Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 612 Complete Cheats

For example, in the first picture, a baby abandoned on the roadside was picked up on a rainy day.

The second picture is of a young child crowded together with a group of other young children in a small yard, eating, sleeping, and growing up.

The third picture shows a half-grown boy practicing his sword in the yard.

The fourth picture shows a young man kneeling in front of a richly dressed man, bowing his head and obeying orders.

Although the lines in each picture are crooked and the drawing skills are poor, the meaning expressed is very clear.

Su Chen glanced at it and understood in his heart that these four pictures were actually Lin Qi's own growth experience, and he had completely painted them in the pictures.

However, at this moment, Lin Qi's eyes were empty and his expression was dull. He was painting entirely based on instinct.

Even when Su Chen walked up to him, Lin Qi didn't look up at all.

"Where's your sword?"

Su Chen asked suddenly.

Lin Qi didn't raise his head at all. He still lowered his head and drew on the ground with a branch, muttering: "I am too injured and can no longer lift the sword."

Su Chen smiled. He knew that when he used the "Green Lotus Sword Qi" to attack Lin Qi, he was indeed seriously injured.

But at this moment, Lin Qi's physical injuries had already been healed under the influence of various healing pills, and there was no problem of excessive injuries.

The reason why he can't lift the sword now is just because of his "inner demon".

"You mean you are a useless person now?" Su Chen said.

Lin Qi still didn't raise his head and said dullly: "I can no longer lift the sword, so I am naturally a useless person."

"Since you are a disabled person, how can you find the strength to paint here?" Su Chen said lightly, "Even people with paralyzed hands and feet can still do something good. You obviously have intact hands and feet, but you are giving up on yourself here. This is the real loser.”

Lin Qi's dull face changed slightly, and she gritted her teeth slightly and said, "I have not given up on myself."

Su Chen acted as if he hadn't heard what Lin Qi said and continued, "Because some people who don't care about you at all, and even take advantage of you, are willing to let themselves down. I'm disappointed in you."

As he said that, Su Chen walked over and stepped on the picture drawn by Lin Qigang. As soon as he moved his foot, the picture was completely destroyed.

Lin Qi raised her head suddenly, with a trace of bloodshot eyes in her eyes, showing a fierce expression, and said: "You don't know anything, don't talk nonsense in front of me."

Su Chen said calmly: "The Lin family doesn't treat you as a human being at all, but treats you as a dog. Are you willing to think that you are a dog?"

Lin Qi's expression became even fiercer, and he gritted his teeth and said, "If I didn't owe you two lives, I would definitely kill you now."

Su Chen knew that the two lives he was talking about, one meant that Su Chen could have killed him but didn't, and the other meant that Su Chen saved him when he was beaten to death by the Lin family. .

Su Chen suddenly showed a sarcastic smile on his face and said, "Just you? If you practice for another hundred years, you won't be my opponent. You are just a waste!"

"I'm not a waste!"

Lin Qi suddenly roared, jumped up, used the branch in his hand as a sword, injected his true energy into the branch, and stabbed Su Chen.

The originally fragile branches suddenly became harder and sharper than a first-grade magic weapon with the support of true energy.

Su Chen didn't hold a weapon in his hand, he just slapped the tree branch with his palm.


The branch suddenly broke, and Lin Qi flew backwards, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and then fell heavily to the ground like a sandbag.

Su Chen said: "Are you still saying that you are not a waste? Anyway, you just said you were a waste, so you might as well just honestly admit that you are a waste."

Lin Qi's eyes were red, and she jumped up without saying a word, and attacked Su Chen again. This time, there was no branch in his hand, so he simply punched Su Chen in the face.

However, the moment his hand came into contact with Su Chen, a bolt of lightning quietly shot out of Su Chen's body and wrapped around his hand. After a crackling sound, Lin Qi was shocked and took a few steps back. A burnt mess.

"You are said to be a waste, don't you accept it?" Su Chen said.

Lin Qi took a deep breath, and even a low sound like the roar of a wild beast came out of her throat, and jumped up again to pounce on Su Chen.


This time, he was kicked backwards by Su Chen again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Lin Qi persevered and kept attacking Su Chen, each time more ferocious than the last, and the power he unleashed was getting bigger and bigger.

However, every time, Su Chen was knocked away by various means, unable to hurt Su Chen at all.

Xia Rongxian stood not far away, looking frightened, but she did not go up to stop him. She knew that Su Chen wanted to wake Lin Qi up.

Half an hour later, Lin Qi was as tired as a dead dog lying on the ground, panting.

Su Chen walked over and tried to slap him with a palm.

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