Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 66 Violence

"Yes, now I have become a thorn in the side of Jiang Shan and Jiang He. If I guessed correctly, the people sent by Jiang Shan and Jiang He are already on the way." Su Chen raised the corner of his mouth and sneered.


Xu Yin immediately stood up with an angry look on her face: "I will never let you leave the Jiang family!"

Su Chen smiled nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, even if I'm not here, as long as my cousin masters the "Kurong Fist" I teach, it's no problem to crush Jiang Yuewu."

Xu Yin slowly turned around and said, "Xiaochen, I didn't ask you to stay in the Jiang family just because I wanted you to stay and help."

"It's because we are a family and we will be together no matter what time. I will never let them drive you away!" Xu Yin turned around and said loudly.

"We are a family!"

Su Chen savored these words, and his eyes became moist unconsciously.

How many years has it been since I have tasted this kind of family affection?

Even though he became the Alchemy Emperor in his previous life and enjoyed infinite glory, these relatives have already left him. Although he is the Alchemy Emperor, he cannot get the ordinary happiness of an ordinary person.

Now that he has been reborn, Su Chen secretly vowed to protect these relatives.

Right at this moment.


A group of vicious people broke into the door and instantly broke the peace of the courtyard.

Xu Yin immediately stood up, faced the group of people, and said coldly: "Are you tired of living? You dare to break into my yard?"

"Second Madam, I'm sorry." The leader was one of Jiang Shan's confidants. He leaned carelessly at the door of the courtyard and said with a sinister smile, "We are here to ask Mr. Biao to leave the Jiang family!"

Seeing this scene, Su Chen's lips curved into a mocking smile. He didn't say anything, he just leaned against the courtyard wall and played with a stone carelessly in his hand.

"Jiang Qin!" Xu Yin said coldly, "Who gave you the courage to ask Master Su Chenbiao to leave the Jiang family?"

Jiang Qin shrugged his shoulders: "Of course the elder asked me to come. Everyone, come on and move out all the things belonging to the young master!"

Following Jiang Qin's order, a group of vicious slaves behind him immediately swarmed up and rushed towards Su Chen's room.


Xu Yin swayed and blocked the door of Su Chen's room, "Who dares to come in?"

A group of evil slaves were intimidated by the coercion of the Ning Yuan Realm powerhouse emanating from her body, and they did not dare to step forward.

Jiang Qin walked forward slowly: "Second Madam, this matter was ordered by the great master. No matter how tough you are, you can't twist your thigh with your elbow. Why don't you step aside?"

As he spoke, Jiang Qin's body shook suddenly, and a force of Condensation Realm that was not much weaker than Xu Yin burst out from his body, confronting Xu Yin.

Xu Yin said coldly: "Since Jiang Shan sent you here, I want to ask you, what is the reason?"

As she said this, Xu Yin became agitated, "Does it mean that as the second wife of the Jiang family, I don't even have the power to take in my mother's family?"

"Second Madam naturally has the right to take in her mother's family, but that does not include him!" Jiang Qin sneered, "Second Madam, your nephew is not an ordinary person. He committed the following crime and bumped into the old lady, causing the old lady to He was so embarrassed that he almost had a heart attack, but he acted as if nothing had happened and even added insult to injury. "

"The elder said that our Jiang family cannot afford to raise such a white-eyed wolf, so we should ask Master Su Chen to stay somewhere cool!"

Jiang Qin said and waved his hand suddenly, "Come on, everyone!"

He gave the order and a group of evil slaves rushed into Su Chen's room.

Su Chen's eyes flashed coldly, and he said calmly: "I've given you a chance, but if you don't recognize me yet, don't blame me for being rude."

As soon as he finished speaking, the stone that Su Chen was playing with flew out like a sharp arrow, instantly piercing the head of one of the evil slaves, causing blood and brains to fly everywhere!

The other evil slaves did not expect that Su Chen would kill people just because he wanted to. They were all stunned for a moment.

Su Chen took advantage of their brief moment of daze, exerted force with his feet, and shot his body like a sharp arrow into the middle of the group of evil slaves. He used both fists, one left and one right, to hit the chests of the two evil slaves hard.

The two men didn't even have time to grunt before their chests exploded and died from the two punches.

Then, Su Chen smoothly pulled out the long knife from the waist of one of the evil slaves, and slashed at the other evil slaves with one strike.

The sharp blade drew a semicircular trajectory in mid-air, cutting all five other evil slaves into two pieces.

In less than two seconds, the yard was filled with corpses.

Jiang Qin's eyes were filled with disbelief. He never expected that Su Chen would be so bold and dare to kill someone openly in the Jiang family!

"Su Chen, you are so brave!" Jiang Qin was furious and said sternly, "You dare to kill people in the Jiang family without even considering how much you weigh!" Jiang Qin moved, and just as he was about to step forward, Xu Yin said indifferently: "Jiang Qin, do you want to rebel?"

Jiang Qin was shocked, but after all, he was afraid of Xu Yin's strength and status and did not dare to take action. He just said harshly: "Since you dare to kill people in the Jiang family, never think that the Jiang family can tolerate you! Su Chen, I give you an ultimatum, immediately Leave the Jiang family!”

"What if I just won't let him go?" Xu Yin asked coldly.

"Here comes someone!"

Jiang Qin shouted, and suddenly a large group of armed guards armed with swords and guns came like a tide and surrounded the small courtyard tightly!

Jiang Qin took the lead and sneered: "Second Madam, I'm sorry, it's not you who has the final say on this matter today!"

"Shoo me away!"

Jiang Qin gave an order, and a large group of fierce military guards surrounded Su Chen. They all stretched out their spears, trying to put them on Su Chen's neck and force Su Chen out of the yard.

"Stop it all!"

Xu Yin remained calm and said coldly, "If Su Chen leaves the Jiang family today, then Tingyi and I will also leave the Jiang family together."


Su Chen frowned slightly. He actually didn't care whether he lived in the Jiang family, but he didn't expect that his aunt would do this for him.

Although her aunt's surname is Xu, she has been married to the Jiang family for so many years, and the Jiang family has long been like her own home, and there are also shared memories between her and Jiang Hai. Although Xu Yin didn't say anything, Su Chen knew that in her heart she had feelings for every plant and tree in the Jiang family.

Not to mention Jiang Tingyi, she is a descendant of the Jiang family. No matter how bad her relationship with the first and third families is, this is the place where her ancestors have lived for generations. How can she really be willing to leave the Jiang family?

But now, the aunt said she wanted to leave the Jiang family for her own sake.

Su Chen's heart warmed slightly, remembering what Xu Yin said just now, "We are a family."

Perhaps, this is the feeling of family, the feeling of family that he has not experienced for hundreds of years.

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