Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 614 The Bridegroom Officer

"I wonder which family the man is from?"

Su Chen asked curiously.

Just as Guan Fan was about to open his mouth to answer, he heard a loud announcement coming from outside: "Prince Rui is here!"

Guan Fan said to Su Chen apologetically: "Mr. Chen, I'm going to receive Prince Rui first. Please wait for me for a while."

"Guan Guogong, please go and get busy first."

Su Chen nodded and said, although the relationship between the Guan family and Prince Rui is not very good, the superficial work must still be done.

After Guan Fan left, Su Chen found a seat in the banquet hall and sat down, drinking wine casually.

The guests who came today were all well-known figures in the imperial capital. Under such an occasion, naturally no one paid attention to Su Chen.

"The Guan family's wedding is really grand."

"That's natural. Today's bride, Guan Yu'er, is the niece of Duke Guan and Concubine Guan. It's normal for her wedding to be grand."

"I heard that Guan Yu'er is only fifteen years old, right? I don't know which family the man is from?"

"It is said that the marriage contract was made by the previous generation Guan Guogong himself when he was still alive. The man does not seem to be from the imperial capital."

"I don't know who is so lucky to marry Guan Yu'er?"

"Yes, Guan Yu'er is both talented and beautiful, and she is the only direct lady of the Guan family in this generation. Anyone who marries her will be in high esteem for eight lifetimes."

Many young men present were talking enviously.

Soon, it will be noon.

"The groom's team is here!"

Following a loud announcement, a group of people happily poured into the hall.

Walking at the front was an old man wearing a dark red robe. This old man had sharp eyes and looked very capable. He exuded a powerful aura. When he glanced at the crowd, the temperature of the place seemed to drop several degrees.

Behind the old man, there was a group of escorts, surrounded by a young man wearing a red groom's suit and a red flower.

"This is today's groom!"

Everyone's eyes were focused on the young man wearing the groom's uniform, instantly making the young man the focus of the audience.

I saw that the young man was quite handsome, but he had a frivolous temperament, and his steps were frivolous, which deducted a lot of points from him.

At this moment, someone suddenly whispered in surprise and said, "Look at their chests!"

Only then did everyone notice that everyone in the wedding team had a unified logo embroidered on their chests.

"This is... the symbol of Zhengyi Sect!"

"It turns out that the groom is actually from the Zhengyi Sect!"

Everyone gasped and talked a lot.

The Zhengyi Sect is one of the few super sects in the Yunyuan Empire, and even the royal family is afraid of them.

In terms of scale and strength, the Zhengyi Sect is only stronger than the Guan family.

If he were a direct descendant of the same sect, he would indeed be considered a worthy match for Guan Yu'er.

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. From the first moment he saw the wedding team, he also recognized the symbol of Zhengyi Sect.

And the people in the wedding team, whether it was the old man in the crimson robe or the young groom, gradually matched what Su Chen remembered. They were indeed from the same sect.

When Su Chen was in the Zhengyi Sect, he spent most of his energy on cultivation. He only knew a few familiar faces among the higher-ups in the sect.

And this elder wearing a crimson robe was one of Su Chen's familiar faces - Elder Ding Xie of Zhengyi Sect.

As for the groom, he is the grandson of Elder Ding Xie, Ding Sheng.

"It is said that Elder Ding Xie and Elder Xingyun have a good relationship and are sworn friends."

Su Chen's eyes showed a hint of sharpness, which was interesting. He originally thought that he was just attending a wedding this time, but he never expected that he would meet someone related to him.

Su Chen has not forgotten how Elder Xingyun and Lu Yuan of the Zhengyi Sect framed him for stealing the elixir.

And when he left the Zhengyi Sect's mountain gate, he vowed to defeat the Zhengyi Sect within a year.

"I never expected that it would be such a coincidence that I would meet someone from the Zhengyi Sect here..."

Su Chen also didn't expect that after working for a long time, it turned out that the Guan family actually wanted to marry Zhengyi Zong.

Although Su Chen had no direct contact with Ding Sheng, who was married to him, he had heard many stories about him when he was in Zhengyi Sect.

Ding Sheng was a playboy when he was in the Zhengyi Sect. He didn't have much interest in the things of cultivation. Instead, he was keen on teasing cats and dogs, being domineering and bullying many female disciples of the Zhengyi Sect.

But because his grandfather, Elder Ding Xie, was the powerful elder of Zhengyi Sect, the disciples dared to be angry with him but did not dare to speak out.

"Such a person wants to marry a young lady from the Guan family?"

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