Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 742 Dangerous Person

This servant, Su Chen had always called him Uncle Song, had always been loyal to Su Chen's mother and was a very capable subordinate.

But because of some reasons related to the Su family, he was imprisoned in the prison of life and death and suffered torture without ever seeing the light of day.

In the last life, Su Chen became the Alchemy Emperor more than a hundred years later. At that time, Uncle Song had already died of old age in the prison of life and death.

This incident became a big regret for Su Chen in his previous life.

In this life, Su Chen had enough strength, so the first thing he did was to get Uncle Song out of the prison of life and death.

However, what Su Chen didn't know was that when Gu Qianyin and Li Shitong heard that they were going to meet Su Chen's parents, their eyes suddenly lit up, feeling both nervous and expectant.

This is a meeting with his parents. Even though Su Chen seems to have no interest in them now, if he can capture the hearts of Su Chen's parents, are he still afraid that he won't be able to become his daughter-in-law?

While the two women were having their own thoughts, the carriage arrived at a wilderness in the Zeye Empire.

The entrance to the Hell of Life and Death is right here.

The group of people got off the carriage and saw a whirlpool-shaped entrance from a distance, like a big black mouth that seemed to be able to swallow everything in.

As soon as everyone saw this entrance, they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

"Is this the entrance to the Prison of Life and Death?" Li Shitong murmured, "This place is too scary. It's really hard to imagine what kind of life the people imprisoned here live every day."

Su Chen's eyes also fell on the entrance of this hell of life and death. He frowned slightly and saw several guards walking around the entrance.

Gu Qianyin on the side also followed his gaze and asked, "Is there any guard here?"

Su Chen nodded: "Since it is a prison, there will definitely be guards. You hide first. I will find a way to sneak in."

The six people all nodded. It was better for them to enter the Mustard Seed Space at this time. This prison of life and death looked like an unsafe place, so they had better not cause trouble to Su Chen.

The other five people all entered the Mustard Seed Space. Only Jian Qi did not enter. He stood outside, hugging the sword and saying: "I will enter the Prison of Life and Death with you, maybe I can help."


Su Chen nodded, and a warm current surged through his heart. He knew that when Jian Qi said this at this moment, he did not treat him as his master, but as a brother.

Although Su Chen dated many powerful people in his previous life, those people only came to befriend him after he became famous. To say that he is a real brother who started from his youth, he does not have one.

Therefore, he naturally cherishes brotherhood.

"Come on, let's go in."

After Su Chen patted Jian Qi hard on the shoulder, the two of them walked towards the entrance of the Prison of Life and Death.

When they reached the entrance, the guards immediately looked over and shouted: "No one is allowed to enter the Prison of Life and Death!"

Before he finished speaking, a flash of sword light flashed, and it was Su Chen who directly cut off the heads of the guards.

Afterwards, Su Chen and Jian Qi entered the entrance of the Hell of Life and Death.

This hell of life and death is an underground world. After entering from the entrance, there is a long dark tunnel.

Su Chen and Jian Qi were walking in the corridor, and soon another guard holding a torch came towards them. After seeing the appearance of Su Chen and Jian Qi clearly, he immediately shouted: "Who are you, and why are you tampering with life and death?" prison?"


Su Chen raised his hand, and green poisonous powder floated out from his sleeve.

The guard was stunned for a moment and immediately held his breath and retreated, but it was too late.

"No, I'm poisoned!"

The guard tried to condense the true energy in his body, but his expression soon became very ugly, because he found that he could not lift up the true energy anyway. The spiritual platform was empty, as if all the true energy had disappeared in an instant. .

"You actually poisoned the guards of the Prison of Life and Death?"

The guard looked at Su Chen and Jian Qi in disbelief, and what made him even more unbelievable was that as a ninth-level expert in the Lingtai realm, he was poisoned after just taking a slight breath of the poisonous powder.

Su Chen just smiled at him, took out a small bottle, and shook it at him: "The antidote is here. As long as you cooperate with us and let us enter the prison of life and death, you can get the antidote."

"Who are you? What do you want to do in the Hell of Life and Death?"

The guard took a deep breath and asked.

"Don't be afraid. I didn't come to the Prison of Life and Death for any dangerous felons. I just wanted to rescue an ordinary prisoner."

Su Chen smiled lightly and said.

Hearing that Su Chen was not here to rescue a dangerous criminal, the guard breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression flickered with hesitation.

Seeing this, Su Chen added: "If you call other guards, I will destroy this bottle of antidote immediately. You will not be able to get the antidote from any other way."

The guard trembled, and finally made up his mind and nodded: "Okay, I can help you. But you must give me the antidote afterwards!"

Soon, Su Chen and Jian Qi both changed into the clothes of guards of the Prison of Life and Death.

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