Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 607 King Mulangdan visits

"Does this matter have a lot to do with me?"

Su Chen asked with a smile. Although he had already guessed that King Mulangdan's arrival was most likely for him, he was still curious. Did Xue Ziyu come here specifically to tell him this?

"Otherwise, what do you think? I might as well tell you an insider information that I know, that is, a grandnephew whom King Mulangdan values ​​​​very much is a close friend and has a deep relationship with the president of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce. So. , do you still think that you can be calm about King Mulangdan's return to the imperial capital? "

Xue Ziyu played with a strand of black hair on her chest with one finger, looking at Su Chen with beautiful eyes, she asked with a half-smile.

Su Chen spread his hands: "What else? Am I going to ask that King Mu Langdan to let go of my Rongxian Merchant Association?"

As he said that, Su Chen couldn't help but have a hint of sarcasm in his tone, "That won't be of any use."

"If that King Mulangdan is really willing to risk his reputation as a member of the Jiuxingdan Society just to destroy my Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, then I wouldn't mind giving him a try."

Seeing Su Chen spit out the words calmly, Xue Ziyu suddenly felt a powerful aura from his body that was absolutely incompatible with his age. That kind of aura can only be possessed by people who have been in power for a long time. .

For a moment, Xue Ziyu was in a daze.

The atmosphere in the hall was also silent for a moment.

The next moment, Xue Ziyu fluttered her long eyelashes, sighed softly, and said: "I understand, and I will also help contact several Dan Kings to help you as much as possible."

"Then thank you so much, Shopkeeper Xue."

Su Chen chuckled and said.

"You're welcome. After all, Wubaotang owns 10% of your shares. After all, I am also your shareholder..."

Xue Ziyu said, also smiling slightly.

"By the way, I want to remind you again. This time King Mulangdan appears in the imperial capital, the meaning is definitely not that simple."

Xue Ziyu said again.

"Oh? It's not that simple?"

Su Chen asked curiously.

"Well, the number one alchemy giant in the imperial capital used to be King He Yandan, and King He Yandan has a sworn relationship with you, so with King He Yandan here, he can protect your Rongxian Chamber of Commerce."

Xue Ziyu said, "But now, King Mulangdan has returned. From now on, he will be the number one alchemy giant in the imperial capital. His words have the highest authority. Even King He Yandan has to step aside. From now on, your Rongxian Chamber of Commerce will It’s not that simple to continue to eat up more than half of the elixir market in the imperial capital.”

"Thank you, Shopkeeper Xue, for reminding me."

Su Chen smiled.

"You're welcome, I'm also here for my 10% share."

Xue Ziyu smiled charmingly and said, "Anyway, you have to work hard for King Mulangdan's visit tomorrow."

"I see."

Su Chen said and sent Xue Ziyu out of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

Through the information provided by Xue Ziyu, Su Chen can basically confirm that since King Mulangdan has a close relationship with the Longyou Chamber of Commerce, King Mulangdan's visit tomorrow will most likely have ulterior motives.

At the moment, Su Chen also calmly directed everyone in the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce to clean up and prepare for the arrival of King Mulangdan.

Early the next morning.

A carriage with white curtains stopped at the entrance of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. A group of people came out of the carriage, surrounding a short old man.

This old man looked energetic and clean-skinned. From his appearance alone, no one would have guessed that he was already a hundred years old. His back was straight and his robe was neatly arranged.

"Is this the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce?"

The old man raised his head and looked at the signboard of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Yes, Master Mu, this is the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce that has recently expanded rapidly in the Imperial Capital and occupied half of the Imperial Capital's elixir market."

An attendant reported.

"I only care about whether the three new elixirs from Rongxian Chamber of Commerce are really as magical as the legends say."

The old man said calmly and took the lead towards the gate of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

At the gate, Xia Xuan was already waiting there. When he saw the old man and his party approaching, he bent down and saluted, and said, "King Mu Dan, my young master is already waiting for you inside the Chamber of Commerce."

Upon hearing the word "young master", the followers behind King Mulangdan all exchanged surprised glances. Before coming here, I heard that the leader of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is very young, less than twenty years old. Is this true?

"Lead the way."

King Mu Langdan nodded slightly and followed Xia Xuan into the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

Entering the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, what you see is a small chamber of commerce, with busy clerks coming and going, and alchemists wearing alchemy robes coming and going from time to time.

Judging from the scale, it is completely unimaginable that this is the number one elixir merchant guild that has recently emerged in the imperial capital. At least in terms of the scale and manpower of the chamber of commerce, it is far inferior to the Longyou Chamber of Commerce.

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