Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 682: The position of Marquis

"According to the decree of His Majesty the Emperor, the winner of this year's Genius Sword Competition will be granted by the royal family... the title of Marquis!"

When Leng Xuhui announced this decree, the whole place was silent!

After three full breaths, the discussion at the scene exploded like a tide.

"No way! The title of Marquis!"

"Although Marquis is not a hereditary title, he is still considered a relative of the royal family. His status is higher than that of the heads of ordinary aristocratic families, and is comparable to the heads of the six major aristocratic families."

"His Majesty the Emperor has never issued such a decree before, and there has never been a precedent for a genius swordsman champion to be awarded the title of Marquis."

"More than that, the title of Marquis can only be obtained by a powerful person who has made great contributions to the Yunyuan Empire. It is the first time in the history of the empire that such a young person is given the title of Marquis. ”

Everyone was talking about it, and it was hard to believe that Emperor Yunyuan would actually give such a decree.

You know, if Su Chen becomes a marquis, his status will be nominally equal to that of the head of the Lin family!

Everyone was shocked by Emperor Yunyuan's sudden decree and looked at each other.

This decree is equivalent to Emperor Yunyuan suddenly greatly increasing the reward for the genius swordsman championship.

If this decree were to be heard by previous generations of genius swordsman champions, I am afraid that all of them would vomit blood on the spot.

"How can it be!"

The head of the Lin family was the first to blurt out, his face extremely gloomy.

Leng Xuhui ignored the head of the Lin family and said to Su Chen: "Marquis Chen, if it is convenient now, I will take you to get your Marquis identity certificate."


Su Chen nodded leisurely.

He did not expect that the emperor would give him the position of marquis at this time.

That's right, as soon as Su Chen heard this decree, he knew that this position of marquis was given to him by the emperor, and he just borrowed the title of genius swordsman champion.

Even if he did not win the championship in this genius sword contest, the emperor would probably use other methods to give him the title of marquis.


Seeing that Su Chen was about to leave with Leng Xuhui, the head of the Lin family became anxious.

If Su Chen was granted the title of marquis by the emperor, it would be equivalent to Su Chen being protected by the emperor. If the Lin family killed Su Chen, it would be an open rebellion against the emperor.

In other words, if Su Chen and Leng Xuhui are allowed to leave here today, it means that the Lin family will have no chance to touch Su Chen again from now on.

"Marquis Chen, please."

Leng Xuhui made an invitation gesture to Su Chen, as if he didn't even see the head of the Lin family.

The head of the Lin family was furious. He was ignored twice by Leng Xuhui in a short period of time.

But he couldn't break out, because Leng Xuhui was the emperor's direct confidant. In a sense, Leng Xuhui represented the emperor, and naturally he didn't need to look at the face of the head of the Lin family.

Just as Leng Xuhui and Su Chen were about to leave, they saw the figure of Prince Rui walking out and blocking Leng Xuhui's face.

Leng Xuhui could ignore the face of the head of the Lin family, but Prince Rui was the emperor's younger brother. Leng Xuhui couldn't ignore it, so he stopped and said, "Is there something wrong, Your Majesty?"

"Yes, I have something to say."

Prince Rui frowned, stared at Leng Xuhui's face with two sharp eyes, and said slowly, "Commander Leng, I don't have any personal opinion against you. It's just that the imperial conferment of the Marquis is a matter of personal concern. It’s so important that you, the commander, have not heard the imperial brother declare the decree in person. Not only do I have doubts in my heart, but also with so many people present, I’m afraid it’s hard for anyone to truly believe it.”

"After all, it feels a little ridiculous that he is just a genius swordsman champion and he is awarded the title of Marquis."

"So, I, the king, am here and want to ask on behalf of others, what is the purpose of the emperor's decision?"

Prince Rui's words also made many people nod secretly. In fact, without Prince Rui's words, many of them also doubted in their hearts how could Emperor Yunyuan give Su Chen a reward just because Su Chen got a genius swordsmanship champion. Earlship?

Now that Prince Rui asked this question, they were naturally waiting for Leng Xuhui to give a reasonable explanation.

Leng Xuhui's expression was dull, and he did not have the slightest fluctuation due to Prince Rui's question. Instead, he said: "This is His Majesty the Emperor's own decision. I don't know the reasons for His Majesty the Emperor's decision, and I am not qualified to interfere with His Majesty the Emperor's decision." ”

"So, this king can't get an answer from you?"

Prince Rui was shocked.

"I really have nothing to say to the prince."

Leng Xuhui continued to speak with a wooden face.


Prince Rui obviously thought it was ridiculous and sneered, "In that case, do I think that the so-called awarding of a marquis was not a decree personally issued by the Emperor's brother at all, but was forged by someone who deliberately borrowed the name of the Emperor's brother?"

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