Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 760 The truth emerges

"Bone Hidden Stone?"

Su Jingyun's face suddenly became even more ugly. Although he didn't know what the Hidden Bone Stone was, he could tell from Su Chen's tone that the Hidden Bone Stone was definitely not a good thing.

"The Bone Hidden Stone is a rare stone. It's precious. It may be much more precious than many spiritual jades."

Su Chen said, "However, in the past, the Hidden Bone Stone was often used as a material for some evil sacrificial rituals, or used as a training prop by some warriors who practiced evil sects."

"Because, the Bone Hidden Stone has a special effect, that is, although it is a stone, it can become a carrier of soul power. Moreover, not only soul power, some strange poisons that have an effect on soul power can also You can use the Bone Hidden Stone as a carrier," Su Chen said again.

Everyone present looked at each other in shock after hearing Su Chen's words. This was the first time they had heard of such a thing as the Hidden Bone Stone.

An elder suddenly took a breath of cold air and said: "Lord Alchemy King, do you mean that... the poisonous gas of the Soul-locking Miasma was transmitted to the family owner through this Bone Hidden Stone?"

"That's right."

Su Chen nodded, "If you don't believe this is the Bone Hidden Stone, just throw it on the ground hard. Real jade is brittle and will definitely break. The Bone Hidden Stone will not break, although it will. It will crack when dropped, but because its texture is very dense, the cracks will heal quickly and it will look like it has never been dropped.”

Everyone looked at each other, and an elder came forward to take the jade pendant from Su Chen's hand, and threw it to the ground as Su Chen said.

As a result, as Su Chen said, the jade pendant was not broken, but a few cracks appeared, which quickly disappeared, leaving it smooth and flawless, as if it had never been dropped.

At this time, everyone was truly shocked!

This so-called "jade pendant" is actually not real jade!

Su Chen looked at Su Jingyun: "Master Su, where did you get this bone hidden stone disguised as a jade pendant?"

Su Jingyun was so shocked that he couldn't speak. After a while, he said, "This jade pendant was given to me by Shi'an three months ago."

"He said that this is the spiritual jade he spent a lot of effort to find. It has the effect of nourishing the body. It is good for my injuries to wear it with me, so I wear it every day and rarely take it off."

Su Jingyun said in an incredible tone, obviously completely shocked by this fact.

Could it be that his adopted son, whom he had always trusted so much, actually harbored evil intentions towards him?

At this moment, in another courtyard of the Su family.

Su Shi'an was sitting across from a young man having a drink. The young man was about in his early twenties, handsome in appearance, and about five points similar to Su Shi'an.

His clothes are very luxurious, and he looks like a rich man who grew up in a honeypot.

"Dad, did you go see the old immortal today? How is it? Is he about to die?"

The young man asked impatiently after drinking a glass of wine.

"Shut up! Didn't you know walls have ears?"

Su Shi'an glared at the young man and then said, "Not so soon, but there should be only a few days left."

The young man shrank his neck, lowered his voice, and said with a smile: "Hey, when the old guy is finished, Dad, you can naturally inherit the position of head of the family. By then, the entire Su family will be ours."

"Hahahaha, the ancestors of the Su family would never have thought that the foundation they had worked so hard to build would end up in the hands of us who have no blood of the Su family at all, right?" The young man became more and more proud as he thought about it, and couldn't help but laugh out loud. .

And Su Shi'an did not stop the young man from getting carried away. He picked up a glass of wine and looked far ahead. He had worked so hard to get to this day, and now it was finally time to finish.

In Su Shi'an's heart, he couldn't help but start to imagine the situation where he would have such great power after becoming the head of the family.

As a wanderer, he could become the head of the Su family. This was something that no one else would dare to think about, but he did it.

At this moment, a figure hurriedly ran in and shouted: "Master, Master, something bad is going to happen!"

"What's up!"

Su Shi'an raised his eyebrows and shouted, "How can you behave in such a panic?"

The young man was also dissatisfied and said: "Dad, I said that all our servants are useless, but now it's better. As soon as dad becomes the head of the family, there will naturally be many capable subordinates."

"Master, master..."

The man who came in wiped the sweat on his forehead and said urgently, "I just saw that the Alchemy King brought by Miss Xinyu was treating the head of the family..."

"What's so strange about that?"

Su Shi'an said nonchalantly, "Let them look, and it will be in vain. How can the poison I administered be discovered so easily?"

As he said that, Su Shi'an also showed a sense of confidence in his eyes.

The subordinate said: "But Master, the Alchemy King they brought this time seems to be really capable. My subordinates were listening outside and vaguely heard that the situation of the head of the family seemed to have improved..."

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