Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 740 Small Box

Su Chen himself was not idle either. The first level of the Mustard Seed Space had the function of cultivating herbal medicines, and as he was the previous Dan Emperor, he naturally wanted to make good use of this.

Su Chen took out some herbs from the space ring and planted them in the mustard seed space. Unfortunately, he didn't have many fresh herbs on him, and only fresh herbs can be planted in the soil. It is impossible to plant them if they are left in the soil for too long. Live.

"In this way, at a thousand-fold speed, I only need to cultivate them for one month, and the age of these herbs can be increased by more than eighty years."

Su Chen knew that the upper limit of the age of many herbs in the Lingtai realm was about one hundred years.

This means that many Lingtai realm herbs can reach the top quality level as long as they are grown in the mustard seed space for more than a month.

This is a coveted artifact for an alchemist. With this mustard seed space, Su Chen feels that he does not have to worry about the quality of the raw materials for alchemy in the future. He can definitely get the highest quality raw materials.

The problem now is to find more fresh herbs and plant them in the mustard seed space, so that they can be taken out at any time when needed.

Of course, there are also some rare varieties among Lingtai realm herbs that require a thousand years to reach top quality.

However, Su Chen felt that it was not a big problem, and he only needed to take care of it for a year.

It can be said that with the Mustard Seed Space, Su Chen is even more powerful in the field of alchemy.

"It seems that when you go out for training in the future, you should pay more attention to those unripe herbs."

Su Chen secretly thought that in the past, he would just ignore those kinds of herbs when he saw them, because the immature herbs could not be used at all, but now it was different. He could directly transplant the immature herbs into the mustard space.

After staying in the Mustard Seed Space for a while, Su Chen finally left the Mustard Seed Space.

Coming to the outside world, Su Chen welcomed an unexpected guest, who turned out to be the imperial concubine Guan Qiyun.

"Why do you have time to come to my place today?"

Su Chen was also curious. Seeing that Guan Qiyun was wearing a neat short dress today, which was completely different from her previous dress, he asked.

"I came to say goodbye to you."

Guan Qiyun pursed her lips, and her expression looked much more serious than before.


Su Chen thought he heard wrongly.

"Actually, I am not His Majesty's concubine."

Guan Qiyun said, "More than ten years ago, when I went out for training, I accidentally entered an ancient tomb and got some things from the tomb. After I came back, I had nightmares whenever I slept and couldn't sleep at all. My brother suspected I was haunted by the evil spirit in the ancient tomb, so I begged Your Majesty to let me enter the palace and become a concubine."

"Because of the protection of the national destiny in the palace, I have not had nightmares for so many years. However, the relationship between His Majesty and I is actually only a nominal relationship between an emperor and a concubine." Guan Qiyun added.

Su Chen was speechless after hearing this. He knew that there were indeed ghosts in some ancient tombs. To put it bluntly, they were actually the remaining soul power of their predecessors.

Once this kind of soul power is attached to a person, it is difficult to dispel it, but it can be suppressed by the luck of the country.

Su Chen finally understood why Guan Qiyun always said that there was nothing between her and Emperor Yunyuan.

After working on it for a long time, there really was nothing.

"Then why do you think of leaving now?" Su Chen asked.

Guan Qiyun said: "The ghost of injustice in me has dissipated after so many years. I don't need to stay in the palace and I won't have nightmares. I have always longed for the world outside the Yunyuan Empire and wanted to leave the Yunyuan Empire to travel."

Su Chen nodded. He knew that Guan Qiyun must have decided to leave by saying this. It was useless to say anything else, so he just said: "Be safe."

Guan Qiyun's eyes suddenly changed and she said with a smile: "Why don't you try to keep me?"

Su Chen shrugged and said, "I have to leave anyway, how about you come with me?"

"Forget it, you have several pretty little girls around you, and I don't want them to be jealous and unhappy."

Guan Qiyun blinked her long eyelashes and suddenly took out something from her body, "I'll leave this as a souvenir for you."

"What's this?"

Su Chen took the thing from Guan Qiyun's hand. It seemed to be a small box made of metal with a lock on it.

Guan Qiyun said: "This is what I got when I entered that ancient tomb. It was because of this thing that I was haunted by the wronged ghost. Now that everything has passed, I give you this thing as a souvenir." "

Su Chen asked curiously: "What's inside?"

"I don't know. I once tried to open the box, but the lock of the box was very tight and it was difficult to break it using various methods." Guan Qiyun said, "Just treat it as a souvenir."

Su Chen smiled: "Then I won't be polite."

Guan Qiyun also smiled: "Okay, then I'm leaving."

With her feet a little bit, she flew up lightly and jumped onto the courtyard wall.

Suddenly, back again

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