Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 606 Xue Ziyu’s Visit

In fact, Li Shitong didn't know anything about these things when he first came to the imperial capital.

However, her ability to collect information is very strong. During her time in the imperial capital, she found out a lot about the alchemy world and also learned about the existence of the Nine Star Alchemy Society.

"So, the person you are talking about is the only person in the Yunyuan Empire who is certified as a member of the Nine Star Dan Society?"

Su Chen asked Xia Xuan.

"That's right. But as early as sixty years ago, that man had left the imperial capital and lived in seclusion without paying attention to worldly affairs. There has been no news about him in the past sixty years. Many people even thought that he had passed away."

Xia Xuan said, "But, for some reason, he returned to the Imperial Capital just a few days ago!"

"Oh? So what's his name?"

Su Chen asked with great interest.

"His name is King Mulangdan!"

Xia Xuan replied.

"According to what you said, this person has disappeared in the imperial capital for sixty years, but suddenly appeared again. This matter should not be simple. There must be some inside story." Su Chen pondered.

Xia Xuan suddenly opened his mouth. After hesitating for a while, he said under Su Chen's gaze: "Actually... we just received a message from King Mu Langdan today. He will come to visit Rong Xian in person tomorrow. Chamber of Commerce!"

"What? Come to visit Rongxian Chamber of Commerce?"

Li Shitong on the side exclaimed subconsciously, his eyes full of shock.

"Why does such a giant of alchemy come to visit our Rongxian Chamber of Commerce?"

Su Chen also frowned and asked.

Xia Xuan said: "The reason written in King Mu Langdan's post was to inspect the elixirs sold by major chambers of commerce in the imperial capital. In fact, he has indeed visited several chambers of commerce in the imperial capital in the past few days. It is our turn tomorrow Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.”

After Su Chen heard this, his frown did not relax.

If in the past, Su Chen wouldn't have thought much about such a well-known alchemy expert, and might even have welcomed him, because such a person could bring more popularity to the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

But now, it is the time when the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is taking off in the imperial capital. Now the reputation of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is at its peak, accounting for almost half of the entire elixir market.

At this time, a giant alchemist who had never appeared before suddenly appeared and wanted to inspect the elixirs sold by major chambers of commerce in the imperial capital. It was almost easy to imagine that the other party might be coming for the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. of.

Su Chen was not a suspicious person, but in this situation, he couldn't help but be suspicious.

"Which chamber of commerce was the first one King Mulangdan went to?" Su Chen asked.

Xia Xuan thought for a moment and said, "It's the Longyou Chamber of Commerce!"

Longyou Chamber of Commerce!

There was a cold edge in Su Chen's eyes.

The Longyou Chamber of Commerce, the former No. 1 Pill Chamber of Commerce in the imperial capital, had been a stumbling block for the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce when it was first established, and had competed with the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

But in the end, the three new elixirs of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce were completely crushed by the three new elixirs of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, which was equivalent to a slap in the face of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce in public. Delongyou Chamber of Commerce could only withdraw sadly.

Since then, the Longyou Chamber of Commerce has been very quiet and has not made any other moves. In the elixir market, the rising star Rongxian Merchant Guild has always been outperformed.

People can't help but wonder, is Longyou Chamber of Commerce planning to hand over the title of the No. 1 Pill Chamber of Commerce in the Imperial City to Rongxian Chamber of Commerce?

The Longyou Chamber of Commerce's bland response of inaction made people feel weird.

However, as time went by, this matter was ignored, making people think that perhaps the Longyou Chamber of Commerce had admitted defeat.

But now, the appearance of King Mulangdan makes Su Chen understand that maybe things are not that simple. The Longyou Chamber of Commerce has never given up. Maybe the appearance of King Mulangdan this time is the revenge of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce!

You know, if King Mulangdan is really a member of the Nine-Star Dan Society, then his casual words may bring the reputation of one elixir to the sky, or the reputation of another elixir. Beat him to hell.

If this King Mulangdan is really invited by the Longyou Chamber of Commerce, then, with the prestige of this King Mulangdan in the imperial capital, if he has a bad comment about the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, then the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce will be destroyed during this period. The position that he has established in the imperial capital's elixir market will be wiped out from now on.

Although this was considered a precautionary worry, Su Chen knew that he should never be afraid of judging others with the greatest malice. This was the best protection for himself and the people around him.

Seeing Su Chen's expression, Xia Xuan suddenly thought of something and took a deep breath: "Mr. Chen, are you thinking...that King Mu Langdan is here for us?"

Su Chen smiled faintly: "Although we are not sure yet, it is always right to prepare for a rainy day. Uncle Xia, please go down and have someone clean up the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce inside and out. We must entertain King Mu Langdan well tomorrow."

"Yes, Mr. Chen."

Xia Xuan said, turned and left the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce Hall.

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