Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 596 Time Beast

After saying that, Emperor Yunyuan waved his hand in disinterest.

"Okay, I know that the imperial concubine invited you here out of kindness. I am not interested in knowing what level of alchemist you are. In short, you will definitely not be able to cure my illness. You can leave."

Guan Qiyun couldn't help but interrupt: "Your Majesty, Chen Shu is the first place in the imperial alchemy competition. Even Alchemy King He Yan admires his alchemy attainments."


Emperor Yunyuan finally felt a little moved. You must know that King He Yandan was extremely strict. He had never praised any young alchemy genius in public, and he had never even said a simple "not bad" to any of his juniors.

However, the young man in front of him was able to "extremely admire" King He Yandan. It must be said that this really refreshed Emperor Yunyuan's understanding.

However, Emperor Yunyuan's expression only lasted for a moment, before his expression returned to expressionless.

After all, even King He Yandan once said bluntly that there was no way to reverse his symptoms. What could a young man who had only been praised by King He Yandan do?

"Young man, to be honest, you did surprise me a little. However, I still don't have to go to the doctor." Emperor Yunyuan's mood was waning.

There is a saying that diseases should be avoided and medical treatment should be avoided. This is the case for Emperor Yunyuan now.

Since he began to age rapidly, people around him had invited alchemists through various channels, but after everyone showed him, they came to irreversible conclusions.

Emperor Yunyuan had already had enough of this feeling of disappointment, so he would rather not let anyone treat him.

Anyway, even King He Yandan couldn't do anything. How could a mere young man have any countermeasures?

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, in your situation, even if I turn the imperial capital upside down, I won't be able to find anyone who can save you."

Su Chen looked at Emperor Yunyuan and said, "But you are lucky because you met me."

"If I guess correctly, you should have become like this after suffering an injury in your early years."

"In the beginning, you just age a little faster than others, and wrinkles appear a little earlier than others, but overall, it's still within the acceptable range."

"However, as time goes by, your vitality is losing faster and faster. Even in recent months, your body has begun to fail in many places, and you are as old as a centenarian."

"Actually, King He Yandan said that you only have a few years to live, which is still a conservative estimate. In fact, because your vitality is lost several times faster than ordinary people, your lifespan is at most There’s only one year left, probably only half a year.”

After Su Chen finished speaking in one breath, Emperor Yunyuan's expression gradually changed from dull at the beginning to a layer of surprise that never faded. In the eyes, there was gradually a strange color flickering.

Because what Su Chen said was exactly the same as his actual situation, and it was completely consistent. It was as if Su Chen knew his past situation well in advance.

But Emperor Yunyuan knew that it was impossible for Su Chen to know in advance.

Even if some people knew that he had been injured once in his early years, absolutely no one had ever connected his condition with the injury in his early years.

Even King He Yandan never connected these two things.

Only Emperor Yunyuan himself knew that he had indeed developed symptoms of rapid aging after the injury in his early years.

Later, the symptoms gradually worsened, but if you want to trace the source, it all stems from the injury you suffered that year.

However, Emperor Yunyuan did not tell anyone this.

But the young man in front of him connected the two things with a very affirmative tone from the moment he came up.

This alone is enough to show that this young man is no ordinary person.

Emperor Yunyuan was silent for a long time, and then he said: "I am listening, you continue to speak!"

Su Chen smiled faintly and said, "Did you get injured by a monster in the early years?"

Emperor Yunyuan was silent for another moment, nodded and said: "That's right! I was just scratched by that monster and suffered a slight injury, which healed quickly. But I don't know why, since then, I have aged The speed is faster than others.”

"As expected."

Su Chen thought thoughtfully and said, "I guess the monster you encountered is not an ordinary monster, but a time beast!"

"Time beast?"

Emperor Yunyuan showed a hint of doubt.

"Yes, the Time Beast is a very rare monster. It feeds on the vitality in other living beings. All living beings it touches will suck the vitality from it. The Time Beast can transform these vitality into own strength.”

"And this kind of sucking does not last for a moment, but lasts for years or even decades. During these years or even decades, the vitality in the body of the sucked object will be continuously transferred into the body of the time beast! "

After Su Chen finished speaking, Guan Qiyun next to her took a breath of air, her beautiful eyes filled with disbelief.

Emperor Yunyuan

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