Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 762 Killer

"Wang Chen Dan has worked hard for his diagnosis and treatment, but wearing this mask makes me feel a little suffocated. Why don't you take off the mask to let some air flow?"

Su Shi'an looked at Su Chen, as if his eyes were trying to penetrate Su Chen's mask and see the appearance inside.

"No, this mask fits me perfectly."

Su Chen smiled faintly. Sooner or later, he would unmask in front of Su Shi'an, but not now.

At this time, Su Jingyun's weak voice came from the room: "Shi'an? I feel better today. Come in."

When Su Shi'an heard Su Jingyun's voice, his face changed slightly. He obviously didn't expect that Su Jingyun actually woke up, and he was still conscious and awake.

At that moment, Su Shi'an no longer cared about Su Chen and hurriedly walked into the room. He wanted to see what was going on with Su Jingyun.

In the room, Su Jingyun had already lied back on the bed. Under his deliberate control, his complexion became pale again, and his breath was also controlled very weakly.

Su Shi'an walked into the room, glanced at Su Jingyun, and felt slightly relieved. In his opinion, Su Jingyun looked like this, and it was obvious that the poison had not been released yet. If the poison had been released, Su Jingyun would not be so weak.

From Su Shi'an's point of view, the current situation may just be Su Jingyun's occasional flashback.

"Father, my son came to see you, and he also brought soup to nourish the body."

Su Shi'an said respectfully, waved his hand, and the servant behind him came over with soup.

Su Jingyun secretly scolded Su Shi'an for being hypocritical, but on the surface he still wanted to look happy and said: "It's rare that Shi'an is so thoughtful. Put the soup down and I'll drink it later."

Su Shi'an didn't pay attention. He waved his servant to put some soup, and then said to Su Jingyun with a sincere expression: "Father, your health is better. My son is really happy. You know, some time ago, my son was worried about You, so you can’t eat or sleep, and you’ve lost several pounds.”

The expressions of the surrounding Su Shi'an elders were a little strange. It had to be said that Su Shi'an was so good at pretending. If they hadn't known Su Shi'an's true face, they would have praised Su Shi'an as a filial son at this moment.

Su Jingyun's old face also twitched slightly, and then said: "Shi'an, now that my condition has improved somewhat, it will be my sixtieth birthday in a few days, and I want to gather the whole family together. I have a I want to announce something big to my people.”

"My son understands, now he will help his father handle it."

Su Shi'an replied without doubting his presence.

After Su Chen returned to Su Shicheng's residence, he took off the mask on his face.

"Chen'er, how is your grandfather's condition?"

Su Shicheng had been waiting in the yard for a long time. When he saw Su Chen coming back, he immediately came over and asked impatiently.

Xu Wei said angrily: "Brother Cheng, let Xiaochen take a breath first."

"Oh, oh."

Su Shicheng quickly brought a chair for his son and poured him a cup of hot tea.

Su Chen sat down and took a sip of tea before saying: "My grandfather's old injuries are actually not serious. The reason why he is seriously ill now is because Su Shi'an gave him a poison, and it was a strange poison that is unparalleled in the world. "


Su Shicheng was suddenly stunned and confirmed in disbelief, "You mean, Su Shi'an poisoned your grandfather?"

"That's right." Su Chen nodded and said.

Su Shicheng couldn't help but take a few steps back, with a sad look on his face, and suddenly ran towards the door desperately, saying as he ran: "I want to see him!"

"Dad, wait a minute!"

Su Chen grabbed Su Shicheng's arm, and the force made Su Shicheng immediately stop and stand there, his head in a mess.

Su Chen looked into Su Shicheng's eyes and said word by word: "Don't worry, I have already detoxified my grandfather."

"Has the poison been cured?"

Su Shicheng calmed down slightly, but then he looked at Su Chen with even more surprise. Didn't he say that the poison was a unique poison in the world? How could Su Chen untie it?

"So, is your grandfather okay now?"

Su Shicheng asked.

"Don't worry, dad. I have eliminated the source of the poison. With my grandfather's physique, he should be back to health in less than ten days and a half."

Su Chen said.

When Su Shicheng heard this, he breathed a long sigh of relief, fell down on the chair, and murmured: "That's good, that's good."

"Xiao Chen, you just said that Su Shi'an poisoned your grandfather?"

Xu Wei asked from the side.

Su Chen nodded: "Yes, he was the one who poisoned me."

Su Shicheng's expression also changed. He clenched his fists tightly and said, "Su Shi'an, this white-eyed wolf, I should have seen that he is not a good person. Back then, he gave me wrong information, which caused me to ruin the family." That batch of training resources, he must have done it on purpose.”

Xu Wei also said: "I didn't expect that Su Shi'an is really such a person. The old man must be very sad now."

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