Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 71 Even the King of Heaven can’t stop me

At this critical moment, Su Chen was extremely calm. He had already taken out his Canghai Sword and held it in his hand. His eyes were also fixed on Ye Xuan's movements, trying to find any flaw in his boxing skills.

Although it is difficult to find flaws, it is not impossible. As long as any martial arts has not been cultivated to the transformation state, there will definitely be flaws.

At this moment, Su Chen was relying on his profound martial arts attainments from reading all the martial arts classics in his previous life to look for the slightest flaw in the opponent's moves!

"That's it!"

Suddenly, Su Chen's eyes lit up!

The long sword in his hand pierced out at the same moment!

"One sword and eight waves!"

What Su Chen used was his most powerful single-target killing move "Floating Wave Slash"!

The sword light penetrated Changhong, stabbing unerringly at the only flaw in the shadow of fists in the sky!


Ye Xuan's expression suddenly changed. Su Chen's sword was pointed at his weak spot, and he couldn't resist it at all!


Su Chen's sword pierced the fist shadows all over the sky, and the tip of the sword penetrated Ye Xuan's chest accurately, and blood immediately flowed out.

"How is that possible?" Ye Xuan collapsed on the ground in disbelief, his eyes full of disbelief. He simply couldn't believe that as a genius at the third level of the Condensing Realm, he was defeated by a first-level Condensing Realm who spanned two levels.

However, before Ye Xuan could feel the pain of his chest injury, he was horrified to find that Su Chen came to him with a murderous sword in hand!

Life and death!

Ye Xuan suddenly realized that this competition was a matter of life and death!

"Su Chen, do you dare to kill me?"

Ye Xuan yelled in disbelief, his usual gentle demeanor completely gone, and the veins on his forehead burst out.

"If you kill me, the Ye family will not let you go, and Tianyue College will not let you go!"

However, Su Chen didn't seem to notice, and the tip of the sword, shining with a sharp cold light, stabbed Ye Xuan's lower abdomen without hesitation.

On the high platform in the distance, Ye Wenlong's eyes suddenly shrank when he saw this scene, and his figure jumped down from the tall building in an instant, rushing towards the competition platform in the south of the city.

However, there was someone faster than him.


A figure galloped towards the competition platform in the south of the city.

This figure. Tall and thin, with a cold temperament, he is the instructor of Tianyue College, Ouyang!

"Teacher Ouyang!"

A glimmer of hope suddenly ignited in Ye Xuan's heart!

Although Instructor Ouyang was not familiar with him when he was at Tianyue College, he was a student of Tianyue Academy after all. As a teacher of Tianyue Academy, Instructor Ouyang would not just watch him die under the sword of an outsider and would definitely save him. .

"Su Chen, the tutor of Tianyue College is here, you are dead!" Ye Xuan's eyes suddenly showed a ferocious look. Su Chen dared to kill himself. When he was saved by tutor Ouyang, he must settle the matter with Su Chen. Account!

"Teacher of Tianyue Academy?"

Su Chen murmured to himself, but his tone was extremely cold.

Not to mention a mere tutor from Tianyue Academy, even if the King of Heaven comes, he can't stop him from killing the person he wants to kill!


The tip of Su Chen's sword stabbed into Ye Xuan's lower abdomen with unrivaled determination. As the tip of the sword stirred, a sound like a deflated balloon came from Ye Xuan's lower abdomen, and the sea of ​​qi in the Dantian was completely destroyed.

Su Chen did not kill him, but completely destroyed his Dantian Qihai, making Ye Xuan a useless person from now on, with no chance of rising in the martial arts.

In the world of martial arts, this is a more cruel punishment than directly taking a person's life. Although the person whose Dantian has been destroyed is still alive, it is more painful than death, especially for Ye Xuan, who was once a genius. This kind of torture is enough for him to savor for a lifetime.

——Just like Su Chen in the previous life, if Su Chen in the previous life had not had a great opportunity to meet Qingfeng Danzun, he would have spent his life in extreme torture.

The reason why Su Chen gave Ye Xuan such a punishment was not just because Ye Xuan wanted to kill himself viciously - although Wang Bingyan proposed the life and death situation, Wang Bingyan was just a supporter of Ye Xuan. Without Ye Xuan How could she come up with the idea of ​​a life-and-death certificate?

But there is another reason why Su Chen treats Ye Xuan like this. In her previous life, Jiang Tingyi admired and trusted her brother Ye Xuan so much. After she learned about her engagement with Wang Sheng, she once escaped from the Jiang family overnight and went to find him. Ye Xuan asked for help and wanted to escape from Qinghe City.

However, instead of helping her, Ye Xuan asked someone to tie up Jiang Tingyi and send her back to the Jiang family.

The reason is that he doesn't want to cause trouble.

——But even if you have no intention of her, you have no right to be an accomplice.

Especially, you usually act so noble and righteous, but at the critical moment, you betray the people who trust you so much.

Therefore, in this life, Su Chen designed such an ending for Ye Xuan, which was to avenge Jiang Tingyi from her previous life.

"Brother Ye Xuan!"

Wang Bingyan in the audience burst into tears, how could this happen? Didn't she ask Brother Ye Xuan to cut off one of Su Chen's feet and one hand? How could it end up like this?

Looking at Ye Xuan lying on the competition stage like a dead dog, is this still the eldest brother Ye Xuan she is familiar with?

"Bold, who allowed you to destroy him!"

At this time, Instructor Ouyang finally arrived on the competition stage and scolded angrily, his face extremely ugly.

As a teacher of Tianyue Academy, how could he not know that destroying the Dantian Qi Hai of a martial arts genius is more cruel than killing him!

Su Chen didn't kill Ye Xuan, but he destroyed Ye Xuan's Dantian Qihai. Isn't this more obvious that he doesn't take him as a teacher of Tianyue College in his eyes?

"If you dare to destroy my Ye family's children, you are seeking death!"

Ye Wenlong also followed closely, his expression extremely terrifying.

Ye Xuan is the number one genius of the Ye family and the greatest hope of the family head, Ye Wenlong. Now this greatest hope has been ruined by Su Chen. Ye Wenlong has eaten Su Chen alive and ripped out Su Chen's heart!

"Master Ye, if I remember correctly, I was not the one who proposed the life and death certificate. You should go find the culprit who proposed the life and death certificate to settle the score." Su Chen shrugged his shoulders, looking like a lazy scoundrel. .

"Shu Zi, don't change the subject!" Ye Wenlong's face was terrifyingly gloomy, "Everyone has seen that you are the one who destroyed Xuan'er. Who will settle this debt if not you?"

"Okay, since you want to settle the matter with me, let's settle it carefully." Su Chen's eyes suddenly became sharp, "Signing the life and death certificate, written in black and white, means that you are responsible for life and death. No one can rely on the other party even if they die. ”

"Not to mention, destroying the Dantian can only be regarded as an injury, and there is no reason to rely on the other party. This is a truth that a three-year-old child understands. Aren't you, a dignified head of the family, inferior to a three-year-old child?"

These words left Ye Wenlong speechless.

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