Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 68: Life and Death

Next to Ye Xuan, there was a group of teenagers, both male and female. As soon as they saw Su Chen coming, the group of Ye Xuan's supporters suddenly became extremely angry.

"You dare to compete with Brother Ye Xuan without peeing and taking care of yourself, bah!"

"Boy, if you are self-aware, you should take the initiative to admit defeat and beg for mercy!"

When this group of Ye Xuan's supporters saw Su Chen coming, they immediately started to curse.

"Don't you find it annoying to be noisy and noisy? Everyone is like flies? You like jumping up and down so much, why don't you come on stage to compete?"

Su Chen glanced at the group of Ye Xuan's supporters with great disdain and said contemptuously.

These words were like a fire, igniting all the anger of these supporters at once.

"Boy, what did you say?"

"Brother Ye Xuan, torture this kid hard, I bet you can crush him in three moves!"

"What are you talking about in your sleep? What three moves? I bet Brother Ye Xuan can crush him with one move!"

"Boy, if I were you, I'd kneel down and admit defeat right now, so as not to lose too ugly later on the competition stage!"

Su Chen suddenly smiled: "Ye Xuan, if you are afraid, just let them go up together.

"Boy, you are looking for death..." Everyone was furious.

"Shut up, everyone!"

At this moment, Ye Xuan, who had been keeping his eyes slightly closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

Two rays of gaze shot out from his eyes like sharp swords, piercing Su Chen directly, as if they could pierce directly into Su Chen's soul.

But what surprised Ye Xuan was that Su Chen's expression was as usual, and those two eyes seemed to have disappeared into the sea, without having any impact on him at all.

"Su Chen, wake up! Today is the day you pay the price for not saving my brother."

A cold female voice sounded, and then Wang Bingyan walked out from behind the crowd, her vicious eyes locked on Su Chen.

"Brother Ye Xuan, I want one of his hands and one of his feet, is that okay?" Wang Bingyan looked at Ye Xuan in a blink of an eye, her cold expression turned into a smile like a flower, and said in a flattering way.

Her brother was crippled for life because of Su Chen, so she wanted to let Su Chen experience the same pain. And if a martial artist loses a foot and a hand, it means completely cutting off the hope of martial arts.

Ye Xuan stood on the spot and nodded lightly.

In an instant, Wang Bingyan beamed: "Su Chen, you are dead!"


Another girl's voice rang out, but it was Jiang Tingyi who came in a hurry.

"Since when is it allowed to cut off the opponent's hands and feet in the competition arena? This is against the rules of the competition arena!" Jiang Tingyi frowned and said angrily.

Although the swords on the competition stage have no eyes, it is a generally accepted rule that one cannot intentionally cut off the opponent's hands or feet.

Wang Bingyan smiled coldly: "Jiang Tingyi, don't you know that life and death fighting is allowed in the martial arts arena?"

"A fight to the death?"

"That's right, both parties signed a life and death certificate, and the loser will be responsible for his life and death!" Wang Bingyan sneered, "I'm not afraid of death anymore, how can I still be afraid of having my hands and feet chopped off?"

"Unless...Su Chen doesn't dare!"

Wang Bingyan smiled provocatively, "That's right. How can someone like Su Chen, who is destined to lose, dare to sign a life and death certificate?"

Other supporters of Ye Xuan also mocked: "You were so bragging just now, you turned out to be a coward!"

"If you don't even dare to sign a life and death certificate, are you a man?"

"Didn't you just say that we should come together? You were laughing so hard, but when it came time to sign the life and death certificate with real swords and guns, you stopped talking."

Amid the ridicule and laughter of the crowd, Jiang Tingyi frowned and said to Su Chen: "Su Chen, don't listen to them. If you compete with each other, you should compete with each other. No matter how you sign a life or death certificate."

Su Chen is at the first level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, while Ye Xuan is at the second level of the Condensing Yuan Realm. There is no fairness in this kind of competition where the strength of the two sides is obviously unequal, and they are forced to sign a life and death certificate.

However, Su Chen, who had been keeping his eyes slightly closed, suddenly raised his eyes at this moment and smiled lightly: "As long as Ye Xuan is willing to sign, I will get it."

"Su Chen, don't sign!" Jiang Tingyi said angrily. She originally thought that Su Chen was completely different from her impression, but she didn't expect that he was still so unreliable at the critical moment. How could such an obviously unfair competition sign a life and death certificate?

However, Su Chen didn't seem to hear anything, but he strode to the competition stage, pulled out a piece of white paper from the table in front of the competition stage, dipped it in thick ink, quickly wrote with a brush, and wrote down a picture of life and death.

Then, with a stroke of his pen, Su Chen signed his name directly on the lower right corner of the life and death symbol!


Su Chen raised his hand and threw the sign of life and death at Ye Xuan's feet: "I've signed it, it's your turn!"

Ye Xuan's face also darkened in an instant. He did not expect that Su Chen would take a step ahead of him and sign the life and death certificate, which made him passive.


Ye Xuan snorted coldly, then picked up the brush and scrawled his name on the life and death certificate.

Su Chen's cultivation level was lower than his, so he was bound to lose. He didn't believe that Su Chen could not panic in this life-and-death sign!

However, the facts disappointed Ye Xuan again. From the beginning to the end, Su Chen just looked at him indifferently as he signed, and his eyes were like an ancient well, without any ripples.

Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes involuntarily, and a murderous intention flashed deep in his eyes.

Ye Xuan was very unhappy!

Among the young generation in Qinghe City, no one had ever dared to be so trusting in front of him.

He vowed to make Su Chen pay the price for his recklessness and arrogance.

At this time, the sky was already bright.

More and more people gathered near the competition stage.

"What? Su Chen and Ye Xuan signed a life and death certificate?"

"This Su Chen is too trusting. Although he has broken through the Condensing Yuan Realm, it's true, but how many days has he broken through? Ye Xuan has already broken through for three years, and his cultivation has reached the second level of the Condensing Yuan Realm! "

"The opponent is one level lower in cultivation, yet he dares to sign a life and death certificate. It seems that we may have to witness the fall of a genius today."

Everyone was talking a lot, which made Jiang Tingyi even more anxious. She didn't know that Su Chen and Ye Xuan had agreed to compete in martial arts. It wasn't until she woke up this morning and heard the servants talking about it that she realized that there was such a thing.

Moreover, she actually learned from the servants that now the entire Qinghe City knew about this competition!

She hurried over without even having time to freshen up, only to see Su Chen signing a life and death certificate!

Jiang Tingyi was almost mad at Su Chen. She gritted her teeth and pulled Su Chen aside: "Follow me!"

Su Chen was dragged into a corner by her inexplicably: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Tingyi frowned and said, "Won't I worry if you are like this?"

"Are you worried? Who are you worried about?" Su Chen asked inexplicably.

"I'm worried about you!" Jiang Tingyi said angrily.

"Are you worried about me? Hahaha..."

Su Chen couldn't hold it back for a moment and burst out laughing.

However, halfway through his laughter, he realized that the girl in front of him was silent, but her delicate eyes were filled with water.

Su Chen stopped smiling and asked curiously: "Are you really crying?"

Chen Dan Emperor was also a little confused at this moment. This girl was obviously not like this in her previous life. How had she ever seen her cry for him?

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