Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 718 Crucified

"Five Sword Qi!"

Jiang Qing and Jiang Laosan's expressions changed slightly at the same time.

You know, when they were in Yinfeng Village, they also saw the fight between Tang Ming and Wen Haipeng. As a reincarnation realm swordsman, Tang Ming had condensed seven sword energies, and this was already an extremely amazing achievement in swordsmanship. It caused It shocked many people.

And now, a young man at the first level of the Lingtai Realm has actually condensed five sword energies?

Although Jiang Qing himself is a powerful person at the seventh level of the Lingtai Realm, he only has four sword qi.

"If I don't kill you, it will definitely be a disaster!"

Jiang Qing's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and a long knife suddenly appeared in his hand.

As it danced, four sword qi spurted out from the long knife. Each sword qi split and split again in mid-air, densely intertwined in the mid-air, as if many spider webs were formed.

This is a unique sword technique practiced by Jiang Qing. It can turn the sword energy into a net. Once the net is closed, the terrifying lethality will be revealed.

Although he was lagging behind in terms of sword energy, Jiang Qing did not feel that he would have any disadvantages. His cultivation was much ahead, which was enough to make up for it.

Swish, swish, swish...

Su Chen's sword energy collided with Jiang Qing's sword net, and the sword net was immediately stabbed with a big hole. However, Su Chen's sword energy also dissipated. It can be said that this move between the two parties was a draw.

But Jiang Qing's expression was very ugly. His cultivation level was so much higher than that of his opponent, and he could still be evenly matched. If this scene was seen by others, he would lose all face.

"Go to hell!"

Jiang Qing once again fired four sword qi, this time intertwined into a finer net, and rushed towards Su Chen, trying to trap Su Chen in the net.

Su Chen was not in the mood to fight with the opponent. When he saw Jiang Qing attacking him again, his face darkened and he wanted to fight quickly and resolve the battle as soon as possible.

"Bahuang Demonic Sword Formation!"


Four flying swords flew out from behind Su Chen and shot directly at Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing's expression changed. Su Chen gave him the feeling at this moment that he was not at all a young man at the first level of the Lingtai realm, but like a feared and feared master of the generation.

Four flying swords vibrating at high speed arrived in front of Jiang Qing in an instant.

A great sense of life and death threat made the hairs on Jiang Qing's body stand up.

Jiang Qing immediately stepped back, swiping his sword while retreating. Four more blades of sword energy flew out, split, and once again intertwined into a web of sword energy in front of him.

But at this moment, this net of sword energy was not to kill Su Chen, but to form a defense in front of him to protect himself.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Four flying swords struck, vibrating at high speed and erupting with terrifying lethality, tearing the sword energy net to pieces in one fell swoop.

However, the momentum of the flying sword did not stop and continued to move forward, cutting towards Jiang Qing's body.

Jiang Qing's face turned pale, and he swung his sword to resist again and again. However, he had no time to activate his sword energy and had no resistance at all. His whole body was quickly pierced by four flying swords, and his body was nailed to a big stone behind him. superior.

Su Chen moved his hand again, and the four flying swords spun around, and Jiang Qing's body slid down from the stone. He was already dead.

This sudden scene made Jiang Laosan on the side open his mouth in horror and couldn't recover for a long time.

Jiang Qing was actually killed by Su Chen like this?

Jiang Qing, who was at the seventh level of the Lingtai Realm, was actually killed by a young man who was at the first level of the Lingtai Realm?

Jiang Laosan knew that although he was at the seventh level of the Lingtai Realm, his cultivation at the seventh level of the Lingtai Realm was achieved by plundering resources in the village and forcibly piling up pills and core resources, so he was actually very weak in combat.

But Jiang Qing was different. He was the manager of Yinfeng Village and a veteran warrior with rich combat experience. Sometimes, even the eighth-level Lingtai Realm expert would be wary in front of him.

But such a master died in the hands of Su Chen, who was at the peak of the first level of the Lingtai realm.

For the first time, Jiang Laosan felt a bone-chilling chill. He originally thought that if he invited Jiang Qing to take action, he would definitely be able to capture him. Not only would he get back three hundred spiritual stones, but he would also be able to cut Su Chen into pieces with a thousand swords.

However, the direction of things was completely different from what Jiang Laosan had imagined in advance.

At this moment, Jiang Laosan stared at Jiang Qing's body in shock. It took him a while to recover, and he turned his head in horror, preparing to escape.

However, as soon as he took the first step, he saw Su Chen's figure appearing in front of him.

"No, don't kill me."

Jiang Laosan begged repeatedly, "If you don't kill me, I have something important to tell you."

"What's up?"

Su Chen asked.

Jiang Laosan's expression changed and he said: "You have to promise first that after I tell you, you will never kill me."

"If you tell me, I can swear to my inner demon that I won't kill you today." Su Chen said casually.

Jiang Laosan took a deep breath, and then said: "The people of the Chihong Mercenary Group were captured by my men, and now they are in the dark night

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