Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 720 The Sixth Sword Qi

"Okay, Brother Su Chen, I owe you another big favor. If we have a chance to meet again in the future, as long as you say a word, our Chihong Mercenary Group will definitely go through fire and water for you."

After Zheng Fang finished speaking, he did not dare to stay, and quickly left the area with Xiao Ling'er and the rest of the Chihong Mercenary Group.

Su Chen looked around and found that this place was close to the very depths of the Black Night Mountains, and there were towering trees nearby.

It was late at night and everything was silent except for the rustling of leaves.

Suddenly, Su Chen's ears twitched, then his expression condensed, he raised his head and looked at the sky, and said, "After watching for so long, it's time to show up, right?"

"Humph, you still found me."

A cold snort came from the sky, and then a thin and withered figure of an old man jumped down from the top of the tree. It was surprisingly the same old man from the Dongchan Sect, Zhang Yuanshan, from last time.

"You are really persistent."

Su Chen looked at Zhang Yuanshan, shook his head and said.

Zhang Yuanshan didn't look very good. Originally, he followed Su Chen secretly, hoping to make a sneak attack late at night when Su Chen relaxed his guard. However, he was discovered by Su Chen in advance, which basically disrupted his entire plan.

"Is my sword that attractive to you?"

Su Chen flipped his palm, and the Blood Demonic Sword appeared in his hand. Zhang Yuanshan's eyes immediately froze, and then an even stronger look of fanaticism appeared on his face.

"Do you want this sword? If you defeat me, you can get it."

Su Chen shook the Blood Demon Sword in his hand.

Zhang Yuanshan couldn't help but licked his lips and said with a ferocious smile: "Boy, don't think that I don't dare to take action. Your battle just now took a lot of energy. I wonder if I would kill you if I take action now. Much bigger than before?”

"Then you can come and give it a try. I'm looking forward to learning it again!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Hmph, as you wish!"

Zhang Yuanshan snorted coldly, and the figure immediately came over and slapped Su Chen on the forehead with a fierce palm.

But before the palm arrived, the powerful real energy had already hit, showing terrifying lethality.

Su Chen's figure jumped back, and the powerful defensive ability of the body of thunder, fire, and dead wood appeared, resisting most of the old man's true energy attacks. At the same time, he slashed out with a sword, and five sword energy crisscrossed the area.


Su Chen was still knocked out by this palm, and the skin on his body was also cracked with some gullies, but no blood flowed out.

After all, his previous battle with Jiang Qing had indeed consumed too much real energy and energy, and his current combat power was no longer at its peak.

But Zhang Yuanshan also showed a look of surprise. He thought that this blow could seriously injure Su Chen, but it only cracked Su Chen's skin without even bleeding. This was completely beyond his expectation.

"This kid is indeed a bit weird." Zhang Yuanshan thought to himself, but at this moment, the magic power was impacting his mind again, making him confused and even unable to think. He could only act instinctively.

Su Chen, on the other hand, was thinking in his mind that he was still at the fifth level of the "Nine Transformations of Diamond Power" and had not reached the sixth level. Otherwise, if he reaches the sixth level of cultivation and can achieve "the body is like a rock", with Zhang Yuanshan's strength, he may not even be able to crack his own skin.

"Boy, I want to see how long you can hold on?" Zhang Yuanshan's eyes showed an even stronger look of fanaticism. Not only was the long sword in Su Chen's hand a treasure, but he also seemed to have many secrets. As long as Su Chen If Chen kills him, these will all be his.


Zhang Yuanshan took action again, and with one palm strike, the situation changed.

Su Chen waved his sword to block, bang bang bang bang, the two fought fiercely, but this time Zhang Yuanshan had the upper hand, because Su Chen's combat power was no longer at its peak, so he was surrounded by danger, and new scars kept appearing on his body, which was even more serious. It affected Su Chen's combat effectiveness.

After fighting for a while, Su Chen decisively withdrew his sword and walked away. It would be harmful to him to continue fighting. As for the trump card of Qinglian Sword Qi, he could not use it easily because the true energy in his Dantian was almost dry. .

For a time, the two sides started a chase in the dense forest late at night.

Su Chen fought and retreated. Although he was at a disadvantage, he was never defeated by Zhang Yuanshan.

The reason why Su Chen kept fighting Zhang Yuanshan was because Su Chen wanted to use this opportunity to hone his own strength with this life-and-death experience.

Because Su Chen felt that the door to the sixth sword energy was about to open to him.

At this time, the more extreme environment is needed to compress the potential. Now is a good opportunity. As long as you can survive it, you can definitely reach the next level.

In the following period of time, during the fight with Zhang Yuanshan, Su Chen was in critical situations several times, relying entirely on his own combat experience and intuition to dodge the situation. The most dangerous time was when Su Chen was hit by Zhang Yuanshan's palm in the chest. If Su Chen hadn't moved a little to the right, his heart would have been almost shattered.

However, it was this extremely dangerous experience that made Su Chen finally reach the threshold of the sixth sword energy, and he struck out with a sword without hesitation.

In addition to the five sword qi, there is another small sword qi, the sixth sword qi!


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