Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 608: Humiliation in person

Originally, King Mulangdan was not interested in the banquet, but when he saw Su Chen entertaining him so wholeheartedly, the wrinkles on his face could not help but relax, and a look of satisfaction appeared in his eyes.

Su Chen smiled lightly and invited King Mu Langdan and his party to sit down and enjoy the banquet together.

Among King Mulangdan's group, in addition to King Mulangdan himself, there are also several other well-known Dan kings in the imperial capital.

During the banquet, cups and cups are pushed and cups are pushed, and the host and guest enjoy themselves.

Su Chen always had that kind of polite smile on his face, and his attitude towards King Mulangdan and his party was also very warm.

People can't help but think that he is doing his best to entertain King Mulangdan because King Mulangdan will conduct an appraisal of the elixirs of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce soon, at least not to offend King Mulangdan.

This couldn't help but make the people present understand the situation, and at the same time, they also looked down upon the owner of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

The elixirs of the Rongxian Merchant Guild were so popular before, but now in front of an elixir master of the level of King Mulangdan, don't you still have to be cautious?

An hour or two later.

After three rounds of wine, the five flavors of food are gone.

Su Chen calmly put down his chopsticks and said to Xia Xuan: "Bring the elixir here."

Xia Xuan nodded and quickly walked out of the banquet hall.

When King Mulangdan and his party heard this, they became energetic and knew that the main event was coming.

"The three new elixirs from Rongxian Chamber of Commerce are famous. Master Mu will definitely not be disappointed when he sees them later."

A Dan King named Yan said with a smile.

Su Chen glanced at King Yan Dan and knew that this person must have been entrusted by Xue Ziyu to put in a good word for him.

I have to say that Xue Ziyu did her best to help him in this matter.

But...he doesn't need it!

Soon, Xia Xuan walked back to the banquet hall quickly, holding a tray in his hand. There were three pill bottles in the tray.

"My lords, please taste it."

Xia Xuan said, placing three pill bottles in front of everyone.

King Mulangdan reached out and picked up one of the elixir bottles, uncorked it and poured out one pill. He took a look and smelled it. A strange look appeared on his face immediately.

However, King Mulangdan didn't say anything. He picked up the other two pill bottles and poured out the pills in them to watch.

Then, King Mulangdan frowned and said, "The three bottles of elixirs that your Chamber of Commerce brought out, if I read correctly, should be three bottles of waste elixirs, right?"


"Waste elixir?"

The faces of the other alchemy kings present changed slightly. When King Mulangdan poured out the elixir just now, they actually felt that something was wrong. These three bottles of elixir, both in terms of their appearance and the aroma they emitted, , it doesn’t look like a finished elixir of good quality, but rather like a waste elixir that failed to be refined.

However, since they are relatively far away, they cannot be sure.

Now after hearing what King Mulang Dan said, they were sure that these three bottles of elixirs were indeed waste elixirs!

"These three bottles of elixirs are all useless elixirs, and there is not even a single completed elixir of acceptable quality."

King Mulangdan said coldly, anger gradually rising on his wrinkled face, "Mr. Chen, could it be that you did this because you have no confidence in the elixirs sold by your chamber of commerce, so you used this method to prevent me from treating you badly?" Is your elixir appraised?”

"If this is the case, then I am very disappointed in you and also very disappointed in Rongxian Chamber of Commerce."

After King Mulangdan finished speaking in a cold voice, the atmosphere in the entire banquet hall suddenly seemed to be stagnant.

When the Dan King Yan saw this, he smoothed things over and said, "I think the people from the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce took the wrong elixir bottle. Or is this a little joke Mr. Chen played on us?"

After hearing this, King Mulangdan's expression softened slightly, but still looked cold, and he looked at Su Chen calmly.

If this was a bad joke, it would only make the head of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce extremely stupid. In fact, King Mulangdan did not believe that this was a joke at all.

Even if it is said that the people from Rongxian Chamber of Commerce took the wrong bottle of elixir, it would make King Mu Langdan's impression of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce plummet.

Under the gaze of King Mulangdan and others, Su Chen looked calm and relaxed. He shook his head and said, "You misunderstood, I was not joking with you, and I didn't take the pill bottle by mistake."

As he spoke, a smile suddenly appeared on Su Chen's face. He looked mockingly at King Mu Langdan and his party present, and said, "I think that since King Mu Dan has already known the results of the appraisal in his heart, , so what difference does it make if you don’t take a look at the elixirs from our Rongxian Chamber of Commerce?”

"The elixirs from Rongxian Chamber of Commerce should be supplied to those who need them more. Orders for elixirs from Rongxian Chamber of Commerce are very tight now. I don't want to waste even one elixir here because you don't deserve it."

As soon as Su Chen finished saying these words, the atmosphere in the entire banquet hall immediately dropped to freezing point!

Many people looked at Su Chen in shock. They couldn't believe that he would actually speak rudely to King Mulangdan in front of him and use such words.

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