Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 7 Healing on the spot

Immediately afterwards, a thin, middle-aged alchemist wearing an alchemy robe appeared from the back hall and walked towards this side.

"Li Jun?" Su Chen narrowed his eyes when he saw this middle-aged man. He had an impression of this middle-aged man named Li Jun. He remembered that in his previous life, this Li Jun was a trainee alchemist in Wubao Hall.

In the previous life, Su Chen had accidentally dealt with this Li Jun. At that time, this man was too conceited and ridiculed Su Chen as a waste.

I never expected that I would meet Li Jun again so soon after reviving my life.

"Master Li is here!"

"Alchemist Li is an intermediate trainee alchemist from Wubao Hall. He rarely shows up. I didn't expect him to show up today."

Everyone was talking about it, and even the old man and the girl couldn't help but take a second look at Li Jun when they heard that Li Jun was a trainee alchemist.

You know, in a small town like Qinghe City, it is very rare to find a trainee alchemist.

"Did you just say that this old man's injury cannot be treated with Centennial Sun Grass?" Li Jun walked directly to Su Chen, looked at Su Chen up and down, and asked.

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Su Chen asked.

"Ignorant child!"

Li Jun raised his eyebrows and rebuked angrily, "If you are injured by the ice-scaled python, of course you should use Zhiyang medicine such as Zhiyang grass as the main healing material. If it is a hundred-year Zhiyang grass, the effect will be better. This is what all alchemists It’s common sense that everyone knows. If you are a layman and don’t know anything, then you are talking nonsense. As an intermediate trainee alchemist, I should naturally stop you.”

As Li Jun spoke, he secretly glanced at the old man and girl beside him. Of course he had his own little calculation. The old man and the girl looked different from ordinary people in appearance and temperament. If he could treat their injuries, they would definitely appreciate his kindness, which would be extremely beneficial to his future.

Li Jun was making his own little plans, but Su Chen didn't give Li Jun any face at all and sneered: "You are full of nonsense."

Li Jun suddenly became furious and shouted: "Who do you think you are? I am an intermediate trainee alchemist. How dare you question me?"

Su Chen ignored Li Jun, turned around and said to the girl: "I can treat your grandfather's injury. You don't need to use the century-old Sun Herb, just the most common Yang Yuan Stone. I am willing to help you treat, on condition that Give me the hundred-year-old Zhiyang grass."

As soon as Su Chen said these words, it immediately caused an uproar in the Five Treasures Hall.

"Did I hear you correctly? This young man actually questioned an intermediate trainee alchemist?"

"He also claims to be able to cure the bite of an ice-scaled python? I think he is not even an alchemy apprentice. Isn't he bragging too much?"

Even Li Jun laughed dumbly and said disdainfully: "I thought you were going to say something? How dare you, a boy with no hair at all, claim to be able to cure the injuries of ice-scaled pythons? You don't even need the century-old Zhiyang Grass. ? I think your brain is playing tricks, or you are taking the wrong medicine?"

Su Chen ignored Li Jun, but looked at the girl and said calmly: "If you believe me today, I can help you heal the old man's injury. If you don't believe me, wait until I leave the gate of Wubaotang, you It will be too late to regret it by then.”

Li Jun said loudly: "Dear young lady, you don't have to listen to this young boy's nonsense. I vouch for my reputation as an intermediate trainee alchemist. What he said is all nonsense. Being bitten by an ice-scale python is a complex and difficult injury. It must be treated with the hundred-year-old Zhiyang Grass, and today in the entire Five Treasure Hall, only the next person has the ability to heal."

Both sides insisted on their own opinions, and for a while all eyes in the field were focused on the girl, wondering who the girl would choose to believe.

The girl pondered for a moment, obviously having a hard time making a choice.

After a moment, she bit her red lips slightly and looked at Su Chen: "Sir, I also know a little about alchemy. I want to know why you said that my grandfather's injury cannot be treated with the century-old Zhiyang Grass, but will instead become more serious?"

Su Chen glanced at the bandage on the old man's arm and said, "It's very simple, because your grandfather's wound was not the bite of the ice-scale python at all, but the bite of the cold-hearted python!"

"Chilling Python?"

The girl's expression was shocked. The Cold Heart Python is a very rare monster, and its poison is ten times more poisonous than the Ice Scale Python!

"How is it possible?" the girl said immediately, "Sir, are you mistaken? The monster that attacked my grandfather at that time should be an ice-scaled python. I can't be mistaken!"

"Ice scale python and cold heart python are difficult to distinguish from each other in appearance!"

Su Chen said calmly, pointing to the blood-stained bandage on the old man's arm, "However, from the blood stains on this bandage, we can conclude that it was a bite from the Hanxin Python."

"Because at least three hours should have passed since you were attacked in the mountains to when you entered Qinghe City and arrived at the Five Treasures Hall. However, the blood on the bandage is still seeping out, indicating that the wound has not healed."

"This is contrary to common sense, because the bandage smells like gold sore medicine. If it is an ordinary wound, it should be healed after using gold sore medicine."

"Only the Hanxin Python, because its fangs contain a substance that destroys blood coagulation function, so if you are bitten by the Hanxin Python, it will be difficult to heal."

Su Chen was calm and his faint voice floated in the hall.

Li Jun's expression changed several times. He looked at the old man's bandage and had to admit that he had indeed been negligent. He didn't even notice the blood that had been seeping out from the bandage!

At that moment, Li Jun's face was ashen and he said unconvinced: "Okay, even if it is indeed the bite of the Hanxin python as you said, so what? Could it be that the bite of the Hanxin python cannot be treated with the Centennial Sun Herb? ?”

Su Chen smiled, looked at Li Jun like an idiot, and said quietly: "Of course not, Alchemy is all about prescribing the right medicine. The toxicity of the Cold Heart Python is completely different from that of the Ice Scale Python. Naturally, the same medicine cannot be used." medicine to treat it.”

As he said that, the corners of Su Chen's mouth curled up slightly: "Master Li, the words coming out of your mouth are so unprofessional, it almost makes me wonder if your title as an intermediate trainee alchemist was obtained through deception?"

Li Jun's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he wanted to slap himself twice. He was so angry that he said the unprofessional words just now.

He immediately looked at the girl and said: "Miss, I..."

However, before Li Jun finished speaking, he was interrupted by the girl apologetically: "Alchemist Li, I want to try this young master's treatment plan first."

As soon as the girl said the words, extreme anger suddenly flashed in Li Jun's eyes. He didn't expect that between him, an intermediate trainee alchemist, and an unknown boy, he would choose to believe the latter.

However, Li Jun could not turn against the girl on the spot, because judging from the clothes and temperament of the girl and the old man, 80 to 90% of them were nobles from other places. He did not dare to offend, and he could not afford to take the risk.

"Okay, okay, let's treat it here, let me learn something!" Li Jun stood aside with a sullen face. He didn't believe that this little-known boy could really treat the injuries of Hanxin Python?

The Hanxin Python is a very rare monster. Even he, Li Jun, has only heard of it, but has never seen the bite of the Hanxin Python with his own eyes.

Li Jun believed that Su Chen was 100% bluffing. Faced with such a rare injury as the bite of the Hanxin python, Su Chen would definitely not be able to cure it, and might even make his condition worse.

When that time comes, if I, as an intermediate trainee alchemist, take action again, turn the tide in front of everyone, and rejuvenate with my skill, my reputation will surely reach a higher level.

With this thought, Li Jun simply stood aside with his arms folded and a sneer on his face, waiting to watch Su Chen's excitement.

At this time, more and more people gathered in the lobby.

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