Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 57 It’s not that easy to slap someone in the face

The moment Wang Teng saw Su Chen, his hand unconsciously reached out to the table with hatred.

Jiang Minghao turned and left with a sinister smile on his lips. He knew that many people in the Wang family, not just Wang Teng, hated Jiang Tingyi and Su Chen.

Because Jiang Tingyi rejected Wang Sheng's marriage, and even after the marriage was settled, she went to the Wang family to cancel it. This was equivalent to breaking off the engagement and stained the faces of the entire Wang family.

As for what role Su Chen played in this, people in the Wang family also vaguely heard that it was because of what Su Chen said to Jiang Shan and Jiang He that Jiang Shan and Jiang He came to the Wang family to cancel their engagement.

Jiang Minghao obviously had no good intentions when he arranged Su Chen and Jiang Tingyi at this table where they were all children of the Wang family.

At this moment, the children of the Wang family at this table all looked at Jiang Tingyi and Su Chen with unkind eyes.

"Are you Su Chen?" The speaker was a tall young man who looked to be in his early twenties. As he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Su Chen, "I heard that Brother Teng was in Zuixianju a few days ago. If someone beats you up, is that you? "

Without waiting for Su Chen to answer, the young man asked again, "I heard that Jiang Mingxuan and Jiang Minghao lost to the same person consecutively in the Jiang Family Conference. Is that person also you?"

"Yes, what's your advice?" Su Chen smiled casually, ignoring the worried look in Jiang Tingyi's eyes.

"Hmph, if these two things are true, then your strength is indeed just okay!" The tall young man smiled coldly, looked at Su Chen with provocative eyes, and spoke arrogantly, "I want to compete with you. Do you dare?"

At this moment, Wang Teng, who had been sitting next to him, showed a trace of hatred in his eyes, and suddenly interjected: "By the way, Su Chen, I want to remind you that Brother Wang Zhongzhong has broken through the Condensation Realm, and now he is in the Condensation Realm. The first level of the Yuan Realm. He is the second person among the younger generation in Qinghe City to break through to the Yuan Realm."

As soon as these words came out, even the other Wang family disciples present were surprised: "No way, Brother Zhong has broken through to the Condensing Yuan Realm!"

Wang Zhong smiled proudly and said: "Yes, I just broke through a while ago. However, this is not a big achievement. It is just one step ahead of you on the road of martial arts."

You know, what Wang Zhong said was too modest. It seems that there is only a small difference between the tenth level of the Qi-entraining realm and the Condensing Yuan realm, but in fact they are worlds apart.

Many warriors are stuck at the tenth level of the Qi-entraining realm throughout their lives, unable to break through to the Yuan-Condensing realm. There are also some warriors who have been stuck here for five, ten, or even twenty years before they break through to the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Therefore, Wang Zhong was able to break through to the Condensing Yuan Realm at the age of early twenties, which can definitely be called a genius.

Among the younger generation of the Wang family, Wang Zhong is the number one, excluding Wang Ting who has been wandering around outside.

Among the entire young generation in Qinghe City, Wang Zhong can be said to be the second person behind Ye Xuan.

For a moment, everyone at the table was looking at Su Chen. Many of the Wang family's children had sarcasm in their eyes. They wanted to see how Su Chen could resolve the predicament in front of him.

If he accepts the challenge, Su Chen will definitely lose, because there is a huge gap between the Qi-entraining realm warrior and the Yuan-condensing realm.

But if you don't accept the challenge, you will be ridiculed as being timid and afraid to take on the challenge. This is a dilemma.

Su Chen glanced at the different faces of everyone present, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes. The other party's plan is really good. No matter whether you accept it or reject it, you will lose face.

However, what the other party doesn't know is that he has also broken through to the Condensing Yuan Realm, and has five true essence cores that far exceed those of the ordinary Condensing Yuan Realm.

Want to slap yourself in the face?

Not that easy.

However, at this moment, Jiang Tingyi suddenly said coldly: "Don't forget, this is a birthday banquet. How can a fight disrupt the order of the birthday banquet?"

Jiang Tingyi didn't know that Su Chen had broken through to the Condensing Yuan Realm. At this moment, she was naturally trying her best to avoid Su Chen and Wang Zhong from competing.

What she said was quite reasonable.

However, Wang Zhong was clearly prepared. He laughed when he heard this: "Of course I know this is a birthday banquet, so there is no need to engage in such a big fight. A punch between the two parties is considered a sparring, but I'm afraid Su Chen wouldn't dare."

A punch is the quickest way to prove the strength of both parties. The weaker party will often be punched to the point of being turned upside down and embarrassed on the spot.

However, Wang Zhong was right. If he just punched someone, it would not be a big fight, and it would not disturb the order of the birthday banquet.

Just when Jiang Tingyi was about to say something else, the Wang family's children on the table started shouting one after another: "Su Chen, do you dare?" "Don't dare, you are not a man!"

Just when these Wang family disciples thought that Su Chen would definitely back down, they heard Su Chen's faint voice: "Okay, then let's punch him."

What, Su Chen actually agreed?

The children of the Wang family who were shouting happily fell silent all of a sudden, thinking that they had heard wrongly.

Even Wang Zhong himself was a little surprised. But only for a moment, Wang Zhong showed a sneer. It would be better for this kid to seek death, so it happened to help him!

He dared to injure a member of the Wang family in Zuixianju and even persuaded Jiang Tingyi to withdraw from her marriage to the Wang family. Let’s settle the score now!

Wang Zhong sneered and said: "Su Chen, for the sake of fairness, I won't use my cultivation level at the first level of the Condensing Yuan Realm to suppress you. I will use my strength at the Qi Entraining Realm to fight you with a punch. This is fair enough. Bar?"

It sounds fair, but it's not.

Wang Zhong has broken through to the Condensing Yuan Realm. His physique, strength, and combat reflexes are all at the level of the Condensing Yuan Realm. Even if he suppresses his cultivation to the tenth level of the Qi-Entraining Realm, he will definitely crush the ordinary tenth level of the Qi-Entraining Realm.

Everyone here is aware of this.

However, Su Chen was nonchalant, raised his eyes, and said impatiently: "Competition is fast, there is so much nonsense, you can compete however you want!"


Everyone here was extremely surprised. How could Su Chen have such courage to speak like this to a Condensing Yuan Realm genius!


Wang Zhong also choked, and a hint of anger appeared in his eyes, which was instantly replaced by coldness. He said in a deep voice, "In that case, just take a punch from me!"

"Wang Teng, count us!"

With that said, Wang Zhong stood up and stood in front of Su Chen with a condescending aura like a tall iron wall.

"Three, two, one!"

As soon as Wang Teng finished counting, Wang Zhong raised his fist and punched Su Chen.

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