Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 597 What a little bad guy

"Your Majesty, please lie down and take off your clothes."

Su Chen pointed to the big bed in the middle of the bedroom and said to Emperor Yunyuan.

Emperor Yunyuan did as he was told, lay down on the bed, and unbuttoned his clothes.

There was nothing on the chest, except that the skin on the chest was a little dry and rough due to the loss of life, and there was nothing else.

Su Chen stood by the bed and stared at Emperor Yunyuan's chest. After a long time, he stretched out a finger, tapped a place on his chest, and said, "Is this the place where the time beast scratched you? "


Emperor Yunyuan nodded. Although the wound in this place had long since healed and no trace could be seen now, Su Chen was still able to find this place. This was enough to show that Su Chen was extraordinary.

Therefore, Emperor Yunyuan felt that he had enough reasons to trust Su Chen and let Su Chen treat him.

"Concubine Guan."

Su Chen greeted, "Come over and help me."

Guan Qiyun on the side originally thought she had nothing to do, but when she heard Su Chen's greeting, she subconsciously walked over and asked, "How can I help?"

Su Chen flipped his palm, pulled out a dagger from the space ring, and handed it to Guan Qiyun: "Take a few drops of your own blood and put it on His Majesty's chest."

When Guan Qiyun heard that her blood was to be drained, her delicate and small nose immediately wrinkled tightly, looking extremely reluctant.

But when it came to saving people, she cut her slender finger with a dagger without thinking, and bright red blood flowed out and dripped on the skin of the emperor's chest.

The next moment, a surprising scene happened.

The blood dripped on the skin of Emperor Yunyuan's chest and immediately penetrated into the skin at an extremely fast speed, as if the skin was an absorbent sponge.

And when all the blood penetrated into the skin, a dark red mark gradually appeared on the skin of Emperor Yunyuan's chest, like an obscure text, quietly printed there.

Guan Qiyun was shocked and said: "What is this? Why does it appear only after dripping with blood?"

Su Chen said: "This is the mark left by the time beast on its prey. As long as the prey has been touched by the time beast, this mark will be left on the wound. However, the mark is usually hidden and can only be seen when blood drips on it. will appear."

"This mark is a tool for the time beast to draw life force from its prey. As long as this mark is still on the prey, the time beast can continue to draw life force from the prey no matter how far away it is." Su Chen added.

After hearing this, Guan Qiyun stared at the mark in disbelief and whispered: "It's so magical...but why use my blood?"

Is there something special about her?

"Because I'm afraid of pain."

Su Chen shrugged.


Guan Qiyun was stunned. After a moment, she realized that anyone's blood could be used, but Su Chen didn't want to let go of his own blood, so he used her blood.

"What a little rascal."

Guan Qiyun couldn't help but grit her teeth.

Su Chen didn't care how Guan Qiyun was slandering him in his heart. He carefully observed the time beast mark on Emperor Yunyuan's chest.

After a moment, Su Chen said: "Fortunately, the grade of the time beast that came into contact with you at that time should not be considered very high. I have a relatively high degree of confidence in curing the time beast mark of this level."

Emperor Yunyuan, who was lying on his back, couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy when he heard Su Chen's words, and asked, "Do you really mean what you said?"

Su Chen nodded lightly and said, "Close your eyes and relax."

When Emperor Yunyuan followed his words, Su Chen also closed his eyes and began to run the "Great Wilderness Soul Refining Sutra".

When he felt that the soul power in his body reached an active peak, Su Chen suddenly opened his eyes and moved his hands accordingly, forming complicated marks in mid-air.

As Su Chen moved, soul power spread out, showing that this was a mark formed by condensed soul power.

As a mark slowly formed in mid-air, the entire bedroom was gradually filled with a mysterious aura.

Guan Qiyun stood in the corner of the room, her delicate hands already wrapped with bandages, her charming eyes looking thoughtfully at Su Chen's movements, her eyes also full of expectation and worry.


Su Chen shouted low, his hands formed a strange shape, and his middle finger pointed at the time beast mark on Emperor Yunyuan's chest.

Suddenly, a strange and complicated pattern was covered on the mark of the time beast. At a speed visible to the naked eye, the mark of the time beast immediately dimmed.


Guan Qiyun whispered, looked at the pattern and asked, "What is this?"

"It's just a way to restrain the mark of the time beast."

Su Chen casually said that this method can not only restrain the mark of the time beast, but also restrain the marks left by many other monsters on people.

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