Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 683 The Emperor Appears

"Oh, Prince Rui is right. Conferring the title of Marquis is a big deal. How could I not come in person?"

At this moment, a powerful voice suddenly sounded from the gate of the arena.

When Prince Rui and the head of the Lin family heard this voice, they looked towards the gate of the stadium with expressions as if they had seen something ghostly.

At the gate, eight solemn-looking guards in yellow came slowly, carrying a bright yellow sedan.

Everyone gasped, bright yellow is a color that can only be used by the emperor.

It is self-evident who is inside the sedan.

"Brother Royal?"

Prince Rui asked tentatively. He tried to keep his voice calm, but even so there was still a trace of shock.

The expression on the face of the head of the Lin family was equally shocked, because the news they received was that the emperor was seriously ill and his time was running out.

However, at this moment, the voice coming from the sedan was full of energy and did not sound like a seriously ill and dying person at all.

"Hi~ It's impossible, His Majesty the Emperor actually came in person."

The rest of the people present also looked at each other. Although they did not have as accurate information as Prince Rui, they also knew that the emperor's health had been in poor condition. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to not appear in public all the time. Even the last birthday banquet of the Queen Mother and this time Genius and Swordsman did not participate.

However, under such circumstances, the emperor actually appeared in public twice in a row about Su Chen.

"Well, Prince Rui, you did a good job hosting this genius sword discussion. I will reward you well later."

Emperor Yunyuan's voice spoke calmly in the sedan chair, and his words showed his domineering attitude as a ninth-five-year-old man.

Prince Rui's expression suddenly became very ugly. You must know that he has always dreamed of replacing Emperor Yunyuan's position, and after years of hard work, he has indeed established considerable prestige in the hearts of the people of the imperial capital.

But now the emperor has appeared, and with just an understatement, Prince Rui was immediately brought back to his original form, reminding everyone that Prince Rui was just a minister under the emperor's knees.

"Is your brother in good health?"

Prince Rui asked disbelievingly. He didn't believe that Emperor Yunyuan's health was really well. Emperor Yunyuan's angry voice at this moment might just be a disguised illusion.

"Haha, I have no serious health problems to begin with. I just had an occasional cold a while ago. Now that I have recovered, I am naturally fine."

Emperor Yunyuan's voice said calmly.

"Then, I dare to ask the Emperor to come out and meet you. After all, we have not seen the Emperor for such a long time and miss him very much. We hope to pay homage to the Emperor."

Prince Rui said with a flash of his eyes. After all, if you just listen to the voice, it is possible to fake it. He even suspected that there was not Emperor Yunyuan in the sedan at all, but just a person with a voice similar to Emperor Yunyuan who was acting.

Leng Xuhui stepped forward, stood in front of the sedan, and said with a dull expression: "His Majesty the Emperor has just recovered from the cold. It is not suitable for the wind to blow at this moment. If you want to pay homage, you can just do it outside the sedan."

Prince Rui looked sharply and said: "Commander Leng, I thought your attitude was weird just now. At this moment, you are blocking me from seeing my brother. Do you have an ulterior motive?"

"What motives does this official have? It's just for His Majesty's sake." Leng Xuhui said.

Prince Rui didn't care what Leng Xuhui said. Anyway, his purpose was just to find an excuse to lift the curtain of the sedan chair, so he shouted: "Bold Leng Xuhui, I suspect you of kidnapping the emperor's brother, and we must capture him now." you."

With that said, Prince Rui straightened his body and reached towards Leng Xuhui, as if he wanted to capture Leng Xuhui on the spot.

But halfway through, Prince Rui changed his direction in the middle of the drink, and passed by Leng Xuhui, heading towards the sedan chair where Emperor Yunyuan was sitting. He stretched out a hand in the air, trying to lift the sedan chair. The curtain opens.


A surging true energy rolled in hard, but Leng Xuhui suddenly took action, hitting Prince Rui's stomach with a fist.

Before Prince Rui's hand touched the sedan curtain, he didn't expect Leng Xuhui to actually make a move. He was caught off guard and had to stop and fight back, also punching him.


The two fists intersected, and the domineering air waves flew wildly.

Except for the sedan, which remained motionless, other people nearby raised their hands to resist the air wave. However, even so, many people were knocked to the ground by the air wave, which showed how powerful the two men were.

Prince Rui himself was also shocked by the aftermath of this move and took a few steps back before standing still. When he looked at Leng Xuhui, he was suddenly filled with shock and disbelief.

We can't blame Prince Rui for reacting like this, because Prince Rui's own combat power is already very powerful. Among the royal family, he is second only to Emperor Yunyuan at his peak.

However, Prince Rui's fight with Leng Xuhui only ended in a draw.

This shocked Prince Rui that there was such a master hiding around Emperor Yunyuan.

Leng Xuhui still had a dull expression, as if he had just taken action against Ruiqin

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