Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 58 Shocked everyone

Wang Zhong didn't use any martial arts, and he didn't need to. He believed that even without using any martial arts, his cultivation level was still at the tenth level of the Qi-entraining realm, but he could crush Su Chen with the physical strength of his Yuan-condensing realm.

At the same time, Su Chen also punched him without any martial arts skills.

Under the attention of the concerned eyes, the two fists collided hard, and a huge sound of metal and stone was heard, just like two heavy metal blocks colliding hard.

What surprised Wang Zhong was that he originally thought he could easily crush Su Chen, but he didn't expect that a surging force like a Yuan Ting Yue Zhi came from Su Chen's fist, and his fist was crushed. Can't move!

Next, for three full breaths, both of them maintained a motionless posture, with their fists touching each other.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of everyone else, everyone was shocked!

How can this be?

Su Chen and Wang Zhong exchanged punches, and they were evenly matched, neither one lost?

The arrogant look in Wang Zhong's eyes had completely disappeared at this moment, and he frowned and looked at Su Chen in disbelief.

How is it possible? Although his cultivation is at the tenth level of the Qi-entraining realm, his physical strength is at the level of the Condensing Yuan realm. How is it possible that he can't suppress this kid?

At this moment, a mocking smile suddenly appeared in Su Chen's eyes, and then he suddenly pushed his fist forward!

With this push, Wang Zhong felt a wave of power coming from Su Chen's fist again!

This force overwhelmed Wang Zhong so much that he couldn't resist it. He staggered back two steps and bumped into a chair behind him!

Ping bell ringing...

The loud noise from the collapse of the chair finally attracted the attention of the nearby tables.

When they saw this scene clearly, everyone could hardly believe their eyes.

Wang Zhong was knocked back by Su Chen's punch!

Wang Zhong's face looked pale and pale, and he felt extremely embarrassed when he felt the eyes coming from all directions.

"Could it be that that kid broke through to the Condensing Yuan Realm?" Wang Zhong thought in confusion, but then gave up the idea. How could the Condensing Yuan Realm be so easy to break through? What's more, if Su Chen had just used the Condensing Yuan Realm's He can detect the cultivation level.

However, if Su Chen had not broken through to the Condensing Yuan Realm, how could he have such powerful physical strength?

Wang Zhong didn't know that Su Chen had indeed not used the cultivation level of the Condensing Yuan Realm. However, Su Chen's body had been polished by five days of body quenching bath, and his physical strength was stronger than that of an ordinary first-level Condensing Yuan Realm.

This was because Su Chen's body tempering had not been completely completed. If it had been his ten-day body tempering bath that had been completely completed at this moment, Wang Zhong would have flown far away under his punch.

"Isn't it said that Wang Zhong broke through to the Condensing Yuan Realm? How could he be repelled by Su Chen?"

"It seems that Wang Zhong has suppressed his cultivation to the Qi Entraining Realm, but even so, it is incredible that Su Chen can defeat him."

Everyone was talking, and Wang Zhong's face was even hotter. He thought he was here to humiliate Su Chen, but he didn't expect that Su Chen would take the opportunity to humiliate him.

And everyone at the birthday banquet was not a fool. What happened at this table immediately spread throughout the entire birthday banquet, and Wang Zhong was completely embarrassed.

Staring at Su Chen fiercely, Wang Zhong said solemnly: "Su Chen, I won't just let it go!"

Afterwards, Wang Zhongyin sat back in his seat with a sullen face without saying a word.

In the distance, Jiang Shan and Jiang He saw this scene, their faces were extremely gloomy. What they had to admit was that Su Chen seemed to have a magical power. Anyone who wanted to slap him in the face would always be slapped in the face by him in the end.

"That boy, is the Su Chen you're talking about?" Mrs. Jiang sitting on the side sat on a chair, squinted her eyes, and spoke slowly.

"Yes, mother, he is Su Chen!" Jiang Shan replied quickly.

Mrs. Jiang glanced at Su Chen from a distance, thinking that the old man didn't tell her where the family master's seal was until his death, but this Su Chen might know... Mrs. Jiang couldn't help but have a flash in her eyes. Colors of doubt and inquiry.

However, when she thought about it, Mrs. Jiang thought of other things Jiang Shan and Jiang He told her about Su Chen. She snorted in displeasure and looked at Su Chen with full disgust.

Jiang Shan and Jiang He looked at each other and smiled slightly. Mrs. Jiang loves her two precious grandchildren the most. How could Mrs. Jiang feel happy knowing that Jiang Mingxuan and Jiang Minghao were defeated by Su Chen one after another?

Not to mention, it was Su Chen who single-handedly prevented Jiang Tingyi from marrying into the Wang family. Knowing that the Wang family was Mrs. Jiang's natal family, this made Mrs. Jiang extremely displeased.

"Okay, let's ignore this kid for now!" Mrs. Jiang also looked away and said, "You have already made arrangements for Yue Wu."

Jiang Shan and Jiang He knew that Mrs. Jiang was talking about exchanging Jiang Tingyi's place in Tianyue Academy for Jiang Yuewu.

Jiang Shan nodded: "It's all arranged!"

Mrs. Jiang immediately smiled with satisfaction: "I am a direct granddaughter like Yue Wu, and I must see her enter Tianyue Academy!"

Just saying.

The housekeeper who was greeting guests outside the door suddenly shouted in the loudest voice:

"Alchemy Master Yu from the Alchemy Guild has arrived!"

Suddenly, everyone's attention was focused!

Even Jiang Shan and Jiang He stood up immediately.

I saw a skinny old man, wearing an alchemist's robe, stepping in. Without saying a word, he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Mrs. Jiang for her longevity."

There was a look of surprise in Mrs. Jiang's eyes. She quickly leaned forward slightly on her chair and said with a smile on her face: "It is my honor to have Master Yu come to my birthday banquet!"

Everyone below also gasped: "It's actually Master Yu!"

"Alchemist Yu is a veteran and official alchemist of the Alchemy Guild. He even came to congratulate Mrs. Jiang on her birthday."

"It seems that the eldest and third masters of the Jiang family have extensive connections."

Jiang Shan and Jiang He both had a look of pride in their eyes. Alchemist Yu’s status in the Alchemy Guild was even higher than that of Alchemist Qian. Such a figure, if it weren’t for the fact that their Jiang family donated a sum of materials to the Alchemy Guild. For his sake, I’m afraid he may not be willing to come.

At that moment, Jiang Shan also respectfully invited Master Yu to the most distinguished table in the room.

However, before Alchemist Yu could sit firmly, he heard a louder shout from outside: "Instructor Ouyang of Tianyue College is here!"


In an instant, the entire banquet hall was boiling.

The Jiang family actually invited teachers from Tianyue College to the banquet!

Instructor Ouyang was a middle-aged man with a stern look and wearing an embroidered military robe. He entered the hall and just bowed his hands to Mrs. Jiang who was sitting in the main seat. Then he sat aside without saying a word and said: No birthday wishes were said.

However, no one at the scene thought he was rude. Instead, they took it for granted because he was a teacher at Tianyue Academy in the Imperial Capital and he had this qualification!

Tianyue Academy is a place where real super geniuses gather. Ye Xuan, the number one person in Qinghe City, is just a student from the outer academy there. This shows how terrifying Tianyue Academy is.

After a long time, the commotion caused by Teacher Ouyang's arrival gradually subsided.

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