Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 684: The Destiny of a Country

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe walking out of the sedan.

This man has black hair, a straight figure, and an outstanding temperament. Like a sharp sword reaching into the sky, he exudes a sense of majesty that controls the heaven and earth.

It was Emperor Yunyuan.

"How can it be?"

Prince Rui tried hard to maintain his expression so that his expression would not collapse. But even so, there was still a look of extreme horror in his eyes that could not be concealed.

The middle-aged man who walked out of the sedan was indeed Emperor Yunyuan himself.

However, it is not the Emperor Yunyuan in Prince Rui's impression in recent years, but more like the Emperor Yunyuan in his memory ten or even twenty years ago.

What exactly is going on?

Not only Prince Rui was confused, but the head of the Lin family on the side was also confused.

Didn't it mean that the emperor's condition had worsened and his time was running out? Why did he show up now? Not only was he full of energy, but he had even become younger, and even his half-white hair had turned black.

Is this magic medicine?

However, is there any magic medicine in the world that can achieve such an effect?

Others present were also surprised, because in recent years, everyone could see that the emperor had aged very quickly. A man who was clearly in his forties or fifties looked like a man in his sixties or seventies, or even better.

Many people speculated that the emperor had worked too hard on state affairs and damaged his physical foundation.

But now, everyone can see that Emperor Yunyuan's hair has not only turned black, but the skin on his face has become smooth, tight and elastic again. His whole condition is as if he is thirty years old, full of energy. vitality.

This miraculous change made everyone stunned, and it was hard to believe that what they saw was reality.

"What's going on? Why has His Majesty the Emperor become so young?"

"This is simply the result of God's creation, it's incredible."

"I heard that the king of a country is protected by dragon luck. Could it be that the dragon luck played a role in His Majesty the Emperor's body and made His Majesty younger?"

Listening to everyone's whispers, Prince Rui's face gradually became very ugly.

Dragon Luck is so illusory that Prince Rui doesn't know if it really exists.

But he knew that if everyone thought that the emperor was protected by dragon luck, it would undoubtedly tell everyone that the emperor was the true dragon emperor appointed by this land, and no one else could replace him.

If that were the case, what would happen to the throne and Prince Tarei?

Su Chen smiled slightly. Only he knew that such magical changes could occur in the emperor's body because of the effect of Songyundan.

As for things like dragon luck, Su Chen also knew something about it. In places with higher levels of martial arts civilization, people usually don't call this kind of thing "dragon luck", but "national luck".

The so-called national destiny refers to the destiny of a country. It is said that the destiny of a country will be directly poured into the body of the monarch, so that the monarch not only prolongs his life and ages slowly, but also cultivates faster than ordinary people, and encounters the shackles of martial arts more easily than ordinary people. break in.

However, all this is based on the premise that you must be a king. If you take the initiative to step down from the throne, you will lose the support of the national destiny. Not only will your cultivation level be immediately knocked back to its original form, but if your longevity exceeds the upper limit, you will be out of power. The moment he entered the country, he died of old age.

Moreover, not every country has national destiny, and not every emperor can have it. Only an emperor who governs the country well, with everything within the country flourishing and people gathered together, can it be possible to gather the country's fortune, and the country's fortune will only be poured into that emperor's head.

In other words, if someone seeks to usurp the throne, he will not directly inherit the fate of the country from the previous emperor.

However, according to Su Chen's observation, a small country like Yunyuan Empire should not have national destiny for the time being, and even if it does, it will be very weak.

This is not to say that Emperor Yunyuan is incompetent in governing the country, but that the Yunyuan Empire is not really a big country when viewed from the perspective of the entire continent. Even if we only look at Dongzhou, the Yunyuan Empire's national power is relatively weak. It is sandwiched between several other powerful empires and does not have much breathing room.

This is because the Yunyuan Empire has relatively poor resources, and secondly, the Yunyuan Empire is a branch of the Liu family, one of the eight great families in the East Continent. If it were not for these two reasons, I am afraid that the current Yunyuan Empire would have been annexed by other major powers.

Therefore, it is normal for such a small country to have weak or even no national destiny.

However, the people present did not know this, and instead attributed the miraculous change of Emperor Yunyuan's youthfulness to the fate of the country.

"His Majesty the Emperor is protected by dragon luck, and he is the true dragon emperor recognized by heaven."

"Long live your Majesty!"

Guan Guoguan Fan suddenly took the lead and shouted.

Suddenly, people from the Guan family also shouted.

"Long live your Majesty!"

"Long live your Majesty!"

More and more people shouted, and gradually, the voices of the people below shouting long live became louder and louder. They merged into one, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, soaring into the sky and deeply rooted in people's hearts.

At this moment, everyone firmly believed that the emperor was the destined one.

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