Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 85 It’s strange that he can refine it

Master Mo ignored them and said to Su Chen: "Little friend Su Chen, I would like to introduce you to you. This man wearing a flaming robe is Master Wang, a second-grade alchemist from Huangshi City. Here. The three people wearing golden coats of arms are second-grade alchemists from the Alchemy Association in Anyang City, and they are our judges on today’s promotion day.”

"As for this one..."

Master Mo turned his attention to the last girl present, who looked to be about seventeen or eighteen years old.

The girl waved her hands at Su Chen and said with a smile: "Don't look at me. I'm not a master. I'm just here to join in the fun. You don't have to worry about me."

Master Mo looked at the girl's quirky appearance and coughed dryly. Instead of introducing her, he smiled at Su Chen and said, "Little friend Su, please take a seat quickly."

It was only then that the other people in the conference room gradually realized that Master Mo was not joking. Su Chen was indeed the master with high levels of alchemy attainments that Master Mo referred to, and not one of Master Mo's juniors. kind.

However, this was too ridiculous. Several people looked at Su Chen with extremely strange looks.

"Hmph!" Master Wang snorted heavily and said to Master Mo with an angry look on his face, "Brother Mo, I respect you for your high moral character, so when Brother Zhang invited me to come to Qinghe City to help you, I agreed without hesitation. . But I didn’t expect that you would invite others to help, and you would be such a young kid? Brother Mo, are you insulting my ability? I’ll just leave and save you the trouble!”

"What did Brother Wang say?" Master Mo said quickly, "I definitely didn't mean this. It's just that Zhang Xuan didn't tell me about asking you for help. I only found out a few days ago, but I have already invited Su Xiaoyou. I can’t break my promise to him, so I invited both of you here today.”

When he said this, several other people present smoothed things over and said, "Brother Wang, don't be angry. Brother Mo is not doubting your ability, it's just that things happen as things happen." "Yes, everyone recognizes your alchemy skills. Sit down and calm down."

Then Master Wang calmed down a little, but when he saw Su Chen, he was still angry: "It's not that I'm deliberately looking for trouble, it's just that this kid doesn't look like a second-grade alchemist. It's simply ridiculous. The title of master, It’s not like ordinary people can scream randomly!”

Another referee from the Alchemy Association also said: "Yes, Brother Mo, is there something wrong? This little... well, this little brother doesn't look like a second-grade alchemist."

From the look on his face, it was obvious that he wanted to say "kid" but swallowed it back.

You must know that the grades and titles in the alchemy world are not so casual, but have strict standards. Once a trainee alchemist successfully refines a first-grade alchemy independently, he can become an official alchemist, that is, a first-grade alchemist, which means he can start to be called an "alchemist" by the world.

If you want to be called "Master" by the world, you must be a second-grade alchemist, that is, you must have successfully independently refined second-grade elixirs.

Master Mo was used to the distrustful attitude of others when they first met Su Chen. He waved his hand lightly and said, "I know you won't believe what I say now. You will understand when you see his alchemy skills." ”

Master Wang snorted and still looked at Su Chen with disgust on his face. He was about to say something more, but was suddenly interrupted by the smiling girl: "Okay, okay, aren't you tired of talking so much? ? Let’s get down to business, I’ve waited so long that the flowers have faded.”

As he said that, the girl looked at Su Chen with a pair of penetrating eyes, and said with a smile, "Since Mr. Mo admires you, I think you must have some real talents, so don't let us down."

Su Chen glanced at her lightly, sat down without answering.

Then Master Wang reluctantly stopped, but still whispered: "What can a little kid know about alchemy?"

Master Mo's face became solemn and he said: "Master Wang, Xiaoyou Su is the most incredible alchemy wizard I have ever seen. His alchemy skills are just as good as mine. Please don't talk nonsense."

Master Wang chuckled and shook his head absurdly: "Does Brother Mo mean that he can also refine second-grade elixirs? Haha..."

Judging from Master Wang's expression, it was obvious that he didn't believe a word of Master Mo's words.

Master Mo didn't want to talk nonsense with Master Wang anymore, and said directly to the others: "Everyone, let's get started quickly!"

"Wait a minute!" Master Wang spoke again, "Before we begin, I have something to say. Today, the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch invited me to help refine the second-grade elixir. If I succeed in refining it, I will naturally I want to ask for a certain amount of remuneration from the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch."

"That's quite reasonable." The few referees from the Alchemy Association also nodded and said. They knew that the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch was asking for foreign aid today, but because Sun Xuan had greeted them in advance, they all turned a blind eye. One eye is closed.

Master Mo knew that this was human nature, so he nodded and said, "I wonder what kind of reward Master Wang wants?"

"It's very simple. If you succeed in the promotion this time, won't the Alchemy Federation reward you with a Coiling Dragon Grass? I don't need other rewards, just give me the Coiling Dragon Grass." Master Wang said.

Master Mo's expression turned strange: "Panlong grass?"

"That's right, is Brother Mo reluctant to let go?" Master Wang's face sank, slightly unhappy.

"Master Wang, if it's the Panlong Grass, I'm sorry, but I really can't make the decision to agree to you. Because I have made an agreement with Su Xiaoyou before that as long as he comes to participate in the promotion day, the Panlong Grass will be his." Master Mo said .

"What?" Master Wang's expression changed, "What does this mean? Do you really plan to let him refine the second-grade elixir?"

"That's right." Master Mo also said bluntly, "Before Master Wang came, I did plan to ask Su Xiaoyou to refine the second-grade elixir."

Master Wang's face completely darkened: "Brother Mo, do you really think that this little kid with no hair on his head can really refine a second-grade elixir?"

"Of course!" Master Mo nodded and said calmly.

"Absurd, really ridiculous!" Master Wang finally couldn't help it anymore, "How can a child refine a second-grade elixir? Brother Mo, you have lived so long, do you really believe this nonsense?"

"That's right, I believe in Xiaoyou Su!" Master Mo said calmly, "So, I'm really sorry that I can't give you Panlongcao. Of course, if Master Wang still wants to refine the second-grade elixir, I can give it here. Master Wang is preparing other rewards, but Panlong Grass is not enough."


Master Wang's face was full of anger, "I'm sorry, I refuse to do the refining. I really can't bear to be compared with a little kid! If Master Mo really trusts him, then let him do the refining. I want to take a look. Can he really refine a second-grade elixir?"

Master Mo wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Su Chen's faint voice: "It doesn't matter, Mr. Mo, then let me do the refining."

"Then there's little friend Lao Su." Master Mo said hurriedly.


Master Wang glanced at Su Chen with a sneer, pretending to be looking at a joke. It would be strange if this young boy could really refine a second-grade elixir.

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