Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 83: Breakthrough to the Second Level of Condensing Yuan Realm

At the same time, Su Chen, whom they were talking about, was already sitting cross-legged in the guest room of Wubaotang.

Although living in the Five Treasures Hall temporarily relieved the immediate danger, Su Chen's heart did not feel relaxed because of this, but the sense of crisis became even heavier.

Because he can't live in Wubaotang for the rest of his life. He will always have to get out. It's just a matter of time.

"We must improve our strength as soon as possible!" Su Chen murmured. Since his rebirth in this life, he has longed for strong strength all the time. In the world of martial arts, only by having strong strength can you live freely and freely!

For now, if you have enough strength to compete with the Ye family, why should you hide in Wubao Hall?


Su Chen gathered his thoughts, picked up a porcelain bottle from beside him, uncorked the bottle, and poured out a bright red pill as big as a fingernail.

This bright red elixir is called Ling Gathering Pill, and it is a type of elixir that warriors in the Condensing Yuan Realm take when practicing. Its function is different from that of Xiao Yuan Dan. After taking Xiao Yuan Dan, it contains a small amount of spiritual energy that can be absorbed by warriors, while the function of Juling Dan is that after taking it, it can speed up the absorption of spiritual energy by warriors and maintain it for twelve years. hours.

To use an analogy, Xiaoyuan Dan is like rice, while Gathering Spirit Pill is something that can speed up eating.

These spirit-gathering pills were made by Su Chen after he purchased the materials at Wubao Hall and asked Shopkeeper Min to send them to the Alchemy Guild for Master Mo to refine them. Firstly, it was inconvenient for Su Chen to leave the Five Treasures Hall by himself, and secondly, since Su Chen agreed that Master Mo would attend the promotion day of the Alchemy Guild, in return, it was not too much to ask Master Mo to help refine a few bottles of spirit-gathering pills.

If it were an ordinary warrior, it would be good to take one Spirit Gathering Pill every ten days and a half. But here, Su Chen can eat it like jelly beans, one a day to maintain a seamless connection.

At this moment, the Spirit-Gathering Pill lying quietly in Su Chen's palm was bright red, round, and fragrant. It was obviously refined with care, and its quality reached ten stars.

Su Chen took a deep breath of satisfaction and had to say that Master Mo was a very reliable ally.

The Spirit Gathering Pill can increase the speed of a warrior's practice. Although it is not very helpful, if taken together with the Xiao Yuan Pill, the effect is still considerable.

Su Chen opened one of the boxes next to him. There were a hundred small Yuan Dan neatly arranged in the box.

Now that Su Chen has been promoted to the Condensing Yuan Realm and possesses the Five Elements True Yuan Core, his need for spiritual energy has reached a terrifying level. In order to meet these needs, the number of Xiao Yuan Dan he took during practice every day also increased from one to ten.

"At this consumption rate, the Xiaoyuan Dan won from Jiang Shan and Jiang He will be consumed in a short time."

Su Chen shook his head and stopped thinking about the problem. He took out ten small yuan pills and swallowed them together with the spirit gathering pill.

After taking the Xiao Yuan Dan and the Spirit Gathering Pill, Su Chen had a lot of spiritual energy in his belly. He began to enter a state of cultivation, running the "Chaos Immortal Record" to absorb the spiritual energy and transform it into the true essence in his Dantian.

Under the influence of "Chaos Immortal Record", the benefits brought by these elixirs were completely absorbed by Su Chen's body, without any waste.

Logically speaking, the existence of the Five Elements True Essence Core would greatly slow down Su Chen's cultivation speed. However, one of the major advantages of "Chaos Immortal Record" is its extremely fast cultivation speed. Coupled with the blessing of Spirit Gathering Pill and Xiao Yuan Pill, Su Chen's cultivation speed is still much ahead of the same level of warriors.

During focused practice, time flies by.

A few days later, an exquisite figure came to Wubao Hall and appeared outside the door of Su Chen's room.

This exquisite figure is none other than Jiang Tingyi. If she hadn't been Su Chen's cousin, Wubaotang would not have let her in, let alone come to the door of Su Chen's room.

"Su Chen, I have to leave."

Jiang Tingyi said through the door of the room that today is the day when Instructor Ouyang will take her to Tianyue College. Instructor Ouyang has already obtained the Lihuo Pill from Master Mo, and naturally will not stay in Qinghe City anymore, but is preparing to leave.

After Jiang Tingyi said this to the door of the room, she waited quietly. However, Su Chen in the room seemed to be focused on practicing at the moment and did not respond.

Jiang Tingyi pursed her lips, raised her little hand, and wanted to knock on the door, but halfway up, she put it down as if she had changed her mind.

"I will work hard to become stronger. When I become a truly strong man, I will appear in front of you again!"

Jiang Tingyi said this swornly to the closed door, then turned and left the door.

Next time, she will appear in front of Su Chen as a strong person. Before that, she would never see Su Chen again!

Of course, Su Chen in the room didn't know what was happening outside the door.

Time flew by and fifteen days passed.

On the sixteenth day, the Five Elements True Essence Core in Su Chen's Dantian was buzzing incessantly. It had expanded to a limit and could no longer accommodate any trace of True Essence.

"It's time to start attacking the second level of Condensation Realm."

After Su Chen's mind sank into his Dantian, he began to condense the second Five Elements True Essence Core.

In the dantian, the five strands of true energy gradually condensed into five separate small dots. From the five small dots, they gradually turned into five small cores that rotated at high speed. Then they rotated faster and faster, growing rapidly. During this process, the Dantian is also constantly expanding to accommodate more true energy.

This process lasted for five full hours.

Five hours later, the second Five Elements True Essence Core was finally formed. Like the first Five Elements True Essence Core, it is a large True Essence Core composed of five small True Essence Cores. The five small True Essence Cores are in five colors: gold, green, blue, red, and yellow, and attract each other. They repel each other, maintaining a wonderful balance.

"Second level of Condensing Yuan Realm, done!"

Su Chen let out a long breath and opened his eyes. There was a faint electric light in his eyes, carrying a confident and powerful power.

From today on, he is a second-level warrior in the Condensation Realm. Moreover, his strength is much stronger than that of ordinary second-level warriors in the Condensation Realm, and he can be said to be invincible at the same level.

"After breaking through the second level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, it's time to practice martial arts."

A warrior's cultivation and martial arts are indispensable. Even if he has a strong cultivation, if his martial arts cannot keep up, he will suffer in actual combat. Therefore, after breaking through to a new realm, warriors usually have to hone their martial arts so that they can keep up with the improvement of their cultivation.

For the next five days, Su Chen practiced "Large Wave Slash" in the martial arts field in the backyard of Wubaotang.

On the fifth day, Su Chen cut out with his sword, cutting a three-inch deep mark on the metal martial arts stake in the martial arts training ground.

"The hard work pays off. The "Falling Waves Slash" has been successfully cultivated to the realm of 'One Sword Nine Waves', and the power has doubled again." Su Chen's eyes sparkled. The further "Folding Waves Slash" goes, the harder it is to break through to the next level. But it only took him five days to practice from the eighth wave to the ninth wave. This speed is enough to be proud of.

Now Su Chen, with the ninth-level sword wave realm, can easily defeat the third-level warrior of the Condensing Yuan realm. Even if he goes all out, it is not impossible to fight against a fourth-level warrior in the Condensation Realm.

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