Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 72: Instructor Ouyang’s heartbeat

However, the next moment, Ye Wenlong sneered: "What a sharp-tongued boy, but in the world of martial arts, sharp teeth cannot be eaten!"

He looked at Su Chen with contempt, "Even if you sign a life and death certificate, someone must approve it! Without anyone's approval, the life and death certificate is just a piece of waste paper!"

The implication was that he wanted to rely on the fact that there was no strong person at the scene to support Su Chen, and wanted to directly ignore the life and death situation written in black and white!

When Ye Wenlong finished speaking these words, the murderous aura around him was released without reservation. Su Chen was suddenly like a small boat floating in the vast ocean, and was in a very dangerous situation.

However, Su Chen didn't look nervous at all. Instead, he laughed leisurely: "Oh? Do you think no one really recognizes it?"

"Then tell me, who approves?" Ye Wenlong sneered. Could it be that Su Chen thought there would be someone at the scene to support him? Even if there was someone, it couldn't be a strong person like Ye Wenlong.

"I recognized!"

Suddenly, there was a sound that was completely beyond Ye Wenlong's expectations.

Ye Wenlong looked sideways and was surprised to find that the person speaking was actually Instructor Ouyang!

"Instructor Ouyang, what did you say?" Ye Wenlong couldn't believe it. Isn't Instructor Ouyang a teacher at Tianyue College? He should be on his side. Su Chen's dismissal of Ye Xuan obviously angered Instructor Ouyang. Ouyang How could a mentor recognize the status of life and death?

"I say, I agree with this declaration of life and death!" Instructor Ouyang repeated impatiently, and at the same time glanced at Ye Wenlong with a warning look.

That's right, Su Chen's elimination of Ye Xuan made Instructor Ouyang angry, and he wanted to slap Su Chen to death.

But he is a teacher of Tianyue College, and everything he says and does outside represents the image of Tianyue College. If a teacher of Tianyue College watched Ye Wenlong blatantly ignore the life and death status written in black and white without doing anything to stop him, wouldn't it mean that Are outsiders poking at the backbone of Tianyue Academy?

Ye Wenlong opened his mouth again and again, wanting to say something, but finally closed his mouth helplessly.

He couldn't disobey Master Ouyang, because the other party's cultivation level was higher than his. If he disobeyed him, he would be seeking death.

"Although this instructor recognizes the validity of the life and death certificate, you still cannot escape the punishment you deserve."

Instructor Ouyang turned around and said coldly to Su Chen, "Although you were saved from death because of the existence of the state of life and death, you have destroyed the students of Tianyue College after all. Tianyue College cannot let you go unpunished."

"So, this instructor will now take you back to Tianyue College and wait for Tianyue College's fate!" Instructor Ouyang said calmly.

Take him back to Tianyue Academy to live in peace?

Su Chen sneered and said, "I won't go."

"Huh?" Instructor Ouyang's expression changed, and two sharp gleams shot out from his eyes. He was already tolerant of Su Chen. If it weren't for him, Su Chen would have been slapped to death by Ye Wenlong.

"Do you think this instructor is here to negotiate terms with you? This instructor is telling you that you must go!" Instructor Ouyang's voice was stern.

Su Chen shook his head: "Teacher Ouyang, you and Ye Xuan are not very familiar with each other to begin with. It's just that we are both from Tianyue College, so we can't just sit idly by. There is no need for us to be enemies between you and me. "

"What do you want to say?"

Instructor Ouyang stared at Su Chen closely and said suspiciously.

Su Chen smiled: "Teacher Ouyang, have you heard of the Lihuo Pill? It should be a very useful pill for you, right?"


Teacher Ouyang's pupils suddenly shrank, how did this kid know?

Lihuo Pill is a kind of elixir that is coveted by warriors who practice the fire attribute. Its efficacy is comparable to some fire-attribute treasures, and it can bring considerable benefits to warriors who practice the fire attribute!

However, he had never revealed on any occasion in Qinghe City that he was a warrior practicing the fire attribute. How could Su Chen know?

And where did Su Chen hear about Lihuo Dan, a rare and valuable elixir?

"Teacher Ouyang, don't be nervous. I told you that you and I don't have to be enemies. We can even become friends." Su Chen smiled lightly, "As a friend, I can give you a Lihuo Pill, like this Good thing, where can I find it?”


Give yourself a Lihuo Pill?

Teacher Ouyang's heart suddenly moved. He no longer cared about whether he was losing his composure and asked quickly: "Are you telling the truth? Do you really want to give me a Lihuo Pill?"

Even in a place like the Imperial Capital, it is difficult to buy Lihuo Pill. Now that Su Chen said that he could give him one, how could he not be tempted?

"of course it's true."

Su Chen smiled slightly, and every word that came out of his mouth seemed to be full of seductive magic in Teacher Ouyang's ears.

"Teacher Ouyang, don't listen to him!"

Ye Wenlong finally couldn't help shouting, "He is just a boy with no hair on his head. How can he possibly get a pill as valuable as Lihuo Pill? Don't be deceived by him!"

"You are the one who should not deceive this instructor!"

Instructor Ouyang suddenly turned around and scolded coldly, "You think I didn't see this? At the birthday banquet of the old lady of the Jiang family, the president of your Qinghe City Alchemy Guild was so friendly with Su Chen! How dare you 100% With this guarantee, Su Chen will definitely not be able to produce the Lihuo Pill?"

Do you think he is blind? Master Mo was so enthusiastic towards Su Chen and said that Su Chen didn't have any alchemy knowledge. Who would believe it?

Of course, Instructor Ouyang was not 100% convinced that Su Chen would be able to come up with Lihuo Dan, but as long as there was some credibility in this matter, it was worth a gamble.

"Teacher Ouyang is a smart man." Su Chen smiled slightly. He liked to deal with such smart people.

Instructor Ouyang turned his head, looked directly at Su Chen, and said: "As long as I see Lihuo Dan within a few days, then Ye Xuan's dethronement today is purely accidental, and I have no idea about it."

If Teacher Ouyang didn't know about it, then Ye Xuan's injury could be classified as an accident, and Tianyue College would not hold anyone responsible.

"Deal." Su Chen didn't waste any more nonsense.

As for Ye Wenlong on the side, he was so angry that he was about to vomit blood and almost suffered internal injuries. He never expected that Su Chen could easily resolve a crisis in this way.

Ye Wenlong was still unwilling to give up and wanted to say something else, but Instructor Ouyang looked at Ye Wenlong with a warning look. At least before getting the Lihuo Pill, Teacher Ouyang would never let Ye Wenlong touch Su Chen.

"Okay, good boy, just wait and see!" Ye Wenlong could only look at Su Chen hatefully and said nothing.

Anyway, Teacher Ouyang can't stay in Qinghe City forever. He can protect Su Chen for a while, but he can't protect him for the rest of his life!

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