Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 613 Wedding Banquet

Lin Qi was still a little unbelievable at first, but the more she listened, the more sparkle bloomed in her eyes, and her whole eyes became fiery.

When Su Chen finished teaching the secret book completely, Lin Qi immediately bowed down, knelt on one knee and said, "Thank you for your kindness!"

Su Chen nodded and said: "This complete 'Murder Sword' secret book is very difficult to practice, but you have practiced the fragments before, so you have a foundation, and you are very talented in swordsmanship. If you succeed in practicing it, your future achievements will definitely be among the Lin family's." above."

Su Chen was afraid that Lin Qi still had feelings for the Lin family, so he made it clear.

Lin Qidao: "I have let go of my obsession with the Lin family, but I still want to thank my benefactor."

With that said, Lin Qi bowed down again and said, "Thank you so much for not killing me, for saving your life, and for your kindness in rebuilding my life. Lin Qi owes my benefactor three lives. From now on, I am willing to follow my benefactor, through fire and water, no matter what."

In fact, the complete secret book of the murderous sword is very precious, surpassing the secret book that Su Chen has taught to others before. However, Su Chen was not worried that Lin Qi would leak the secret book.

Because Su Chen knew that a person who would rather die than betray his old master would never leak the secret book.

Su Chen said: "If you are by my side from now on, your name will be Lin Qi. It will seem weird."

Lin Qi immediately kowtowed again and said, "Please give me your name."

Su Chen thought for a while and said, "Just call me Jian Qi."

"Jian Qi thanks my benefactor for the name." Jian Qi looked very happy that he had a new name.

Su Chen gave a few more instructions and asked him to practice in his own yard, and then left the yard with Xia Rongxian.

"Rong Xian? What are you nervous about?" Su Chen suddenly found that Xia Rongxian, who was walking beside him, seemed very nervous.

"Yes...are you? Are you okay..." Xia Rongxian blushed suddenly. In fact, after Xia Xuan mentioned to her a few months ago that she and Su Chen should "communicate more and enhance their relationship", she would The first time I was alone with Su Chen, I would feel nervous.

"Oh, that's okay. I saw you were sweating and thought you were nervous." Su Chen didn't take it to heart.

After casually asking Xia Rongxian a few questions about the business situation of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce in the past two days, Su Chen went back to his room. In more than a month, the Imperial Capital Genius Sword Forum would be held, and he needed to prepare early.

Xia Rongxian looked at Su Chen's leaving figure and couldn't help but feel absent-minded. In fact, since Xia Xuan said those words last time, Xia Rongxian gradually discovered that she was not very disgusted with what her father said.

Even, there seems to be some expectation.

But when Xia Rongxian thought of this, he felt so ashamed that he felt hot all over and was embarrassed to think about it any more.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't seem to be aware of this aspect now, Xia Rongxian couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Su Chen continued to enter the state of cultivation.

Su Chen has no plans to go to the Jiuxing Danhui for the time being. His first priority now is to improve his strength.

However, after practicing for about seven days, Su Chen had to be interrupted from his cultivation state because Guan Fan sent his chief confidant to find him and sent him a wedding invitation.

"The young lady of the Guan family is going to get married tomorrow?"

Su Chen took the wedding invitation and looked at it. He couldn't help but shake his head and said, "It has nothing to do with me that the young lady from the Guan family is getting married."

"Mr. Chen, if an ordinary young lady from the Guan family were to marry, she would naturally not work for you."

Guan Fan's subordinate smiled and said, "However, Miss Guan Yu'er, who is getting married tomorrow, is the niece of Guan Guogong and Guan Guifei, and is also the highest-ranking lady in the Guan family. Her wedding will be very grand, in the imperial capital. Most of the big shots will come, so Guan Guogong also hopes that you can show your appreciation."

Su Chen thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, you go back and tell Guan Guogong that he is interested. I will be there tomorrow."

The next day, Su Chen came to Guan's house at Sishi.

Today, the Guan family is completely decked out. There are big red lanterns hanging everywhere. There is a long red carpet at the door of the house. There are dozens of servants in red coats at the door to welcome guests. They look happy and grand. .

Because it was already the time, many guests had already arrived at the Guan family, including many dignitaries from the imperial capital, who continued to enter the Guan family residence in twos and threes.

I have to say that the Guan family's pomp this time was really grand. Even some idlers who didn't have invitations gathered outside the Guan family's gate to watch the fun.

"I don't know who Miss Guan is going to marry?"

Su Chen suddenly became curious. The Guan family itself was the first family in the imperial capital. It seemed that there was no other possibility for the Guan family's most valued young lady to marry besides marrying into the royal family.

However, if you marry into the royal family, there will definitely be news from the royal family, and it is impossible for only the Guan family to have a wedding banquet. What's more, the emperor has no official children, so it is impossible for a prince of the right age to marry Miss Guan.

Could it be that she is marrying a force outside the imperial capital?

Apart from the royal family and the six major families in the imperial capital, the only major forces in the Yunyuan Empire are a few super sects. Could it be that she married into those super sects?

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