Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 65: Drive out the Jiang family

As he spoke, the rich middle-aged man waved his hand, and immediately two rows of beautiful maids filed in carrying trays.

The trays were filled with exquisite wines and dishes, just like the most exquisite handicrafts. They were full of color, fragrance and flavor. Even if everyone present had already eaten some of the wines and dishes, they couldn't help but whet their appetites at this moment.

However, when looking at the wealthy middle-aged man, everyone was confused, where did this god come from?

Is he really the shopkeeper of Zuixianju?

You know, the shopkeeper of Zuixianju has always kept his face secret. It is said that his backstage is extremely powerful. How could he come to attend Mrs. Jiang’s birthday party?


Suddenly, Qiu Tian, ​​the steward of Zuixianju who was present, ran out with a look of fear on his face, trotted all the way to meet the rich middle-aged man, and said respectfully, "Shopkeeper, why are you here in person? What are your subordinates doing?" Is it good?"


The rich middle-aged man smiled and shook his head, "It's just that I have a good relationship with Master Su Chen of the Jiang family. I knew that the old lady of the Jiang family was celebrating her birthday, so I specially sent a banquet to celebrate her birthday."

After he finished speaking, the scene fell silent.

To be precise, everyone at the scene was a little numb. This was actually another person who came for Su Chen.

"What happen to you guys?"

Shopkeeper Qin felt the strange atmosphere at the scene and couldn't help but wonder, "Is there anything wrong with the food and wine?"


Su Chen spoke calmly, with a hint of teasing in his tone, "It's just that Mrs. Jiang has just sworn not to accept any birthday gifts from me."


Shopkeeper Qin also reacted very quickly, and immediately said with a smile, "Then, I will send someone to send the banquet back."

"No need. These banquets have already been prepared. It would be a waste to send them back."

Su Chen said, "If Shopkeeper Qin doesn't mind, these banquets can be treated as my invitation to everyone."

"Of course I don't mind." Shopkeeper Qin said with a smile.

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised when they saw that even Shopkeeper Qin of Zui Xianju admired Su Chen so much.

However, when they saw the two banquet tables, their index fingers moved and they felt extremely relaxed and happy.

"This is a banquet in Zuixianju's Tianzi private room. It's a level above the banquet ordered by Mrs. Jiang."

"Only those above the heads of the three major families are eligible to eat this banquet."

"But this is not Mrs. Jiang's birthday banquet, but Su Chen invited us to eat."

"It doesn't matter who invited him, as long as it tastes good, it's over."

Mrs. Jiang, Jiang Shan and Jiang He looked at the people present talking and laughing while feasting on the banquet sent by Shopkeeper Qin. Their faces were as ugly as ever.

These banquets were on a higher level than the birthday banquet they ordered, and the most disgusting thing was that this banquet was not considered the old lady's birthday banquet, but was treated by Su Chen for the guests present.

Seeing all the guests happily eating the banquet invited by Su Chen, Mrs. Jiang, Jiang Shan and Jiang He really felt like they were being slapped in the face in public.

A good birthday party ended up like this. They didn't know who to blame, so they could only vent their anger on Su Chen.

Mrs. Jiang's eyes were blazing, she looked coldly at Su Chen in the distance, gritted her teeth and said, "Kick this kid out of our Jiang family!"

She would never allow Su Chen to stay in the Jiang family in such a big way after insulting her that she was worse than a dog!

Jiang Shan nodded gloomily. He had exactly this intention. Su Chen was such a troublemaker. Ever since he came to the Jiang family, his plans would be interrupted by Su Chen every time. He had long wanted to drive Su Chen away. The idea of ​​leaving the Jiang family.

Jiang Shan said again: "Mother, that matter..."

What Jiang Shan was talking about was exchanging Jiang Tingyi's place in Tianyue Academy for Jiang Yuewu.

The old lady had a sullen face, shook her head, and said: "Now is the time when the second house is enjoying its success. It is not a good time to act at this time!"

If it were announced at the birthday banquet that Jiang Tingyi's place would be transferred to Jiang Yuewu, Su Chen would definitely interfere with it, and might even ask Master Mo and others to intervene.

They had no choice but to postpone the plan and carry it out another day.

Jiang Shan's gaze was fixed on Su Chen like a poisonous snake, with a hint of murderous intent flashing in his eyes: "When Yue Wu's matter is finished, I will not let this boy go easily!"

At this moment, Jiang Shan had already developed a murderous intention towards Su Chen.

If Jiang Yuewu hadn't finished his matter and the family leader's seal hadn't been obtained, he would have killed this boy.

All the guests had enough to eat and drink, and left with satisfaction.

Jiang Shan and Jiang He were waiting at the door to see guests off, but their faces were terrifyingly gloomy.

This birthday banquet is definitely not a pleasant banquet for them.

For Mrs. Jiang, this birthday banquet was even more humiliating. At this moment, she didn't want to stay in the banquet hall for a second, and immediately drove back to her residence.

That day, instructor Ouyang from Yue College still had a calm face. When he passed by Jiangshan and Jianghe before leaving, he said: "Tell your lady Jiang Tingyi to pack her luggage as soon as possible. I will set off within five days." Go back to Tianyue Academy!”

Jiang Shan's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly said with a smile on his face: "I understand, I will tell her."

However, he glanced at Jiang Tingyi in the distance coldly, and thought to himself, it seems that the change of places is imminent!

But Su Chen, Xu Yin and Jiang Tingyi returned to their residence together.

Xu Yin carefully took out the Dragon Tiger Blood Building Pill and sighed: "This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a precious pill!"

At this moment, Xu Yin felt a bit like a dream. Master Mo actually gave such a precious Dragon and Tiger Blood Building Pill to herself.

"Xiaochen, you are in the golden age of cultivation. The Dragon Tiger Blood Building Pill is most suitable for you to take. My aunt is old, so taking it is a waste." Xu Yin glanced at the Dragon Tiger Blood Building Pill with a bit of reluctance and said.

Su Chen smiled: "My aunt is still very young, how can she be old? Besides, this Dragon Tiger Blood Building Pill is more suitable for people in the prime of life and the elderly. We juniors cannot maximize its effectiveness if we take it. Such a precious elixir was wasted.”

"Really?" Xu Yin was doubtful.

"That's right, aunt, I'll leave this pill for you to take." Su Chen smiled, and what he said was almost the truth. The Dragon Tiger Blood Building Pill is indeed more suitable for the prime of life and the elderly, and Su Chen is not bad either. This pill.

Xu Yin nodded and happily put away the Dragon Tiger Blood Building Pill.

Later, Xu Yin said hesitantly: "At today's banquet, they did not mention the matter of exchanging Tingyi's Tianyue College place to Jiang Yuewu."

Su Chen smiled: "That's because they changed their minds temporarily and felt that the banquet was not a good time to change places."

Xu Yin also nodded thoughtfully. If Jiang Shan and Jiang He mentioned the situation of today's birthday banquet, they might be slapped in the face by Su Chen.

"But they certainly won't give up."

Su Chen said calmly, "But, they know that as long as I am in the Jiang family for one day, I will definitely stop them."

Xu Yin frowned, thought for a moment, and said in surprise: "Xiao Chen, you mean... they will kick you out of the Jiang family?"

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