Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 599: Where did you hit me?

Seeing Jiang Yunlan holding his neck and showing no intention of repenting, Su Chen couldn't help but feel angry.

However, after Jiang Yunlan finished speaking, he turned around and left, as if he was about to open the door and go out.

Su Chen's figure swayed, and the next moment, he was in front of Jiang Yunlan, grabbed Jiang Yunlan's two wrists, and clasped them together.

Jiang Yunlan subconsciously struggled to free herself, but no matter how she struggled to free herself, Su Chen's big hands remained motionless like iron pliers.

Jiang Yunlan was still about to struggle, but suddenly, Su Chen grabbed both of her wrists with one hand, walked around behind her, and slapped her buttocks three times with the other hand, "Pa, Pa, Pa".

These three blows, although not all-out efforts, were enough to cause some physical pain.

"You...you hit me? You hit me again?"

Jiang Yunlan couldn't believe it and was stunned.

The arrogance just now completely disappeared, Xingyan stared at Su Chen in shock, and said angrily, "How dare you hit me?"

Although she always wears men's clothes and pretends to be a man, she is still a young girl after all. Such taboo parts have never been touched by any man, let alone hit three times in a row!

Thinking of the feeling of being punched three times in the buttocks just now, in addition to the pain, there was also a slightly numb and electric feeling.

Jiang Yunlan's entire face turned red, and he was angry and anxious. He stared at Su Chen speechlessly: "You...you..."

"What's wrong with me? I'm saving you from dying." Su Chen said calmly, "Do you think the guards in the palace are just for free? There are at least four powerful men above the sixth level of the Lingtai Realm hidden around the imperial concubine's palace. "They haven't been alerted yet, but if you enter the imperial concubine's room, they will definitely be alerted."

"Not only will you be dead by then, but your teacher will also be implicated by you!"

As soon as Su Chen mentioned King He Yandan, Jiang Yunlan suddenly fell silent and his voice became softer: "I didn't know that the imperial concubine's palace would be guarded by so many strong men."

Guan Qiyun's palace was actually guarded by four powerful men above the sixth level of the Lingtai Realm, which was indeed beyond Jiang Yunlan's expectation. Because when she slipped in, she didn't see any strong people at all.

Su Chen said calmly: "Those strong men are secretly hiding in the dark. They will not show up until Concubine Guan is in danger."

In fact, Guan Qiyun did not tell him about the existence of those strong men at all. He relied on his discerning eyesight to discover that there were these strong men stationed around Guan Qiyun's palace.

"Is...is that so?"

Jiang Yunlan lowered his head, thinking that he was wrong.

But the next moment, Jiang Yunlan raised his head again and asked doubtfully: "No, why are you in the dormitory of Guan Qiyun, a bitch? Or in the middle of the night?"

"Also, how dare you hit me over there..."

When Jiang Yunlan said this, his face turned red and his voice stuttered.

"What's going on there?" Su Chen was confused, "We are all men, why don't you let me hit you a few times? I'm just here to calm you down."

As he spoke, Su Chen suddenly felt something was wrong. He raised his right hand and recalled the soft touch on his palm just now.

Then, Su Chen's expression changed slightly and asked, "Are you a woman?"

Facing Su Chen's question, Jiang Yunlan was so embarrassed that he didn't even know where to look. His face turned red and he argued: "What are you talking about? Of course I'm a man!"

Su Chen frowned slightly, stretched out his hand and without any explanation pulled off the black cloth covering Jiang Yunlan's face, and pulled her collar apart amidst Jiang Yunlan's low scream.

The next moment, Jiang Yunlan's snow-white neck was immediately exposed. It was smooth and there was no Adam's apple at all.

"What a woman..."

Su Chen was stunned. Now he finally understood why the other party had such a big reaction when he spanked him.

"You...you...you are acting like a hooligan!"

Jiang Yunlan was angry and ashamed, with a look as if he wanted to kill someone. He almost rushed forward and bit Su Chen hard.

Su Chen shrugged his shoulders: "You are obviously a woman, but you pretended to be a man, and you still blame me for spanking you? Now I feel that the spanking just now was light, and I should spank you thirty times."

"Wow! I'm so angry!"

Jiang Yunlan became even more furious when he heard this. Substantial anger seemed to rise above his head. He gritted his teeth and ran over, raising his fist to hit Su Chen.

Su Chen had cultivated the body of thunder, fire and dead wood, so naturally he would not be afraid of her, and he easily pushed Jiang Yunlan away who was showing his teeth and claws.

"I'm very curious, why do you come here to assassinate Guan Qiyun again and again?" Su Chen said.

"I am not assassinating her, but I want to take back the Evergreen Pill in her hand." Jiang Yunlan said, "I get very angry when I think that she might use the Evergreen Pill to maintain her charming appearance!"

"If you are trying to get back the Evergreen Pill, then you can give up." Su Chen shrugged.

"What?" Jiang Yunlan was suddenly stunned and stared at Su Chen, "You mean, that woman has already taken the Evergreen Pill?"

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