Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 80 Promotion Day

"By the way, Mr. Mo, I want to ask you to find someone to inquire about something." Su Chen said.

"What's the matter? As long as I can do it, I will try my best to help you find out." Master Mo was very enthusiastic.

"Jiang Hai from the Jiang family has been missing for ten years without any news. Can Mr. Mo help ask someone to inquire?" Su Chen knew that an alchemist with high moral character and respect like Mr. Mo often has a very wide network of contacts that ordinary people cannot find out. It might be helpful to ask him for help.

"Jiang Hai?" Master Mo also understood and nodded, "Okay, I will try my best to ask someone to help you find out. However, it is too long ago, so you may not be able to find out useful information, so you have to be mentally prepared."

Su Chen nodded and said, "I'm very grateful that Mr. Mo is willing to help."

Master Mo thought for a while and then suggested: "If you really want to find out Jiang Hai's whereabouts, then I have a suggestion."

"Mr. Mo, please tell me."

"To say that the most well-informed place in the entire Anyang County is the Yanbo Pavilion in Anyang City. It is an organization that specializes in inquiring about information for people and doing intelligence business."

Master Mo said eloquently, "It's just that the owner of Yanbo Pavilion lives in seclusion. It is difficult for ordinary people to ask him to find out information for them, not even high-ranking officials. There is only one way to find out information from Yanbo Pavilion, and that is to exchange treasures. , a rare treasure that can be exchanged for a piece of news from Yanbo Pavilion.”

Su Chen's eyes moved slightly. He had never heard of this Yanbo Pavilion in his previous life, but it was a good choice to inquire about Jiang Hai.

However, Su Chen immediately shook his head: "I don't have such rare treasures to exchange information with Yanbo Pavilion."

Master Mo showed an expression of frowning and thinking hard. After a moment, he suddenly clapped his hands: "Yes!"

"Mr. Mo has an idea?"

"Yes, I have an idea."

Master Mo looked at Su Chen with a smile, "I wonder if you have heard that the alchemy branches have grades?"

"I've heard it once or twice." Su Chen nodded.

Master Mo said: "Our alchemy branch in Qinghe City is a first-grade pill. The standard for this judgment is that the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch can refine a first-grade pill at most. If the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch can refine a second-grade pill, medicine, then the level of the Alchemy Guild can also be raised to the second level."

"Isn't Mr. Mo already able to refine second-grade elixirs?" Su Chen frowned. Last time he instructed Master Mo to successfully refine the Snow Lotus Fortune Pill, which was already at a second-and-a-half-grade level. Not to mention that the Lihuo Pill that Master Mo just promised to help him refine has reached the second level.

Moreover, only those who have refined second-grade elixirs and obtained the title of second-grade alchemist are qualified to be called masters by the world. Master Mo should have been able to refine second-grade elixirs long ago.

Master Mo gave a wry smile: "It's true that I personally can refine second-grade elixirs, but the standard for the alchemy branch to be promoted to second-grade elixirs is that in addition to the president, there needs to be another person who can also refine second-grade elixirs. , that is, two people must be able to refine the second-grade elixir at the same time.”

"As for the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch, there is no second person who can refine the second-grade elixir, so it has been stuck in the first-grade elixir. For this reason, it is often ridiculed by the alchemy branches of several other cities." Master Mo smiled bitterly. "And in a few days, the triennial Alchemy Branch promotion day will come again..."

"Qinghe City Alchemy Branch still can't advance to the second level this time?" Su Chen asked.

"Normally speaking, you can't advance, but..." Master Mo looked at Su Chen expectantly, "If you, Little Friend Su, had participated, the result might have been different."


Su Chen laughed dryly, and after taking such a big detour, it turned out that Master Mo had this idea.

"But, what does this have to do with Yanbo Pavilion and rare treasures?" Su Chen asked with a raised brow.

Master Mo said with a smile: "Of course it is related. The relationship is that if the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch is promoted to the second level this time, in addition to doubling the equipment, materials and silver it receives from the Alchemy Association every year, it will also You will receive a promotion reward from the Federation - Panlong Grass, which is a priceless treasure!"

"Oh?" Su Chen finally showed real interest. He knew that Panlongcao was a valuable medicinal material for alchemy, with a price but no market.

If you use Panlong Grass in exchange for Yanbo Pavilion, you should be able to ask Yanbo Pavilion to inquire about Jiang Hai's whereabouts.

Master Mo smiled and said: "How about it, Su Xiaoyou should be willing to do this deal now, right?"

"I will go to the promotion day and get the Coiling Dragon Grass for me." Su Chen also said with a smile. This condition is not a disadvantage to him. Anyway, it is just an elixir, and he has refined it countless times in his previous life.

"Deal!" Master Mo said hurriedly. This deal is a sure profit for the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch. Anyway, what the Qinghe City Alchemy Branch wants is the resources of the second-grade alchemy branch. The added resources in the past few years add up to It is equivalent to several Panlong grass.

This deal is a win-win for both parties.

"When is the promotion day?" Su Chen asked.

"On the first day of next month, that is twenty days from now." Master Mo said.

Su Chen nodded: "I will go that day."

"Su Xiaoyou, I will wait for you that day."

Master Mo sent Su Chen to the door of the Alchemy Guild with a smile on his face.

Su Chen left the Alchemy Guild and walked towards Jiang's house. However, when passing by a secluded alley, Su Chen suddenly stopped.

"Someone is following me."

As an alchemist, Su Chen's powerful soul power made him realize that there was a follower behind him.

"I was too careless, I didn't find you until now!" Su Chen suddenly turned around, his eyes like lightning, and glanced at a big tree not far behind him.

Behind the big tree, a figure couldn't dodge, so it simply stopped hiding and jumped out openly.

"Humph, your death has come!" This man was wrapped in black tights, holding a sharp blade with a cold light in his hand, and his eyes looked extremely fierce on his face with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

"Who sent you, the Ye family or the Wang family?"

Su Chen said calmly, "I guess it should be the Ye family. Ye Xuan's Dantian was destroyed by me, and everyone in the Ye family must hate me deeply now."

"Boy, how smart are you!" The man in black smiled ferociously, "It's a pity that you won't survive today. No one who has been targeted by Ye San has ever escaped!"

"Are you Ye San?" Su Chen had heard of this name. Ye San was an elder of the Ye family who specialized in assassination. He rarely appeared in front of others, so his reputation was very low.

However, it would be a big mistake to underestimate Ye San because of this. This Ye Sanping has always been wandering in the darkness, and has done many shady assassinations for the Ye family. His hands are stained with blood. It is not an exaggeration to call him an executioner who kills without blinking.

"The Ye family actually sent an elder-level figure to assassinate me. They really think highly of me." Su Chen smiled lightly, already having the Canghai Sword in his hand.

"Boy, go to hell and repent. The worst thing you did in your life was that you shouldn't have provoked the Ye family."

After Ye San said fiercely, he exerted force with his feet and rushed towards Su Chen at an extremely fast speed. The sharp blade shining with cold light in his hand stabbed at the vital part of Su Chen's chest.

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