Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 77 Ancient Alchemy Prescription

Master Mo smiled and said: "Little friend Su, you are now an honorary guest of the Alchemy Guild. You can come over at any time if you want, whether you want to borrow or not. Do you want to refine Lihuo Pill? I happen to know a little bit about this kind of pill. If Su Xiaoyou trusts me, why not give me a copy of the elixir and I will help you refine it."

Master Mo volunteered to help with the refining, and Su Chen naturally would not refuse: "Then Master Lao Mo. After refining, help me send it to Instructor Ouyang."

Although refining Lihuo Dan was easy for Su Chen, refining the elixir was after all an activity that consumed a lot of energy and energy. After each elixir refining, one had to rest for a period of time, which somewhat delayed his martial arts practice.

Therefore, it would be great to have someone to make elixirs for you.

Master Mo smiled a little sheepishly and said, "You're welcome, little friend Su. Actually, I have an unkind favor."

"Master Mo, just say it, is there a problem with the alchemy?"

Master Mo was a little embarrassed: "It's not me, it's a friend of mine who came to Qinghe City as a guest. By chance, he got an ancient elixir recipe, but the ancient elixir recipe was too old, and many of the writings on it were blurred and lacked Several ingredients cannot be used to successfully refine it. If you, Su Xiaoyou, can make this recipe..."

Su Chen smiled and said, "Mo Lao wants me to help complete this elixir recipe?"

Master Mo nodded: "This elixir is called 'Shenquan Dan'. It is a special elixir for treating some infectious diseases such as plague. If it can be completed, if there is an outbreak of plague in the future, it will be able to save many people." life."

Somehow, although Master Mo had never seen Su Chen's attainments in ancient elixir recipes, he subconsciously felt that if he left this difficult problem to Su Chen, he might be able to get the desired result.

"I see."

Su Chen couldn't help but think of his previous life. A plague broke out in Qinghe City and many people died. It was Master Mo who led a group of his subordinates who didn't sleep a wink for twenty days in a row and finally brought the epidemic under control.

However, Su Chen did not expect that Master Mo would already be exposed to the elixir for treating the plague at such an early date.

If the recipe for Shenquan Dan can be completed in this life, then when the plague breaks out in the future, it will not take twenty days to control it, and so many people will not die.

Thinking of this, Su Chen nodded and said decisively: "Mr. Mo, please lead the way."

Master Mo was happy and said: "Little friend Su, please!"

The two left Master Mo's alchemy room, went up to the fifth floor, and came to the door of a guest room.

Master Mo knocked on the door symbolically twice, then pushed the door open and saw a very exquisitely decorated guest room. There were two old men sitting in the guest room, one of whom was full of white hair, and the other was Carrying a sword on his back, he looked relatively younger.

As soon as he saw Master Mo coming in, the white-haired old man stood up with a smile, pointed at the younger old man carrying a sword, and said to Master Mo: "Brother Mo, you are here just in time, let me introduce you. This is brother Shi Tiexinshi, he is a famous master in both alchemy and martial arts in Anyang County. He happened to be passing by Qinghe City today, so I specially invited him to come and get to know you."

When Master Mo heard what the other party said, he couldn't introduce Su Chen immediately out of politeness, so he cupped his hands to the old man named Shi Tiexin and said, "Brother Shi, I have admired him for a long time."

"Brother Mo has been admired for a long time." The old man named Shi Tiexin also said with a hearty smile, "I have heard of Brother Mo for a long time. Brother Mo has an outstanding attainment in alchemy and is famous throughout Anyang County. Today I finally See the real person."

Master Mo said humbly: "That's everyone's false praise. When it comes to alchemy skills, I'm not as good as Brother Sun Xuan."

The Sun Xuan he mentioned was naturally the white-haired old man.

Sun Xuan smiled and said: "Brother Mo, why should you be so modest? Your alchemy skills are much better than mine. I heard that you just refined the Snow Lotus Fortune Pill not long ago. I haven't congratulated you here yet."

"Brother Sun, Brother Shi, you two are here today, so I will take this opportunity to introduce to you -"

Master Mo was halfway through his words when he was interrupted by Sun Xuan. Sun Xuan said excitedly: "Brother Mo, Brother Shi is here today. The three of us work together and we will definitely be able to conquer the formula of Shenquan Dan." ”

"Brother Sun, Brother Shi, let me introduce to you first -"

Master Mo wanted to say again, but was interrupted by Shi Tiexin's loud voice: "Hahaha, Brother Sun, you praise me too much. How can my alchemy level be compared with the two of you?"

Master Mo was helpless. He knew that these two people actually had no ill intentions. It was not that they did not see Su Chen or that they deliberately ignored Su Chen. It's just that Su Chen is too young. Standing next to three gray-haired old guys, he looks like a junior. Sun Xuan and Shi Tiexin obviously regard Su Chen as an ordinary junior.


Master Mo had no choice but to cough twice. At this moment, Sun Xuan and Shi Tiexin finally focused their attention on him. They both stared at him with confusion.

"Brother Sun, Brother Shi, I would like to solemnly introduce to you little friend Su Chen. He is an alchemy master that even I can't match!" Master Mo finally said what he wanted to say.

Later, Master Mo said to Su Chen: "Little friend Su, these two are my friends, Sun Xuan and Shi Tiexin. They are both from Anyang City and came to Qinghe City as guests."

This time, it was Sun Xuan and Shi Tiexin's turn to be extremely surprised. They both opened their mouths and stared blankly at Master Mo.

"Brother Mo, are you kidding us? This joke isn't very funny." Sun Xuan was the first to break the silence and said with a smile.

Such a young alchemy master? If the person who said this hadn't been Master Mo, he would have sneered at it.

But Master Mo looked serious: "When have I ever joked with you? Little You Su is the most incredible alchemy wizard I have ever seen in my life. It was he who guided me to successfully refine the Snow Lotus Creation Pill. Otherwise, I would study the Snow Lotus Creation Pill myself." Dan, I still don’t know when it will be successfully refined!”

At this time, Sun Xuan and Shi Tiexin were truly surprised. They both looked at Su Chen with incredible eyes.

However, no matter how they looked at Su Chen, Su Chen looked like a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old. No matter how much they believed in Master Mo, they could not help but doubt the authenticity of Master Mo's words at this moment.

After all, Su Chen was too young. Even if he started learning alchemy from his mother's womb, it only took him a few years. And who is a real alchemy master who has not accumulated decades of hard work?

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