Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 73 Compare with her

Su Chen didn't even bother to pay attention to Ye Wenlong's words.

Su Chen just said to Instructor Ouyang calmly: "I have one more condition. After you get the Lihuo Pill, you immediately take Jiang Tingyi out of Qinghe City and return to Tianyue College."

"sure, no problem."

Instructor Ouyang agreed immediately. Anyway, the purpose of his coming to Qinghe City this time was to take Jiang Tingyi back to Tianyue College in accordance with the instructions from above.


"Jiang Tingyi can't go to Tianyue College!"

But at this time, several voices sounded at an inappropriate time.

Su Chen looked in the direction of the sound, only to find that Jiang Shan appeared out of nowhere with a group of people.

"Jiang Shan!"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes. At this moment, Jiang Shan suddenly appeared. Based on Su Chen's understanding of Jiang Shan, Jiang Shan was not someone who would fight an unprepared battle.

Is there another change in Jiang Tingyi's enrollment?

"Teacher Ouyang!"

Jiang Shan didn't even look at Su Chen and said directly to Instructor Ouyang, "I have something to tell Instructor Ouyang, that is, Jiang Tingyi cannot go to Tianyue College!"

"Be bold!"

Instructor Ouyang's eyes also narrowed, very unhappy, "Is it you who decide whether Jiang Tingyi can go to Tianyue College?"

"Teacher Ouyang misunderstood."

Jiang Shan came forward very respectfully and handed over a piece of paper, "It's just that we found this among the old family master's belongings, so we had to come over and report this to Instructor Ouyang."

A relic from the old head of the Jiang family?

Instructor Ouyang frowned, took the piece of paper from Jiang Shan's hand, shook it open, looked at it, and said with a frown, "Mr. Jiang's will?"

Jiang Shan said respectfully: "Yes, the head of the Jiang family said in this will that although Jiang Tingyi's father Jiang Hai fought for the place in Tianyue College, who will get this place still needs to be determined among the younger generations of the family. Compete and choose the best person to get this spot!”

"I dare not go against the last wish of my old family master, so I brought this will for Instructor Ouyang to decide." Jiang Shan said.

Instructor Ouyang frowned. If this will was true, this would be a troublesome matter.

Because it was Jiang Hai who fought for the place at Tianyue College, and he also made an agreement with Tianyue College at that time that Jiang Hai's daughter Jiang Tingyi would get the place.

However, now a will from the head of the Jiang family suddenly appeared, indicating that this spot must be obtained by competition among the younger generations of the Jiang family.

Patriarch Jiang is Jiang Hai's father, and his son follows his father's instructions. Not to mention that Jiang Hai is missing now, even if Jiang Hai is not missing, Jiang Hai must abide by the will of Patriarch Jiang once it is issued.

This posed a big problem for Instructor Ouyang. If Instructor Ouyang ignored this will, it would obviously be disrespectful to the deceased family leader Jiang, and he would inevitably be stabbed in the spine.

But if we act in accordance with this will... it will be difficult for Su Chen to explain!

"Are you sure this will was left by Patriarch Jiang?" Instructor Ouyang asked with a frown.

"It's absolutely true. It also has the patriarch's seal stamped by the old patriarch Jiang himself!" Jiang Shan said, "As we all know, the Jiang family's patriarch's seal has been missing since the death of the old patriarch, so it can also prove this will. It is indeed what the old master left behind during his lifetime, and there is nothing false about it.”

Su Chen's eyes turned cold, and his two pupils were like sharp swords directed at the will in Master Ouyang's hand. He instantly saw clearly the handwriting on it and the imprint of the family head's seal.

Immediately afterwards, Su Chen sneered secretly, what a smart Jiang Shan!

Jiang Shan did not have the family head's seal in his hand, but he was able to produce this will with the family head's seal. On the surface, it was enough to prove that the will was authentic and not a forgery.

In this way, according to what was stated in the will, other Jiang family juniors can compete for this spot in Tianyue Academy.

But, is this will really left by Patriarch Jiang?

"This will is a forgery!"

Jiang Tingyi walked out of the crowd, her little face full of anger, "Grandpa never left such a will before he died!"

Jiang Shan shook his head and slowly unfolded the will in front of Jiang Tingyi: "Niece Tingyi, the evidence is in front of you. Doesn't it mean that if you don't know something, it is fake? The seal of the family head on this will, but I can’t make a fake one, and I don’t have the ability to make a fake Patriarch Seal.”

"You!" Jiang Tingyi was extremely angry.

She can be 100% sure that the old patriarch would not leave such a will. With the upright character of the old patriarch during his lifetime, how could he leave such a partial will?

However, the physical object of the will was right in front of her, with the bright red seal of the head of the family clearly stamped on it, making Jiang Tingyi unable to refute even if she wanted to.

"That's right, you really don't have the ability to create a fake Patriarch's Seal."

At this moment, Su Chen's voice suddenly sounded, "So, the family head's seal on this will is not forged."

"But..." Su Chen's face suddenly turned cold, "But the contents of this will were forged by you!"


Jiang Shan's pupils shrank at first, and then he sneered: "That's nonsense! What do you mean I forged the content? Can I still get a blank piece of paper with the family owner's seal on it, and then forge the content I want on it?" ?”

"Although it's not exactly what you said, it's almost the same."

Su Chen said calmly, "You first got a Patriarch's Order issued by the old Patriarch himself during his lifetime, and then used a special potion to erase all the writing on it. Wait until it is completely a piece of white paper, and then you can write on it Fill in the new content and forge it into a will of the old family owner."

"You have a great imagination!"

Jiang Shan sneered, "But unfortunately, that is not the case. This old family master's will is real and not a forgery. You said this will is a forgery. Do you have any evidence?"

"Evidence? Does it need to be that troublesome?"

Su Chen shook his head, and then stepped forward. Before Jiang Shan could react, Su Chen had already snatched the will from Jiang Shan's hand.

Immediately, Su Chen tore the will into pieces in full view of everyone!

"Su Chen, how dare you tear up the will left by the old patriarch?"

Jiang Shan also didn't expect that Su Chen would do this. By the time he reacted, the will had become a pile of paper scraps on the ground.

"Su Chen, even if you destroy the old family master's will, but everyone has seen the content above, you still can't default on it!"

Jiang Shan sneered. Could it be that Su Chen was so naive that he thought he could default on his debt by destroying the will? Then Su Chen was really wrong. Instead, he wanted to thank Su Chen for destroying the will so that no one would find out about it. Zhang's will was forged by himself.

"Jiang Shan, you have gone around in circles, don't you just want your daughter Jiang Yuewu to go to Tianyue Academy?"

Su Chen sneered and waved his hand carelessly, "Tingyi, compare with her!"

"Today, let Instructor Ouyang of Tianyue College take a look at your strength to see whether you are more suitable for Tianyue College or Jiang Yuewu is more suitable for Tianyue College." Su Chen looked at Jiang Tingyi indifferently.

Jiang Tingyi was shocked and nodded heavily: "Yes!"

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