Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 595: Chess Game

Entering the main hall, Su Chen discovered that this main hall was actually an ancestral hall.

In the main hall, rows of portraits are displayed, and incense is offered in front of the portraits.

Obviously, what will be enshrined in the ancestral hall in the palace must be the portraits of the ancestors of the Yunyuan Empire's royal family.

In front of the largest portrait in the middle, there is a figure standing with hands behind his back. He does not look very tall, but just looking at the back gives people a sense of oppression.

Hearing the movements of Su Chen and Guan Qiyun, the figure turned around.

This is a middle-aged man with a rather old look, and more than half of the black hair on his head has turned frosty white.

However, his person stood there like a sharp sword standing upright, exuding an unconcealable sense of majesty.

However, in this majesty, there is also a trace of weakness. It can be seen that the vitality in his body is indeed almost exhausted.

His facial features are indeed somewhat similar to those of Prince Rui, but they are completely different.

Su Chen knew that this middle-aged man should be Emperor Yunyuan.

"Concubine, what are you doing here?"

When the other party spoke, it was indeed the voice of Emperor Yunyuan that Su Chen had heard coming from the golden sedan before.

"Your Majesty, I found a miracle doctor for you."

Guan Qiyun said.

"Is this the person you were talking about last time?"

To Guan Qiyun's expectation, Emperor Yunyuan did not show any repulsive look, but spoke calmly.

When Guan Qiyun heard Emperor Yunyuan's reaction, she didn't seem to be too resistant. She quickly pointed to Su Chen beside her and said, "That's him."

Emperor Yunyuan's eyes fell on Su Chen and looked him over, but he didn't show any surprise.

He just said to Su Chen calmly: "Since you are here, come play a game of chess with me."

At this moment, Emperor Yunyuan's voice was not as listless as the one heard by the lotus pond before, nor did it have the feeling of fatigue, but it had a sense of casualness.

"Your Majesty, please."

Su Chen also smiled, not showing much surprise or embarrassment at Emperor Yunyuan's request.

In terms of chess skills, Su Chen's attainments are not weak. At least in his previous life, he was able to defeat most of his old friends on the chessboard. Moreover, in many lonely moments in his previous life, he had devoted himself to studying chess.

Emperor Yunyuan walked out of the ancestral hall, followed by Su Chen and Guan Qiyun, and the three of them came to a small courtyard behind the ancestral hall.

There is a chessboard and chess pieces on the stone table in the middle of the courtyard, and there are two stone benches beside the table.

Emperor Yunyuan sat down on one of the stone benches, pointed at the other stone bench and called to Su Chen: "Sit down too."

At this moment, Emperor Yunyuan was as casual as an ordinary person, without the sense of majesty he had just now.

Guan Qiyun found an open space nearby and knelt down on the ground. In front of Emperor Yunyuan, she seemed very quiet, not showing any of the coquettishness and frivolity she had before.

It was very quiet in the small courtyard, and no one of the three of them spoke.

Su Chen and Emperor Yunyuan each played chess, each holding their own right and wrong.

While the two were playing chess, they remained silent, making the atmosphere quite strange.

Guan Qiyun watched silently, feeling quite surprised in her heart. In her impression, Emperor Yunyuan rarely played chess with others, and even Guan Fan failed to play chess with him several times.

And now, Emperor Yunyuan actually proposed to play chess with a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy. This was something that had never happened before.

Moreover, it was Guan Qiyun who brought this young man to meet the emperor.

The chess game was going on, but Guan Qiyun didn't understand chess skills, and she couldn't understand the direction of the chess game.

But in fact, if someone who knows chess is present, they will find that Su Chen behaves like a novice in the chess game. He doesn't spend much time thinking about how to make moves, and seems to just make moves very casually.

On the other hand, Emperor Yunyuan was strategizing step by step, showing his foresight and master's style.

The contrast between the two is too obvious.

At first, Emperor Yunyuan seemed a little disappointed. But as time passed, Emperor Yunyuan's eyebrows gradually wrinkled together, and the speed of his moves became much slower than before.

Even in the end, every step Emperor Yunyuan made felt like he was struggling.

If someone who knows chess sees this scene, they will be surprised.

Because, I don’t know when, the situation on the chessboard unexpectedly reversed. From the beginning, Su Chen was in disarray, while Emperor Yunyuan worked step by step, the two became evenly matched, and Su Chen even had a faint feeling. A feeling of dominance.

This situation lasted for a short time, until Su Chen made a move, and the entire chess game finally tilted towards Su Chen.

"Your Majesty, there's no need to stop. You lose."


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