Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 59: Giving gifts in public

"Have a banquet!"

Seeing that all the guests had arrived, Jiang Shan shouted angrily.

In an instant, gongs and drums were beating, and two rows of beautiful maids in colorful clothes entered the banquet hall carrying exquisite dishes with smiles on their faces.

For a moment, the tempting aroma of the dishes filled the entire hall, making people want to eat.

In addition to the dishes, jars of fine wine were also constantly being served.

Soon, someone noticed something.

"This wine seems to be the best wine from Zuixianju!"

"Not only that, these dishes are also served in the private rooms of Zuixianju. Each banquet table is worth at least five hundred taels of silver!"

"The eldest and third masters of the Jiang family are really filial sons. They are willing to spend a lot of money to buy such a luxurious birthday banquet for the old lady!"

At this moment, at the end of the two rows of maids in colorful clothes, a man in festive red clothes walked out. With a smile on his face, he cupped his hands at Mrs. Jiang who was sitting on the throne and said, "I am Qiu Tian, ​​the steward of Zuixianju. On behalf of Zuixianju, I would like to wish the old lady a long life!”

This scene aroused constant admiration from everyone.

For a time, Mrs. Jiang's vanity was satisfied to the extreme. She smiled from ear to ear, looking at her two sons below, feeling extremely pleased.

Her greatest achievement in this life is giving birth to these two filial sons and three well-behaved grandchildren, Jiang Mingxuan, Jiang Yuewu, and Jiang Minghao.

Her son and grandchildren are very proud of her for having such a dignified 70th birthday.

On the other hand, Xu Yin, Jiang Feng and others were neither her biological sons or daughters-in-law, nor could they please her. They really made her dislike them in every possible way.

However, Jiang Tingyi is finally of some use now. She can provide her granddaughter Yue Wu with a place in Tianyue Academy, and it is not in vain that the Jiang family has provided food and drink for her for so many years.

At this moment, Jiang Tingyi, who was thought of by Mrs. Jiang, was sitting silently in her seat, looking at the exquisite banquet in front of her, but not eating a bite.

Su Chen on the side smiled lazily: "Why don't you eat? These are your Jiang family's money. This birthday banquet will cost you at least ten thousand taels of silver."

Jiang Tingyi shook her head: "No appetite."

Su Chen knew that she was nervous about what would happen, so he said nothing.

Drinking and drinking, laughter and laughter.

After drinking for three rounds, Jiang Shan stood up and shouted loudly: "A gift from this junior!"

The birthday gifts brought by the guests had been handed over to the butler when they entered the banquet hall.

At this stage, the younger generation of the Jiang family presented the birthday gift they had prepared to the old lady in public, and also showed it to the guests.

At that moment, everyone in the Jiang family stood up one after another, came to the old lady's seat, and presented their birthday gifts to the old lady one by one.

"The birthday gift prepared by my son for his mother is a picture of pines and cranes prolonging life!" Jiang Shan took out a calligraphy and painting from his sleeve and unfolded it in front of everyone.

After the calligraphy and painting was unfolded, it immediately aroused an uproar of admiration. It turned out that this picture of pine and crane longevity was actually woven with fine gold and silver threads, and was inlaid with plump pearls. Even the picture The scroll is also made of the most luxurious golden rosewood. The entire scroll is one foot long and sparkling, making it appear grand and luxurious.

A middle-aged man near Mrs. Jiang repeatedly praised and said: "This scroll is most suitable to be hung in the living room, and it can also bring out the graceful and luxurious temperament of the old lady. Such a scroll, If placed in our Guibao Building, it would be worth at least five thousand taels of silver!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene was even more uproar, because this middle-aged man was the shopkeeper Wan of Guibao Building, a famous shop in Qinghe City. He said that the painting of Songs and Cranes Prolonging Life was worth five thousand taels, so it would definitely not be low. to this number.

"Master Jiang is so filial, what a great gesture."

"Having a scroll like this in the house really shows off its class."

Mrs. Jiang smiled from ear to ear and said to Jiang Shan: "Why waste this fee!"

Jiang Shan smiled and said: "Being filial to my mother is what a son of mine should do."

Later, Jiang Mingxuan and Jiang Yuewu came forward to offer birthday gifts. Because they were the younger generation, they did not offer such expensive gifts as Jiang Shan did. Instead, they each presented a beauty pill as a birthday gift.

Everyone also praised her: "The beauty pill can delay the signs of aging and make your appearance last forever. One pill is worth at least one thousand taels of silver. You are such a filial child."

Mrs. Jiang was also very satisfied and said to Jiang Shan angrily: "These two children are in need of cultivation resources just when they are in need, and they still spend money on me, an old woman, and you, the father, don't care."

Although she said this, Mrs. Jiang's expression clearly showed that she really liked these two beauty pills.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang He and Jiang Minghao also presented gifts.

What Jiang He gave was a red ginseng that has the effect of prolonging life, while what Jiang Minghao gave was a luminous pearl the size of a longan.

These two birthday gifts are also valuable.

Mrs. Jiang was naturally very happy and ordered the two birthday gifts to be collected solemnly.

Afterwards, the eyes of everyone present were focused on Xu Yin and Jiang Yuewu.

The old lady's eldest son's family and the third son's family have already presented birthday gifts. Everyone wants to know what kind of birthday gifts the old lady's second daughter-in-law and second granddaughter have prepared for the old lady?

Outsiders may not know it, but everyone in the Jiang family knows that the old lady has always disliked the second daughter-in-law and second granddaughter. She has never given her a good look. I don’t know if Xu Yin and Jiang Tingyi will. Will you hold a grudge and not be careful enough in preparing gifts?

Under the gaze of everyone, Xu Yin and Jiang Tingyi stood up from their seats and came to the old lady.

In each of their arms, the two of them held a box, which was obviously a birthday gift they had prepared.

Jiang He was at the side, his lips raised, and he said with a smile: "Second sister-in-law is a woman after all, and she is more careful than older men like us. I think she should be able to give her a gift that will satisfy my mother more."

As soon as these words were said, everyone's eyes focused on Xu Yin.

Many people in the Jiang family shook their heads secretly. They knew that Xu Yin had little money. The economic lifeline of the Jiang family was in the hands of Jiang Shan and Jiang He. Even though Xu Yin was the second wife, she only paid monthly Just receive a little monthly salary from the family.

In this way, it is definitely not comparable to the wealth of Jiang Shan and Jiang He.

But Jiang He had to say such a sentence at this time, obviously to embarrass Xu Yin.

If what Xu Yin brings out is too shabby compared to Jiang Shan Jiang He, she will inevitably be ridiculed, and more likely, she will be poked in the spine and said to be unfilial.

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