Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 761 Cleaning up the portal

"Master, the poison in your body has just been cured, and your body is still very weak. Please be careful."

"Master, please don't be angry."

The elders rushed up to persuade him.

When He Peng saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel something. He sighed: "No matter how good this outsider is, he is still an outsider after all. He will stab you at any time. At the critical moment, his own blood is still reliable..."

Halfway through He Peng's words, he suddenly saw the elders present staring at him. He quickly stopped talking, scratched his head, and said nonchalantly: "I'm just speaking out of my feelings, just say whatever you want. Elders, please don't argue with me, a rough guy." ”

"Oh, you!" The great elder also shook his head. This He Peng, he doesn't pick up any pot. By saying this at this time, isn't this deliberately making Su Jingyun feel more uncomfortable?

However, after hearing He Peng's words, Su Jingyun felt thoughtful and sighed: "Oh! That's right. After all, I am stupid and ignorant, and mistakenly believed in outsiders, and even drove my own son out of the house... …”

Su Jingyun's expression kept flashing, and he was obviously thinking that his "son", Su Shi'an, who had always been favored by him, was poisoned and murdered him, while Su Shicheng, who was kicked out of his house and ignored for more than ten years, was... He has always been thinking about his body, and even invited King Dan to diagnose and treat his condition...

Comparing the two, Su Jingyun felt even more ashamed of Su Shicheng.

At this moment, Su Jingyun finally admitted that it was indeed because of his stupid impulse that he drove his biological son out of the house.

At this moment, Su Jingyun regretted it. He desperately wanted to see Su Shicheng, see his son whom he had not seen for more than ten years, and talk to him about the relationship between father and son.

"And Chen'er..."

Su Jingyun's expression was even more complicated. He was supposed to be his most important grandson, but instead he ignored him and left him alone, growing like a weed for more than ten years.

Later, he was thrown into the Zhengyi Sect, and I don’t know what’s going on now...

Thinking of this, Su Jingyun wished he could immediately send someone to Zhengyi Sect to pick up Su Chen.

It's all my fault that I'm old and confused. I don't care about my own grandson, but I raise Su Shi'an's son as my own grandson.

When Su Jingyun thought of this, he wanted to slap himself twice.

However, these are not the most important things. The most important task now is to take down Su Shi'an, the white-eyed wolf!

"Help me out immediately. Today, I will personally perform my duties as the head of the family and clean up the house!"

Su Jingyun's momentum was shaken. Although his body was still very weak, he had the bearing of a superior person.

"The head of the family..."

The Great Elder gave a wry smile and said, "Now Su Shi'an is no longer something we can clean up if we want to..."

Su Jingyun was stunned for a moment, and then his brows slowly wrinkled.

"Master, except for us old guys, most of the other clan members in the family have been subdued by Su Shi'an and have become his people. There are also many people in business and industry who have also been conquered by Su Shi'an. Su Shian was replaced by one of his own."

"If we attack rashly, it is very likely that the entire Su family will suffer in the end..."

The great elder spoke slowly and analyzed.

Su Jingyun fell silent. Indeed, over the years, due to his blind trust, Su Shi'an had slowly taken the power of the Su family into his hands.

At the beginning, Su Jingyun's thinking was that Su Shi'an was the only son left, and he would succeed as the head of the family sooner or later, so he allowed Su Shi'an to take power.

But I didn't expect that such a mistake would have negative consequences today.

Now Su Shi'an's wings have become completely stiff.

If one wanted to forcibly separate Su Shi'an's tarsal maggot from the Su family, the result would most likely be that the Su family would be torn apart.

"Is there any other way?"

Su Jingyun's brows furrowed tightly. He didn't expect that cleaning up Su Shi'an would be such a tricky thing. If he didn't do it right, his whole body would be affected.

"Master, I have an idea."

The great elder said, "For now, let's pretend we don't know about Su Shi'an's poisoning, and we won't announce to the public that you have recovered, so as not to make Su Shi'an suspicious."

"Then, won't it be your sixtieth birthday in a few days, the head of the family? You will declare that your health has improved, and then hold a sixtieth birthday celebration and call all the clan members to be present. By then, Su Shi'an's people will definitely be here too , we will have a chance to catch all Su Shi'an's people."

"Okay, just as you said."

Su Jingyun nodded, "It's just a good time to take advantage of these few days to recuperate your body."

Then, Su Jingyun thought of something again and said, "But now I have to go to Shi Cheng's place first."

He Peng said happily: "Master, Master Shicheng will be very happy to see you."

However, just when Su Jingyun was about to get out of bed, a polite yet respectful voice suddenly came from outside: "Father, are you awake? Your son is here to visit you."

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