Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 759 Who is the mole?

However, Su Chen did not intend to reveal his identity so soon. In the current situation, he still needed to pretend for a while.

"Who invited King Chen Dan here? I will be rewarded heavily."

Su Jingyun asked everyone present.

Several elders looked at the great elder together.

The great elder looked at Su Xinyu again.

Su Xinyu looked at He Peng.


He Peng scratched his head and didn't know whether he should tell Su Shicheng.

Finally, at Su Chen's signal, He Peng said: "Master, in fact, this King Chen Dan was found by Master Shicheng. In these years, although Master Shicheng lives outside, he has always been thinking about him in his heart. The head of the house, when he heard that you were seriously ill this time, he was so worried that he couldn’t eat or sleep..."


Su Jingyun's expression suddenly changed, and the smile froze on his lips.

At this moment, his expression was very complicated, with anger and sadness mixed in his eyes, but mostly nostalgia.

Although he had driven Su Shicheng out of the house in anger, he was his biological son after all. How could he really sever ties with him completely?

However, Su Shicheng actually stopped contacting Su Jingyun since he left the Su family. He was disappointed and then made up his mind to treat him as his son from now on.

As a result, the father and son seemed to be angry, and they actually had no contact for more than ten years.

But now, after learning that the Alchemy King who treated him and detoxified him was actually Su Shicheng, Su Shicheng realized that Su Shicheng had not really denied him as his father for so many years.

Several elders around were also surprised. They didn't expect that King Chen Dan was invited by Su Shicheng. They didn't expect that although Su Shicheng was not in the Su family, he always thought of Su Jingyun in his heart.

"Shicheng, is he okay?"

When he asked this question, Su Jingyun's voice was trembling.

"He is bad."

At this moment, Su Chen said calmly.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Su Jingyun's old face couldn't help but trembled and fell silent.

After a long while, Su Jingyun let out a long sigh: "That's true. Shi Cheng has been away for more than ten years. I only hope that after experiencing all kinds of human relationships outside, his temper can improve a little bit..."


The eldest elder couldn't help but interjected, "Master, isn't Shicheng's temper exactly the same as yours?"


Su Jingyun's face couldn't help but twitch again, but he couldn't refute.

After a moment of silence, Su Jingyun finally spoke again and asked He Peng: "Where is Shicheng? Let him come back..."

"Old Patriarch..."

He Peng was a little embarrassed, "Master Shicheng, Qian Dingzhu and Wan asked my subordinates not to tell you that it was King Chen Dan who he invited for you. Now that my subordinates have told you, they have violated Master Shicheng's instructions... …”

"Is it?"

Su Jingyun was a little disappointed. His son didn't want to let him know that he was the Dan King he invited. It was self-evident that he just didn't want to return to the Su family.

"Master of the house."

The great elder shook his white-haired head and said, "I'm not telling you, if you really want Shicheng to come back, then you should invite him in person instead of asking someone to notify him to come back... You know, You personally ordered him to be kicked out of the Su family. If you didn't apologize to him in person, would it be possible for him to come back based on his self-esteem? "

Su Jingyun was silent for a long time and had to admit that what the elder said made sense. At first, he personally ordered Su Shicheng to be driven out of the Su family. Now, he just sent a servant to send a message and wanted Su Shicheng to come back. It seemed too disrespectful.

"Master, Master Shicheng's matter can be discussed later, but Master, how you were poisoned is very strange and must be investigated immediately."

Another elder spoke.

"Yes, the Su family is so heavily guarded, especially the owner's yard, which is the top priority for defense. How could the owner be poisoned?"

The elders all agreed, obviously this matter made them very confused.

When Su Jingyun heard this, he couldn't help but look serious. He sat up straight and said, "This matter must be investigated thoroughly. Do you have any clues as to who might have poisoned me?"

Several elders frowned and thought, shook their heads and said: "In recent times, except for a few alchemy kings who came for diagnosis and treatment, no outsiders have come in at all. Unless the poison was administered a long time ago!"

Su Chen said calmly: "Impossible, the poison was poisoned in the past few months. Before, your family master just had an old injury that was not healing, but since these few months, he has become drowsy and unconscious. This is a sign of poisoning. You guys It’s better to check carefully and see if there is a mole in the family.”

"The mole?"

Everyone present looked at each other. Is there a spy in the family? Was the poison poisoned by a mole?

Although they knew what Su Chen said made sense, it was still difficult psychologically.

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