Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 741: Prison of Life and Death

As for the father and daughter Xia Xuan and Xia Rongxian, Su Chen still asked them to stay in the imperial capital and take care of the business of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

After making the arrangements, Su Chen was ready to embark on the journey to leave the Yunyuan Empire.

He summoned Xue Yong, Gu Qianyin, Li Shitong, Gu Qianxue, Huang Ying'er, and Jian Qi. He would definitely take these six people away.

But how to go is a problem.

Of course, it's not impossible to hire a carriage to pull everyone together, but now that Su Chen has the Mustard Seed Space, he has more options.

Su Chen said to the six of them: "I will take you to a place, don't resist."

The six people nodded. Of course they had absolute trust in Su Chen.

Su Chen first grabbed Gu Qianyin and Li Shitong, and with a thought, he entered the mustard space.

The two women felt their eyes go dark. When they opened their eyes again, they were already on a green grass. Looking around, he screamed in surprise.

They were clearly in the room just now, so why did they appear in such a large space in the blink of an eye?

"Where is this?" the two women couldn't help but ask.

"I just got a treasure, and we are in the treasure now."

Su Chen smiled and said that he did not explain the existence of Mustard Seed Space clearly, because Mustard Seed Space is of great importance. It is a treasure with great secrets and cannot be easily announced to others.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't trust the two women, but the secret itself is also a very heavy burden, and there is no need for others to bear it.

In fact, Su Chen could allow them to enter the mustard space with their consciousness clear, which in itself was a great trust.

"A treasure?"

After hearing Su Chen's words, the two women gasped. This place is obviously very big, how could it be inside a treasure?

Does such a treasure actually exist in the world?

Su Chen didn't explain too much. He asked the two women to wait in the mustard space. Then he went out and brought in Xue Yong and Jian Qi.

In this way, all six people were brought to the Mustard Seed Space. Everyone came to the Mustard Seed Space and looked around, and they were all surprised.

"Isn't it amazing here?"

"Can I really take it with me?"

The six people were talking in surprise, it was hard to believe that this was actually in a treasure.

"When you go out for training in the future, you can stay here, or of course you can join me outside. It's up to you."

Su Chen said.

All six people nodded.

In this way, it is equivalent to them having a mobile residence. Su Chen can carry it with him, which is really convenient.

Su Chen hit the road, left the Yunyuan Empire, hired a carriage, and drove towards his destination.

Along the way, the six of them sometimes stayed in the carriage with Su Chen, but more often they stayed in the Mustard Seed Space, because they found that the Mustard Seed Space was much more comfortable than the carriage. The carriage was small and shaky, but the Mustard Seed Space was It's big, comfortable, and doesn't wobble.

They simply want to live in the Mustard Seed Dimension and never come out.

Su Chen would occasionally enter the Mustard Seed Space himself. After he entered the Mustard Seed Space, the Mustard Seed Monument would turn into particles and float in the carriage, so that he could follow the carriage.

In this way, the carriage galloped all the way to the neighboring country of Yunyuan Empire, Zeye Empire.

Zeye Empire is Su Chen's destination.

The carriage entered the territory of Zeye Empire, and Su Chen also brought the six people out of the Mustard Seed Space. None of the six people had been to Zeye Empire before, so they just wanted to see something new.

Li Shitong looked at the scenery outside the carriage window and couldn't help but curiously asked: "Su Chen, why are we here?"

Su Chen did not answer directly, but said: "Have you ever heard of the Prison of Life and Death?"

Everyone else shook their heads, but Jian Qi, who was sitting in the corner and holding a sword, suddenly said: "The Prison of Life and Death is a very famous prison in Dongzhou. I heard that it is dark inside, and many big forces in Dongzhou like to take it. People who have made serious mistakes are sent there to be imprisoned, and they are tortured day and night without ever seeing the light of day.”


"Is there such a place?"

The women were all surprised. Gu Qianyin even shuddered and murmured: "It's so scary."

Su Chen nodded and said: "The Prison of Life and Death is located in Zeye Empire, but it is not a prison exclusive to Zeye Empire. As long as it is within the scope of Dongzhou, many big forces like to send prisoners there to be imprisoned."

Li Shitong blinked her eyelashes and asked softly: "Su Chen, don't you know anyone who is being held there?"

"Yes, there is a person who was very good to me and was like a family member. He is being held there."

Su Chen's eyes were filled with sharpness and he said calmly.

"By the way, where is your family? We have known you for such a long time, and apart from Aunt Xu, we have never seen any other family members of yours."

Li Shitong asked curiously.

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