Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 76 Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight

Su Chen!

Jiang Shan gritted his teeth and looked at the dark crowd around him, feeling embarrassed!

However, Jiang Shan also knew that those were the conditions he had personally agreed to, and if he did not fulfill them, it would never be so easy to leave today.

At that moment, Jiang Shan's face turned the color of pig liver. In front of everyone, he squeezed out two words from between his teeth: "Grandpa!"

That tone made people feel that Su Chen was not his grandfather, but his father-killing enemy.

Jiang Shan's knees also fell to the ground with a thump, thump thump thump thump, and he kowtowed three times in the direction of Su Chen.

After doing all this, Jiang Shan's face became gloomier than ever before, and he left quickly with his men.

Today, it can be said that he has lost his entire life's face in this competition ground in the south of the city.

However, Jiang Shan must feel comforted because what he suffered today was just some superficial humiliation, while the Ye family actually lost a top genius and suffered a serious loss of vitality.

"This time... I really thank you." Jiang Tingyi approached Su Chen, took a deep breath, and said in an unprecedented sincerity tone.

Su Chen smiled casually and said, "Thank you for what I did. You earned this spot on your own."

Although he passed on "Kurong Fist" to Jiang Tingyi, "Kurong Fist" is not an easy martial art to practice. If Jiang Tingyi hadn't practiced it day and night, she would never have been able to defeat Jiang Yuewu today.

"If dad were still here, he would be very happy to know that I entered Tianyue College." Jiang Tingyi was silent for a while and said softly.

Jiang Hai!

Su Chen's heart was also touched by the man Jiang Tingyi suddenly mentioned.

He had never met Jiang Hai in his previous life. In his impression of his previous life, he was a legendary figure. He was once the number one genius in Qinghe City in the past. He was extremely talented, but he disappeared for no reason during a family mission ten years ago.

Moreover, from Xu Yin's unintentional words, it seems that it can be revealed that Jiang Hai's disappearance is not as simple as it seems.

In the previous life, until Su Chen went to the Dan Realm at the age of thirty, there was no news that Jiang Hai had been found.

In this life, will things be different?

Su Chen put his thoughts aside and said, "Cousin, you can go home first, I have something else to do."

He was going to the Alchemy Guild to refine the Lihuo Pill promised to Master Ouyang.

At that moment, Su Chen's figure left the competition ground in the south of the city in a flash.

at the same time.

The Ye Family Mansion.

Several alchemists came out of Ye Xuan's room and shook their heads when they saw Ye Wenlong waiting outside the room.

"Master Ye, Ye Xuan's injury was too serious. The opponent used a sword with true energy to pierce his Dantian. His Dantian has been completely destroyed and cannot be repaired. You'd better express your condolences."

"My condolences, how can I express my condolences!" Ye Wenlong's eyes were filled with fire. Ye Xuan was the junior he had the highest hopes for. He had already broken through to the third level of the Condensation Realm and had a bright future. As a result, his Dantian was destroyed and he could only lie in bed and be a useless person for the rest of his life. How could he be willing to do this!

Ye Xuan's dethronement is not only a loss for Ye Xuan, but also a loss for everyone in the Ye family. The Ye family will be greatly damaged by this!

"Su Chen!" Ye Wenlong gritted his teeth and spat out the name from between his teeth, "You cripple me, Xuan'er, and you want to get away with it, just dream!"

"Come here, call Ye San in!" Ye Wenlong ordered.

at the same time.

The royal residence.

"Master, today Su Chen destroyed Ye Xuan's Dantian. The Ye family will definitely not let it go. I think if we..."

An elder of the Wang family said while wiping his neck.

Wang Lie tapped his hands regularly on the armrests of the chair. After pondering for a moment, he uttered five words: "Sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!"

The elder of the Wang family was unwilling to give in: "Master, why don't we add fuel to the flames? Su Chen broke both of Wang Zhong's arms, and he had to lie in bed for a year and a half to recover! If this revenge is not avenged, Where will our Wang family’s face go from now on?”

Wang Lie glanced at the elder lightly: "Sixth Elder, I know that Wang Zhong is your grandson. His arms were broken. Naturally, we must avenge this, but not now!"

"Now, the people who hate Su Chen the most are the Ye family. Ye Xuan was destroyed by Su Chen. Ye Wenlong will definitely hate Su Chen to the bone. Ye Wenlong will make Su Chen irreversible without us doing anything, so why should we bother That thought? "

"Taking a step back, even if the Ye family fails to suppress Su Chen and results in a lose-lose outcome, then this result is exactly what we want!"

Wang Lie spat out cold words and raised the corners of his mouth, as if he wanted to see both the Ye family and Su Chen suffer losses.

Su Chen came to the Alchemy Guild, and the familiar person reported Master Mo's name and asked to see Master Mo by name.

Su Chen is now a somewhat famous figure in Qinghe City. Everyone in the Alchemy Guild knows that Master Mo thinks highly of him and even went to the birthday banquet to support him. But they don't know that Su Chen is actually an honorary figure in the Alchemy Guild. Just a guest.

"Master Su, please come here. I will take you to see Master Mo right away!" the alchemy apprentice in charge of the reception said with enthusiasm. Judging from his expression, it was obvious that he regarded Su Chen as a junior whom Master Mo valued highly.

——You can't blame them. With the imagination of ordinary people, the most they can imagine is this step. Who can imagine that Master Mo actually regards Su Chen as his guru and expects Su Chen to give him guidance?

Soon, Su Chen came to Master Mo's alchemy room.

"Master Su!" Master Mo was surprised and happy when he saw Su Chen and stood up.

Su Chen smiled and said: "From now on, Mr. Mo, no matter in front of others or behind others, don't call me master, just call me by my name."

Master Mo shook his head repeatedly: "How can that be done!" Su Chen had given him guidance twice. In his mind, it meant that he had the favor of preaching and gaining karma. He just had to keep a low profile in front of outsiders, but in private, He must be respectfully called Master Su Chenyi.

Su Chen deliberately made a serious face: "If you call me master again in the future, I will fall out with you and never teach you any knowledge about alchemy again."

"This -" Master Mo was embarrassed and could only say, "Then, just like in front of others, let's call him Su Xiaoyou."

"What do you want to do when Su Xiaoyou comes to the Alchemy Guild this time?" Master Mo asked.

"Nothing else, it's just that I want to refine a few Lihuo Pills, and I need to borrow the Elephant Pattern Fire Dragon Furnace from the Alchemy Guild." Lihuo Pill is an elixir with fire attributes, and the Elephant Pattern Fire Dragon Furnace also has fire attributes. And a yang-attributed pill furnace, which is perfect for refining the Lihuo Pill.

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