Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 82 The Angry Ye Family

"Look for shopkeeper Min."

Su Chen said directly to the maid who came to receive him.

When the maid saw the Wubaotang VIP pass that Su Chen took out, she didn't dare to neglect it and quickly took Su Chen to a tea room inside.

"Young Master Su is coming here, it's hard to welcome him from afar!"

When shopkeeper Min in the tea room saw Su Chen, he quickly stood up with a warm smile on his face and immediately ordered his maid to brew the best tea.

"You're welcome, Shopkeeper Min."

"Don't be modest, Mr. Su. The half of the martial arts chapter you sold to us at Wubaotang last time was really good. I only cut out the first half of it and sold it at the auction for a high price of fifteen thousand taels. " Shopkeeper Min said with a smile.


The corners of Su Chen's mouth twitched involuntarily. I bet Jiang Shan was the one who got the 15,000 taels.

However, now is not the time to talk about this. Su Chen said to Shopkeeper Min: "I have something to trouble Shopkeeper Min."

"Young master Su, just say it, don't bother me." Shopkeeper Min perked up. He was a businessman, so he naturally knew what it meant to be on good terms with someone like Su Chen. Su Chen could casually use yellow-level intermediate martial arts. Come and sell it. For this reason alone, it will be beneficial for Wubaotang and Su Chen to have a good relationship.

"I want to live in Wubaotang temporarily for a while." It's not that Su Chen has no other place to go, but considering the current situation, Wubaotang is the best place to stay.

All kinds of goods are available here, which means that Su Chen can buy all the materials needed for his cultivation without leaving home. Moreover, Wubaotang has the support of the headquarters, so he will not be afraid of the local forces in Qinghe City.

As long as Su Chen lives in Wubao Hall, during this period, the Ye family will not dare to touch him.

"Okay, Mr. Su, you can stay in Wubao Hall as long as you want." Shopkeeper Min agreed happily. Anyway, the guest rooms in Wubao Hall are empty. It can be used to sell Su Chen a favor. It couldn't be a better deal.

"The envoy also lives in Wubao Hall. Does Mr. Su want to see him?" Shopkeeper Min asked again.

"No need, let him practice in peace." Su Chen waved his hand. The current situation was far from bad enough that he needed to dispatch Feng Qixing to help him solve it.

"Understood, Mr. Su, I will arrange a room for you right now." Shopkeeper Min said.

"Wait a minute." Su Chen called to Shopkeeper Min, then picked up the pen and paper on the table and wrote a list on the spot, "Give me one copy of each of the materials on this list. After you have all the materials, Take it to the Alchemy Guild and give it to Master Mo, and tell him that I will ask him to help you refine some spirit-gathering pills."

Shopkeeper Min responded, took the list and banknotes handed over by Su Chen, and walked away quickly.

Su Chen just settled down in Wubao Hall. As for Xu Yin and Jiang Tingyi, Su Chen sent someone to notify them and told them that he was temporarily staying in Wubao Hall and told them not to worry.

The Ye Family Mansion.

"That's unreasonable!"

Ye Wenlong was so furious that he stared at Ye San's cold and stiff body that was carried back. His whole body was shaking with anger, and he suddenly crushed the tea cup in his hand.

"Didn't Ye San go to assassinate Su Chen? How could he die! Find out the cause of his death!" Ye Wenlong was extremely sad. He was the one who sent Ye San to assassinate Su Chen, but when he came back he turned into a cold corpse. The body of the Ye family, a general who was best at assassination, was lost just like that.

"Reporting to the head of the family, Elder Ye San's body was found in a remote alley." The subordinate hesitated for a moment, "He... seems to have been poisoned and his throat was cut to death!"

"How is it possible!" Ye Wenlong felt ridiculous, "Ye San is the best at using poison. Looking at the entire Qinghe City, there are few people who can rival him in the use of poison. How could he be poisoned?"

Isn't it as ridiculous as saying that a fish will drown when a master poisoner eventually dies due to poisoning?

"However, there are indeed traces of poisoning in Elder Ye San's body. It is a colorless and odorless poison. After inhaling it, the whole body will be paralyzed, and the true energy in the Dantian cannot be lifted up. That's why his throat was cut easily. And die." The subordinate said hesitantly. In fact, it was difficult for him to believe that Ye San, who was good at using poisons, would be poisoned, but the facts were right in front of him, and no one could believe it.

The veins on Ye Wenlong's forehead were beating violently, and after a while he coldly burst out two words: "Su Chen!"

There is no need to think about it. This matter was 100% done by Su Chen. Otherwise, if Ye San went out to assassinate Su Chen, he would be killed by another strong man. It was not such a coincidence.

"Su Chen, I underestimated you after all!" Ye Wenlong gritted his teeth. Although Ye San's cultivation is not among the top ten in the Ye family, he is good at using poison and assassination. Over the years, he has helped Ye Wenlong do many immoral things with blood on his hands, and he is an extremely capable subordinate of Ye Wenlong.

As a result, in order to kill Su Chen, Ye San was sacrificed. Ye Wenlong felt itching with hatred when he thought about it.

"Master, what should we do now?" the subordinate asked.

"What to do?" Ye Wenlong calmed down quickly, "Of course, kill Su Chen and avenge Xuan'er and Ye San."

Nowadays, the Ye family and Su Chen have a blood feud. Ye Xuan was completely destroyed by Su Chen, and Ye San died because of Su Chen. Naturally, the Ye family cannot let go of this debt so easily.

However, just when Ye Wenlong was about to give the next order, a Ye family spy in charge of intelligence hurriedly came to report: "Master, Su Chen...he has moved into the Five Treasures Hall!"


Ye Wenlong almost couldn't believe his ears, "Are you sure?"

"It's absolutely true, I'm sure. I saw Su Chen entering Wubaotang yesterday afternoon, but he hasn't come out until now. I asked the guys from Wubaotang to inquire, and they said that yesterday the shopkeeper Min from Wubaotang gave Su Chen Rooms arranged.”

"This Su Chen really has two tricks up his sleeve!" Ye Wenlong's face was extremely gloomy. He didn't believe that Su Chen just happened to live in Wubaotang on a whim. He must have known that his Ye family would not let him go, so he moved to Wubaotang. To avoid disaster.

But the most incredible thing is that Wubaotang actually let Su Chen live in it. You must know that Wubaotang is not an inn, it is just a few guest rooms temporarily used to entertain distinguished guests. And who is Su Chen, and why would Five Treasures Hall let him live there?

"Master, if Su Chen lives in Wubao Hall, doesn't it mean that we can't touch him?" The subordinate also said with an ugly expression. Wubao Hall will not be afraid of any local forces in Qinghe City because of the support of the headquarters. Once Su Chen moved into Wubao Hall, the Ye family wanted to cause trouble for him again, but it was extremely difficult.

"Why are you so anxious? I don't believe that Su Chen entered the Five Treasures Hall and never came out again!" Ye Wenlong said gloomily, "What's more, even if he really doesn't take a step out of the Five Treasures Hall, I want to see how he can hide. Until when?”

"That's right!" His subordinates also suddenly realized, "Su Chen can't hide in Wubao Hall all his life, let's just spend our time with him!"

"Come here!" Ye Wenlong ordered, "Keep an eye on the Five Treasures Hall. As soon as Su Chen leaves the Five Treasures Hall, come and report to me immediately!"

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