At this moment, the referees present were all indescribably shocked. No wonder Master Mo said that Su Chen was the most incredible alchemy prodigy he had ever seen. Just looking at this fire control technique was enough to make everyone present. Everyone is willing to bow down,

Master Wang was still making various satires on Su Chen just now, but this time he was probably slapped in the face by reality.

"Hmph!" Master Wang's face turned livid and he said with great reluctance, "What does mastering the fire control technique mean? The real refining has not started yet. The next steps will test the alchemist's true strength. Everything else is just talk!”

After he said this, the referees also calmed down a little.

They seemed to have overreacted just now. No matter how good the fire control technique is, it is still just one of the many techniques of alchemy. The true skill of an alchemist depends on the next steps.

Thinking this way, they calmed down a lot.

Their eyes were all focused on Su Chen, and they began to pay attention to Su Chen's next refining.

The second refining step is to put in the raw materials. The eighteen raw materials for refining the Clear Dew Pill have been prepared, but how to put them in strictly in order is also a test of the alchemist's basic skills.

Of course, if you really reach the level of a second-grade alchemist, there will be no problem in this step. The question now is whether Su Chen has really reached the level of a second-grade alchemist, or whether he is just bluffing people, and whether the fire control just now was just a mistake.

You can know the answer to this question just by looking at Su Chen's performance in the step of placing materials.

However, Su Chen's next move shocked their eyes again and subverted their perceptions.

Su Chen didn't even look at it, but with a wave of his hand, he swept all eighteen kinds of materials into the alchemy furnace...

"Nonsense, isn't this nonsense?"

The veins on the foreheads of several referees were pulsing fiercely. What kind of refining technique is this? To say it is a refining technique is an insult to these four words. This is nonsense.

You must know that the time and order of adding each ingredient are strictly particular. Any improper operation may cause the refining to fail. Not to mention that Su Chen put them all in at once. If the properties of the medicinal materials inside happened to be triggered, If they conflict with each other, the furnace may explode.

"It didn't follow the traditional refining steps at all. It was really messy."

Originally, several judges had some expectations for Su Chen's refining techniques, but this time, they were all disappointed.

"Mr. Mo, is he joking?"

The girl held her cheek, blinked her big watery eyes, and curiously asked Master Mo next to her.

"Nonsense? No..."

Master Mo shook his head, staring closely at Su Chen's every move, with confusion in his eyes, "I'm not sure, but Su Xiaoyou's refining technique is a bit like a A long-lost refining school..."

Master Mo was not sure, because that kind of refining school had been lost long ago. Even he only heard his teacher mention it once in his early years.

According to legend, only some old monsters at the alchemy master level can master that kind of refining school, and it has long been lost now. It is said that to master this refining school, you need to have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of alchemy experiences and have every step of alchemy engraved in your bones.

And how old is Su Chen, how could it be possible... Master Mo himself felt that his idea was ridiculous.

"Practice for me!"

Su Chen gave a low shout and moved one hand in a strange rhythm with high frequency. The alchemy furnace was completely unorganized, but it gave people a very mysterious feeling.

Su Chen's other hand also slapped the wall of the alchemy furnace from time to time. With every slap, a large amount of white smoke would come out of the alchemy furnace, which was obviously a large amount of impurities produced during the purification of the raw materials.

However, in the eyes of several others, his refining method was just like an outsider messing around. One referee shook his head and said, "What a pity those materials are."

A whole batch of materials for refining the Clear Dew Pill is worth a lot of money.

"There's nothing to see. The Qinghe City branch's promotion has failed this time."

Another referee waved his hand, and before Su Chen started refining a stick of incense, he had already sentenced Su Chen to death.

Master Mo said in a deep voice: "Don't be too anxious, just take your time and watch!"

"What else is there to see? Refining like this will definitely not work."

The referee was half-motivated and said, "It's better to leave this alchemy room quickly. According to his method, the furnace is likely to explode in a short while."

Master Wang even had an expression of "I knew this would happen a long time ago", shook his head and sighed: "Brother Mo, Brother Mo, you have been wise all your life, but I didn't expect that you were deceived by a young boy today. I made you not listen to me. If so, do you regret it now?”

However, at the moment when Master Wang finished speaking.

In the small alchemy room, a clear voice suddenly sounded.


"This sound..."

Several referees couldn't help but be startled. They were very familiar with this voice.

It was the sound of the already formed pill embryos rolling in the pill furnace!

However, isn’t it true that only when the elixir is successfully condensed can the elixir embryo be formed?

Could it be that in such a short period of time, Su Chen had successfully condensed the elixir?

The eyes of several referees were looking at the hourglass on the side with a dull look at the moment. It was hard to believe that only one stick of incense had passed and Su Chen had already completed the series of preheating, adding materials, purification, fusion, and condensation. step.

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