Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 78 I really don’t take it seriously

"I wonder which alchemy sect Su Xiaoyou is a disciple of? Are you traveling here?" Sun Xuan asked cautiously. The only thing he could imagine was this situation. There are several alchemy sects in the Yunyuan Empire. , they may concentrate the efforts of the entire sect to cultivate some key disciples to pass on the sect, and they will often use some unknown means. The disciples trained in this way may have unimaginable alchemy attainments.

However, Su Chen shook his head and denied Sun Xuan's guess: "I live in Qinghe City and am not a disciple of any Alchemy Sect."

"You mean you are a native of Qinghe City?" Sun Xuan was even more surprised, and he and Shi Tiexin looked at each other in confusion. Everyone knows that Dan Dao is different from martial arts, and it is the most important thing to pass on. If there is no teacher, if you want to learn Dan Dao, It is extremely difficult to get started on the Tao, which is why every city has an alchemy guild, to give those whose families have no alchemy background the opportunity to become alchemists.

The most accomplished person in the Qinghe City Alchemy Guild is Master Mo, but from Master Mo's tone, it is obvious that Su Chen is not his disciple, so where did Su Chen learn alchemy from?

Among Sun Xuan and Shi Tiexin, Shi Tiexin had the more fiery temper and said directly: "Brother Mo, I speak frankly, don't blame me for being rude. How can a young boy from Qinghe City who is still young be some kind of alchemy master?" , you must have been deceived by him."

As he said that, Shi Tiexin looked at Su Chen: "Boy, who gave you the courage to go to the Alchemy Guild and lie to people? You are simply eating the courage of a bear and a leopard, and you are impatient to live!"

Su Chen had long disliked this person. When he heard this, he raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Do I still need you to define whether I am lying or not?"

"Little friend Su Chen, don't be surprised. Brother Shi said this because he has never seen you before. When he knows your level, he won't say it again."

Master Mo quickly smoothed things over, and at the same time urged Sun Xuan: "Brother Sun, please quickly take out the ancient elixir recipe of the Shenquan elixir you obtained."

No matter what Shi Tiexin says now, as long as Su Chen can successfully complete the ancient elixir recipe, even if he only completes one or two of the medicines, Shi Tiexin can shut up.

"Uh--" Sun Xuan was a little hesitant. He spent a lot of money to buy this ancient elixir recipe. Although it was an incomplete elixir recipe, it was still a valuable treasure. At this moment, he was asked to take it out casually. Looking at it from a stranger, it would be a lie to say that he had no hesitation.

"Brother Sun, hurry up." Master Mo was still urging.

However, seeing Sun Xuan's expression, Master Mo finally understood: "Brother Sun, you don't believe me?"

"No, no." Sun Xuan quickly explained, "Brother Mo, you and I have been close friends for many years. The reason why I came to Qinghe City to visit you this time is to discuss this ancient elixir recipe with you. How could I not I believe you?"

"Then why are you hesitant and unwilling to come up with the elixir recipe?" Master Mo frowned.

Sun Xuan hesitated, not sure whether he should say that he didn't believe Su Chen and didn't want to show the precious ancient elixir in front of Su Chen.

His hesitant look caught Master Mo's eyes, causing Master Mo to frown: "Brother Sun, it seems you don't believe Su Xiaoyou anymore."

"I brought you Su Xiaoyou, so I can vouch for his character. What's more, if you want to complete this recipe today, you still need to rely on Su Xiaoyou. Even if you don't believe in him, you have to believe in me, right?" Master Mo Somewhat unhappy.

Sun Xuan was naturally willing to believe Master Mo, but for Su Chen, he would be lying if he said he had no hesitation. An alchemy master as young as Su Chen was completely beyond his understanding.

"Oh, Brother Sun, you really wasted all my good intentions and brought Little Friend Su here to see you!" Master Mo was really angry. He stood up and waved his hand, "Here, let's see him off! Ask him to get out!"

Sun Xuan couldn't believe it and said: "Brother Mo, you want to drive me away?"

"That's right!" Master Mo snorted heavily, "If you don't believe Su Xiaoyou, that means you don't believe me. I think this friend should stop doing this. Leave my place immediately!"

"This..." Sun Xuan couldn't help but hesitate a little when he saw his old friend's resolute expression and tone. He was thinking, or just take out the pill recipe.

But at this moment, Shi Tiexin suddenly said from the side: "Brother Mo, there is no need to be angry. It is normal for Brother Sun to hesitate. No one would believe such a young alchemy master. If If it were me, I would definitely not take out the ancient elixir recipe. What if he learns it secretly and spreads it around?"

Shi Tiexin's words just added fuel to the fire, and Master Mo became even more angry: "Okay, since you two think so, it's just a good time to go together! Someone, bring them both together." Please get out!"

When Sun Xuan saw that Master Mo was really angry, he quickly said: "Brother Mo, don't be angry, why don't you think I can take out the pill recipe?"

"It's too late." Master Mo snorted, "You can slowly think about this ancient elixir yourself. I'm sorry that I and Su Xiaoyou won't accompany me."

"Little friend Su, I'm really sorry this time. If you want to blame, just blame me." Master Mo turned to look at Su Chen with a look of shame on his face. It was clear that Su Chen came to help complete the pill because of his face. Fang, but was met with such an attitude by Sun Xuan. At this moment, Master Mo felt very ashamed in front of Su Chen, and how could he have the nerve to ask Su Chen for help.

Su Chen looked at Master Mo's ashamed face, smiled slightly, and said, "It's okay. It's not your fault, Mr. Mo. How could I blame you?"

As he said that, Su Chen looked at Sun Xuan and Shi Tiexin indifferently: "Is a mere ancient recipe for Shenquan Dan worthy of being treasured by you? I really don't take this kind of thing seriously."

"Remember, the reason I'm helping you today is entirely for Mr. Mo's sake. Otherwise, even one glance at you, a frog in a well, would be too much for me. You'd better take the things you have back and hide them as treasures."

As he spoke, Su Chen pulled a piece of paper off the table, splashed ink on the spot, and started writing on a piece of white paper.

At first, Master Mo, Sun Xuan and Shi Tiexin didn't know what Su Chen was writing, but as time went by, Sun Xuan's eyes grew wider and wider, and he couldn't help shouting in surprise: "These are not Is it the ingredients in the Shenquan elixir recipe?”

No wonder he was so surprised, what Su Chen wrote on the white paper turned out to be the materials on the ancient elixir formula of Shenquan that Sun Xuan had in his hand. Every material was completely consistent!

For a moment, if Sun Xuan hadn't been sure that the ancient elixir recipe had always been with him and no one had touched it, he would have almost doubted whether Su Chen had seen this ancient elixir recipe.

Su Chen did not write out all the materials in the prescription in one breath. Instead, he only wrote about half of it and then stopped writing.

But even so, these materials are completely consistent with the ancient elixir recipe. There is no material that is not found in the ancient elixir recipe. This is enough to shock Sun Xuan. His eyes are as big as copper bells, and he is surprised and suspicious. looked at Su Chen.

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