Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 598: How about promising yourself with your body?

"Elixir for longevity?"

At this time, not to mention Guan Qiyun, even Emperor Yunyuan's face showed a look of shock.

Neither of them had ever heard of a pill that could prolong life!

If the Evergreen Pill can only stimulate the hidden vitality in the human body, there is nothing too heaven-defying in its essence. However, the life-prolonging pill Su Chen mentioned is undoubtedly a creation that surpasses the heaven and earth. A working elixir.

Once this elixir is released, it will definitely cause a huge sensation and even break the status quo of the alchemy world.

"Can you refine this kind of elixir?" Emperor Yunyuan also became a little uneasy and said.

"I can refine it, but I still lack a few materials."

Su Chen said and reported the names of several rare materials.

Emperor Yunyuan listened carefully to the names of these materials, and shook his head sadly: "These materials are not even available in the royal family's secret treasury. However, I will send people to find them, and even if I use all means, I will find them." Find these materials.”

Su Chen nodded: "Then I'll wait for the news from you. As long as the materials are complete, I can start refining at any time."

"If all the materials are collected, I will send someone to notify you as soon as possible."

Emperor Yunyuan said, the somewhat decadent temperament on his body was completely gone, and his whole body seemed to have been given a shot in the arm. It was obvious that Su Chen's words had greatly improved his mentality.

It was like a person who had been sentenced to death before. Suddenly one day, a ray of hope came into his world, and his whole person became alive because of it.

"Then I'll take my leave first."

Su Chen said with a faint smile.

"It's too late today. From my point of view, you might as well stay in the palace and wait until you leave the palace tomorrow."

Emperor Yunyuan said, "Concubine, please take Chen Shu back to your palace and arrange a nice place for him. Don't let him leave the palace in the middle of the night. It will be too tiring."

"Oh, I see."

Guan Qiyun replied casually, not appearing very reserved in front of the emperor.

But the strange thing is that there is no ambiguous and intimate feeling between the two of them, but more like familiar old friends.

Guan Qiyun's charming charm was not revealed in front of Emperor Yunyuan.

"let's go."

Guan Qiyun said something to Su Chen, and the two walked out of the bedroom together.

After leaving Qianhe Palace, Su Chen still hid in the sedan chair and went out. However, since he was coming out and not going in, the guard didn't pay much attention and let him go after a few simple questions.

"Brother, I never thought you could really save the emperor..."

Guan Qiyun sighed, "If the emperor really gets better, Prince Rui's arrogance will not be so arrogant."

"Let's wait until we find the materials first."

Su Chen smiled, those ingredients were not easy to find.

"If you really succeed in refining the elixir and save the emperor, how about my sister's promise to you?"

Guan Qiyun blew gently into Su Chen's ear, and the hot air brushed against the ear, making people feel itchy.

Su Chen smiled and said: "You are a married woman, so this is not good."

If Su Chen thought it was nothing when faced with Guan Qiyun's seduction before, now that Su Chen has met Emperor Yunyuan himself and has a good impression of him, naturally he can no longer accept Guan Qiyun's seduction calmly.

"Actually, I don't have that kind of relationship with the emperor."

Guan Qiyun curled her lips as she spoke, but she had no intention of explaining in depth.

Su Chen was a little curious about this question, but Guan Qiyun didn't say anything, and he didn't ask either.

There was no words all the way back to Guan Qiyun's palace.

Soon, Guan Qiyun ordered someone to prepare a good wing room in the back and let Su Chen stay in the wing room.

Guan Qiyun asked the palace maid to bring a pot of bamboo leaf green wine and two warm jade cups, and she and Su Chen drank and chatted in the side room.

Naturally, the conversation was about casual topics. When Guan Qiyun became serious, she was also very talkative.

After drinking for an hour or two, until the beautiful lady looked tipsy and her drunken state appeared, Su Chen called the palace maid and sent Guan Qiyun back to her room.

As for Su Chen himself, he was not drunk at all.

After Guan Qiyun left, Su Chen sat cross-legged and meditated.

However, before practicing for long, Su Chen was interrupted by a rustling sound outside the window.

Now that he has cultivated the "ear of the wind", he is particularly sensitive to some subtle movements, and these small movements cannot escape his ears.

Who could be outside the window so late?

Su Chen stood up and walked to the window. With the moonlight outside the window and the increased vision of the "eye of the third eye", he saw clearly a figure outside the window, walking cautiously in the yard.

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