Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 81: Playing with drugs and seeking death in front of me

"One sword and eight waves!"

Su Chen immediately activated his sword skills and swung out his sword to block the opponent's sharp blade.


The heart-wrenching sound of gold and stone intersecting sounded. Su Chen felt a numbness in his wrist and almost couldn't hold the Canghai Sword in his hand.

"Third level of Condensation Realm!" Su Chen also immediately judged that Ye San's cultivation level was two levels higher than his own. He was a difficult opponent.

Although Su Chen had defeated Ye Xuan before, he was only able to defeat him with one sword after he understood the weaknesses of the opponent's moves.

The Ye San in front of him had obviously much more combat experience than Ye Xuan, and was also much more sophisticated. His moves were so changeable that Su Chen would not have the chance to judge his weaknesses.

"Boy, they said you defeated Ye Xuan, but I still don't believe it. Now it seems that it is indeed interesting!"

Ye Sanjie smiled ferociously, "For such a genius to die under my hands, Ye San, you deserve to die."

As he spoke, Ye San licked his lips and stabbed hard again with the sharp blade in his hand.

"Eight Waves of Sword!" Su Chen used his sword again and blocked Ye San's sharp blade.

However, after being blocked by Su Chen, Ye San suddenly opened his mouth and blew out a breath on Su Chen's face.

It can be seen with the naked eye that there is some green powder mixed in the breath.

"Poisonous?" Su Chen frowned.

"Jiejiejiejiejie..." Ye San smiled extremely proudly, "You are indeed not too stupid. You have been hit by my Tianxiang Powder and cannot be saved by medicine or stone. You can just wait for death in peace!"

Saying that, Ye Sanhao waited for a while, and when he was sure that the poison had taken effect in Su Chen's body, he walked over with a sharp knife, ready to slit Su Chen's throat.

However, when Ye San approached Su Chen, Su Chen, who should have been poisoned and unable to move, suddenly moved!

"Look at the sword!"

Su Chen suddenly drew his sword and swept it towards Ye San as fast as the wind!

"What?" Ye San was surprised. He didn't expect that Su Chen, who seemed to have been poisoned, could still move. Could it be that this kid wasn't poisoned?

Seeing that Su Chen's sword was about to hit Ye San, at the critical moment, Ye San finally showed off his strength as a third-level powerhouse in the Condensing Yuan Realm. While retreating sharply, he moved his body at an extremely incredible angle, which could easily hit Su. Chen dodged the sword, so that the sword did not hit the vital point and only made a shallow wound on one arm.

When Ye San narrowly escaped death, he couldn't help but be afraid. He almost died just now, but his Tianxiang Powder didn't poison Su Chen?

"How is it possible that you haven't been poisoned?" Ye San stared at Su Chen in disbelief. His Tianxiang Powder caught even the sixth level powerhouse of the Condensing Yuan Realm off guard and was hit. Su Chen was only at the first level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, how could he not have been attacked?

Ye San didn't know that he was facing a person with the memory of the Alchemy Emperor. As the Alchemy Emperor in his previous life, Su Chen was not only good at refining pills, but also good at poisoning. Playing poison in front of Su Chen is tantamount to playing tricks on others.

Let alone a mere Tianxiang Powder poison, even a poison a hundred times more complicated than this would not be able to defeat Su Chen.

For Su Chen, the poison of Tianxiang Powder was just something that came easily. The first moment he inhaled the Tianxiang Powder, he had already judged the ingredients in Tianxiang Powder, and in a very short period of time, he had learned from it. Find the antidote among some medicinal materials you carry with you.

At this moment, facing Ye San's question, Su Chen chuckled: "I'm sorry, you are just a little poisonous at a pediatric level. You might be able to poison a few mosquitoes and flies, but you want to poison me, but it's just a dream!"


Ye San was furious. How could he not realize that Su Chen was openly mocking his ability to use poison.

He was a master of poison in Qinghe City. Many powerful men who were a head above him in cultivation had fallen victim to his poison. Now being insulted by a little kid with no hair on his face was simply the biggest stain in his life.

"Boy, suffer death!"

In anger, Ye San also held a sharp blade and fiercely attacked Su Chen again.


Su Chen smiled faintly, but he stood still, not even raising his hand, as if he had no intention of defending at all.

Seeing this scene, Ye San was even more furious: "Boy, do you look down on me?"

After all, he, Ye San, is also a strong person at the third level of the Condensing Yuan Realm. Even if the poison fails, he still has the strength of the third level of the Condensing Yuan Realm. Su Chen was at the first level of the Condensation Realm. Facing his attacks but not defending himself, he was looking for death!

Su Chen smiled lightly and said, "When facing a dying person, is there any need to talk about whether you respect someone or not?"

Ye San said angrily: "A dying person? Boy, if you think you can kill me with your first level of Condensation Realm, then you are totally wrong. You will die!"

Saying that, Ye San raised the sharp blade in his hand high, intending to kill Su Chen on the spot.

"No, why can't I raise my true energy?"

Ye San was horrified to find that the true energy in his Dantian suddenly seemed to have disappeared, becoming empty!

Moreover, not only that, there was also a feeling of numbness coming up bit by bit throughout his whole body.

"Boy, you...you poisoned me?" Ye San couldn't believe it. As a poison master, he would be poisoned by others. This was simply ridiculous.

Moreover, from the beginning to the end, he didn't realize when he was poisoned. How did Su Chen poison him?

"Suffer death."

Su Chen raised his sword and swung it. The light of the sword easily wiped Ye San's neck, and blood surged wildly.


Ye San's body fell straight to the ground. There was still some reluctance in his eyes, as if he was still unwilling to give up. He had used poison all his life, but in the end he fell under the poison of others.

Su Chen glanced at Ye San's body indifferently, clapped his hands to wipe away the remaining medicinal powder.

Ye San never thought until his death that once his Tianxiang Powder encountered the pollen of the Fragrant Flower, its medicinal properties would change and turn into another more poisonous poison. Once a warrior below the seventh level of the Condensation Realm If inhaled, the whole body will be paralyzed, and the true energy in the Dantian will not be lifted up.

And the most important thing is that this strange poison is colorless and odorless, making it difficult for people to detect. It was precisely because of this that when Ye San was close to Su Chen just now, he was completely unaware and fell into the trap.

Looking at Ye San's deadpan face, Su Chen's eyes turned cold: "What a Ye family, but they didn't dare to openly attack me due to the existence of Teacher Ouyang, so they sent the elder in charge of assassination to assassinate me. In this way, once I If I die, if they destroy the body and destroy the traces, no trace will be left, and no one will know that it was the Ye family who sent people to kill me. "

The Ye family is indeed good at making plans, but unfortunately they met Su Chen, and all these plans failed.

However, this assassination also reminded Su Chen that now he is in danger all the time. The Ye family will definitely not let it go until they see Ye San return.

Returning to the Jiang family is not a good choice. The Jiang family will not protect him. Even Jiang Shan and Jiang He should be eager to see him die.

Thinking of this, Su Chen turned around and walked towards the Five Treasures Hall instead of the Jiang family.

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