Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 719 Separation of body and head

The pill was naturally a poisonous pill that Su Chen refined when he was free. After taking it, it would not cause an attack at the time, but would occur three to seven days later. But once it does, it would be a heart-breaking poison. This is not a violation of Su Chen's oath just now.

Because he only said he would not kill Jiang Laosan today, but did not say he would not kill him tomorrow.

In fact, Su Chen left a loophole when he made the oath, and had no intention of letting Jiang Laosan go from the beginning.

Not to mention that Jiang Laosan also sent his men to capture the members of the Chihong Mercenary Group, which gave Su Chen no reason to let him go.

Su Chen hurried on at full speed and arrived at the location marked on Jiang Laosan's map before dark.

From a distance, Su Chen saw the flickering light of a bonfire not far ahead, and at the same time, there were faint voices coming from the scene.

"It's almost dark now, and the third master hasn't come back yet."

"What are you worrying about? The third master must have been delayed for something. He may be back in a while."

"Let's eat first. Only when we're full can we have the strength to look at these prisoners."

Next to the clearly extinguished bonfire, three warriors were sitting, chatting while skewering monster meat with long swords and grilling it over the fire.

On the tree next to them, the members of the Chihong Mercenary Group were tied up with strong ropes.

After a while, the barbecue was almost cooked, and the rich aroma of meat penetrated the noses of the Chihong Mercenary Group, making them salivate.

"Daddy, it smells so good."

Little Ling'er was also tied to the tree and whispered to Zheng Fang who was tied aside.

Zheng Fang smiled bitterly, with mixed feelings in his heart. He remembered that when he left Yinfeng Village, Brother Chen reminded himself to pay attention to Jiang Lao San. At that time, he also vowed that he was an experienced veteran warrior and would never be beaten by Jiang Lao San. Three people tracked.

Unexpectedly, he was caught by Jiang Laosan's people and kidnapped here.

It is estimated that he and the rest of the Chihong Mercenary Group will be killed before dawn.

At this moment, Zheng Fang also regretted extremely. If he had listened to Brother Chen and stayed in the village for a few more days, the outcome might have been different.

"It doesn't matter if I die, it just means that other brothers from the mercenary group will die with me, and little Ling'er, who has lost her mother since she was a child, and has been wandering around with me. Poor child, I am the father. I'm sorry for her."

Zheng Fang was thinking wildly in his mind.

At this time, a man stood up next to the bonfire and walked to Zheng Fang.

This person turned out to be Xiao Xiang from the Chihong Mercenary Group, but now he was wearing the clothes of Jiang Laosan's men and had become Jiang Laosan's man.

"How about it, Captain Zheng, when you kicked me out of the Chihong Mercenary Group, you didn't expect this to happen, did you?"

Xiaoxiang asked with a sneer.

Zheng Fang's expression remained unchanged and he said: "If you do it again, I will still kick you out of the Chihong Mercenary Group."

Xiao Xiang's face changed. He was already resentful about being kicked out of the Chihong Mercenary Group, but he didn't expect that Zheng Fang would say this even when he was about to die. His face suddenly darkened: "Looking for death! Do you believe I will kill you?" "

"You can kill me. You can kill or chop me up as you please. However, let Xiao Ling'er and the rest of the Chihong Mercenary Group go. They are innocent," Zheng Fang said.

"Dreaming." Xiao Xiang sneered, "Your daughter and your men will die together with you. Who told you to blindly drive me out of the Chihong Mercenary Group? You deserve it!"

"Tell you, why Mr. Jiang's people can track you so easily? It's because of my contribution." Xiao Xiang sneered, "I'm too familiar with your anti-tracking methods. As long as you avoid those of yours, Anti-tracking means can easily track you.”

The firelight shone on Xiao Xiang's face, making his face particularly ferocious. At this moment, Xiao Xiang felt very happy. Seeing that the captain who had ordered him to work in the past had now become a piece of fish that he could slaughter, which made him feel very happy. What a pleasure.

"Hey, don't do anything now, these people have to be kept until the third master comes back before they can be killed!" Another one of Jiang Laosan's men shouted.

"I know, I know it well, I don't need you to remind me!" Xiao Xiang said impatiently. He just wanted to scare Zheng Fang, but he had no intention of killing anyone now!


From behind Xiao Xiang, there was a sudden sound of footsteps, as if someone was coming from behind.

Xiao Xiang didn't look back. He thought he was still Jiang Laosan's subordinate just now, so he frowned and said: "I told you, I know it, you don't need to come here to remind me, right?"

But after he finished speaking, Xiao Xiang found that Zheng Fang in front of him opened his eyes wide and looked at the person behind him with surprise.

Xiao Xiang suddenly felt that something was wrong. He immediately turned around and asked, "Who is it?"

The last sound of the word "who" was still floating in the air, and there was only a flash of sword light.

Xiao Xiang's eyes widened in disbelief, and his head, as big as a watermelon, flew up high, while his eyes were still looking down, as if he couldn't believe that his head and body were separated so easily.

Then, he saw clearly that the person who chopped off his head was Su Chen.

"Brother Chen, why are you here?"

Zheng Fang

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