Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 67 Competition in the south of the city

"Auntie, there's no need. I can leave."

Su Chen shrugged. After all, he had killed people and was angry. He really didn't care where he lived. He didn't care about the Jiang family anymore.

After all, it was just a shelter from the wind and rain. After leaving the Jiang family, he had a better choice.

"Xiaochen, don't talk!"

Xu Yin said fiercely, blocking in front of Su Chen like an old hen guarding her young, "You were the one who helped my aunt in the past. This time, how about asking my aunt to help you block it for once?"


Su Chen felt warm in his heart and raised the corner of his mouth into a smile.

He wasn't worried about anything, because he knew that as long as Xu Yin advanced and retreated with him, the other party would definitely compromise.

Sure enough, after Jiang Qin heard Xu Yin's words, his eyes flashed slightly, and his aura suddenly became much weaker: "Second Madam..."

Xu Yin interrupted him crisply: "When Xiaochen leaves, Tingyi and I will leave. There is no need to discuss this matter!"

Jiang Qin's eyes flickered, and he was troubled for a moment. Logically speaking, the first and third bedrooms would not care whether Xu Yin left or not, and maybe they even wanted Xu Yin to leave early.

But the problem is, Jiang Tingyi can't leave now. If she leaves, how can she snatch her place in Tianyue Academy?

Thinking of this, Jiang Qin did not dare to say anything to let Su Chen go.

At that moment, Jiang Qin looked gloomy: "I understand, Second Madam."

With that said, Jiang Qin waved his hand without even looking at the corpses on the ground: "Let's go!"

Then he led the group of military guards and left in a mighty manner, apparently to report to Jiang Shan.

Xu Yin looked at their backs and sneered, beckoning her servants to come in and collect the bodies.

"Xiao Chen, you can live in the Jiang family with peace of mind. If you want to leave, we will go together." Xu Yin said firmly.

"I know, aunt."

Su Chen smiled and turned back to his room.

This birthday banquet seemed like a great victory for Su Chen, but Su Chen felt a greater sense of crisis in his heart.

After offending the Wang family again and again, the Wang family will not let it go so easily. What's more, Jiang Shan and Jiang He will find out sooner or later that there is no family leader's seal in that cave.

At that time, the anger of the Wang family, the anger of Jiang Shan and Jiang He will all be inflicted on him. Therefore, before that, Su Chen should improve his strength as much as possible.

"Haha, the Wang family, as well as Jiang Shan and Jiang He, let's settle the accounts from the past life slowly in this life." A cold light suddenly disappeared in Su Chen's eyes.

However, before that, Su Chen's first priority now is to prepare for the competition with Ye Xuan in five days.

Su Chen put aside his thoughts and continued the body tempering bath.

In four more nights, the quenching bath can be completed.

Time flies, four days fly by.

During the past four days, Jiang Shan was quiet and there was no other movement.

It was as if he had given up on exchanging Jiang Tingyi's Tianyue Academy spot for Jiang Yuewu.

But Su Chen knew that Jiang Shan would not give up. The reason why he was lying dormant was just waiting for the best opportunity.

However, what Su Chen didn't know was that his name had spread throughout Qinghe City overnight.

He has become a hot topic in the streets and alleys of Qinghe City. He is a fifteen-year-old genius in the Condensation Realm. This is something that has never appeared in the history of Qinghe City.

Moreover, this fifteen-year-old genius in the Condensation Realm defeated Wang Zhong, a genius in the first level of the Condensation Realm!

Moreover, what was even more shocking was that even Master Mo, the president of the Alchemy Guild, and Shopkeeper Qin from Zui Xianju, who had never seen the dragon before his death, appeared one after another to support Su Chen.

You must know that these two people usually would not buy into anyone's fault in Qinghe City, but now they unanimously support Su Chen. The meaning of this is inevitably confusing.

For a time, the name Su Chen became synonymous with extreme genius, even overshadowing the former number one genius in Qinghe City, Ye Xuan.

In the past few days, the topic that everyone is discussing in the streets and alleys is whether the title of Qinghe City's number one genius will change hands?

And at this moment, another explosive news came out——

Su Chen will compete with Ye Xuan at the Qinghe City Competition Arena in five days!

This explosive news spread like wildfire in every corner of Qinghe City, as if it had wings. Everyone from the family elders to the traffickers and pawns were discussing the news.

What everyone is concerned about is whether the title of Qinghe City's number one genius will change hands.

The vast majority of people hold a negative opinion on this.

Because Ye Xuan's genius level is obvious to everyone in Qinghe City. He broke through the Condensing Yuan Realm at the age of eighteen, and his current cultivation has reached the second level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Moreover, Ye Xuan is also a student at Tianyue Academy in the imperial capital, which means that he may have learned the martial arts from Tianyue Academy.

Su Chen, on the other hand, was at the first level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, and in terms of martial arts, he did not have the background of the Tianyue Academy students.

Therefore, it is clear who will win and who will lose in this battle.

Su Chen naturally didn't know about all the discussions.

He devoted himself wholeheartedly to intensive cultivation, taking Xiao Yuan Dan during the day, running the "Chaos Immortal Record" to improve his cultivation, and taking body tempering baths at night.

Early morning on the fifth day.

When the first ray of morning light pierced the darkness, Su Chen jumped out of the bathtub.

The skin all over his body shone with a warm, jade-like sheen, even looking a little crystal clear under the morning light.

And if you touch the skin lightly with your hands, you will find that the skin on the surface of the body is very tough, as if it would not be broken even if cut with a knife.

Su Chen knew that the skin on his entire body was now equivalent to a layer of armor. At least, within the scope of the Condensing Yuan Realm, it would be difficult for opponents of the same level to hurt him.

Today, Su Chen's physical defense ability is definitely at the top level among opponents of the same level. If he is ranked second, no one will dare to be ranked first.

Su Chen slowly exhaled a breath of white air and was very satisfied: "The body quenching bath is finally completed."

He put on his clothes and walked towards the competition stage in the south of the city.

Today is the day when he and Ye Xuan meet for a martial arts competition.

Arriving at the competition stage in the south of the city, Su Chen was surprised to find that many people had gathered around the competition stage, filling the narrow street to the brim.

But after thinking about it, Su Chen realized that after the last birthday banquet, his reputation in Qinghe City should have been completely established.

However, I am afraid that these people present are not here to see how they win, but how they lose.

Thinking of this, Su Chen showed a cold smile on his lips and strode towards the competition stage.

Under the competition stage, Ye Xuan was already waiting. Today, Ye Xuan is wearing a moon-white brocade dress, looking like a tree standing in the wind, very handsome.

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