Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 54: Strength is the passport to everything

Preparing the medicinal solution does not require the use of an alchemy furnace, but requires precise operation and proportioning. Once there is a problem with one of them, the preparation of the medicinal solution will fail.

Time passed quickly, and after a whole day, Su Chen finally had ten boxes of bright red liquid medicine in front of him. Each box was filled with bubbles, as if they were boiling.

"Finally, the preparation was successful." Su Chen shook his aching arm. It must be said that the preparation of these medicinal liquids consumes a lot of soul power. With the soul power of this fifteen-year-old body, it takes a long time after each preparation. It will take some time to recover.

"You can start the body quenching bath."

Su Chen stood up and asked his servants to carry the bathtub into his room and fill it with hot water.

After closing the door, he poured one of the boxes of bright red body-tempering liquid into the bathtub. The water in the bathtub soon turned into a pool of bright red, like ruby.

Su Chen took off his clothes and jumped into the tub. The next moment, his entire body was soaked in water mixed with medicine.

The bright red liquid was bubbling, and the fiery red medicinal essence in it penetrated into Su Chen's skin along the pores, and began to temper the flesh.

Su Chen felt as if tens of thousands of steel needles had suddenly pierced his skin. The pain caused him to sweat profusely on his forehead, and he had the urge to jump out of the bathtub immediately.

However, Su Chen suppressed this impulse.

"This little pain is nothing compared to the suffering I suffered in my last life before I was thirty years old?" When Su Chen thought of his experiences in his previous life, he gritted his teeth and forced himself to endure the pain.

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. If you want to have the most supreme strength in the world, you must go through countless painful trials.

In this way, Su Chen endured the pain of being pierced by thousands of steel needles and started running the "Chaos Immortal Record" to speed up the absorption of the medicine.

The fiery red medicinal essence in the bathtub was also rapidly absorbed by Su Chen.

The night passed.

By the next morning, the bright red water in the bathtub finally became completely clear and transparent, and the medicinal essence in it was completely absorbed by Su Chen.

Su Chen's body was covered with a layer of black sticky substance. Su Chen naturally knew that this was the impurities being forced out of his body, so he washed it off and put on his clothes.

The body quenching bath takes ten days in total, and this is only the first day for him, but he can already feel the difference all over his body. His body seems to be more powerful than before.

Su Chen thought of the consensus in the martial arts community about body refining in the previous life, that is, those who have great perseverance cannot persevere in body refining. Body training can be described as a kind of torture for one's body and mind. If you want to train your body, you must be mentally prepared to be in hell-like pain.

In the world of martial arts, there are many people with mediocre talents who entered the Tao through physical training and relied on the art of physical training to become strong. It can be said that body refining has opened up a path to the strong for many people with mediocre talents.

However, if you want to become a strong person through body training, you have to put in a lot more effort and hardship than ordinary people.

Although Su Chen did not want to take the path of body refining to enter Taoism, he could already feel how difficult it was to refining the body.

But then again, when it comes to practicing cultivation, which path is easier to follow?

If you want to be strong, if you want to achieve a hundred times the achievements of ordinary people, you have to endure a hundred times the hardships of ordinary people.

There is never a shortcut to the path of the strong.


There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

To Su Chen's surprise, the person who came in was Jiang Tingyi, who was wearing a martial arts uniform.

Their eyes met, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly felt awkward. There had always been some awkwardness between Jiang Tingyi and Su Chen.

But today, Jiang Tingyi took the initiative to break the awkwardness. She looked at Su Chen and asked: "At the old lady's birthday party, Jiang Yuewu wanted to take away my place in Tianyue Academy. Is this true? ”

"Is it true? Don't you know it yourself?" Su Chen didn't answer, but asked rhetorically.

Jiang Tingyi bit her lip. To be honest, when she first heard Xu Yin relaying what Su Chen said to her, her first reaction was not to believe it. Even if such a thing really happened, how could Su Chen know about it?

However, since she heard about this, she would inevitably pay attention and secretly send someone to investigate and verify it.

Then she discovered that first Jiang Shan secretly sent someone to Wubaotang to buy the most powerful Ruanjin Powder, and then Jiang Yuewu suddenly didn’t know why. She seemed to be in a very good mood these days, even though she had no mood at all recently. What a happy event...

One by one, everything matched what Su Chen said, and Jiang Tingyi's heart gradually became colder and sank.

She knew that what Su Chen said was true!

"You will help me, right?" Jiang Tingyi bit her lip and looked at Su Chen intently, "You have helped me several times, will you help me this time, right?"

Although Jiang Tingyi said she was sure, Su Chen could clearly see that there was a hint of panic in Jiang Tingyi's eyes, as if she was afraid that Su Chen would refuse.

"I can help you for a while, but I can't help you forever." Su Chen said, "You have to pass this level by yourself."

"On my own?" Jiang Tingyi wondered, "What should I do?"

Su Chen did not answer, but asked: "Why do you think Jiang Shan and Jiang Yuewu dare to covet you and steal your place in Tianyue Academy?"

When asked this question, Jiang Tingyi's face turned pale: "Because they bullied me as an orphan without a father. Since my father disappeared, they have been bullying my mother and me in different ways."

This sentence has obviously been held in Jiang Tingyi's heart for a long time.

Because she has no father, she has to look that proud since she was a child. It is her protective color. Only then will others not bully her.

Because she didn't have a father, she gradually became sensitive and vain, worried about gains and losses, cared very much about other people's evaluations, and always did things that didn't mean what she said.

This time, Jiang Yuewu wants to take away her place in Tianyue Academy. If her father is still there, how dare Jiang Yuewu?


Su Chen shook his head.

"Wrong?" Jiang Tingyi was stunned.

Didn't Jiang Shan, Jiang Yuewu and the others bully her because she didn't have a father?

"It's because you are not strong enough."

"It's not because of any other messy reasons, it's just because you're not strong enough."

Su Chen looked into Jiang Tingyi's eyes and said slowly and word by word, "In the world of martial arts, strength is the passport to everything."

"Only the powerful can live forever."

"Only those with strong strength can make power and wealth easily accessible."

"Similarly, only the powerful can take their own destiny into their own hands and do not have to be manipulated by anyone."

"If you were powerful today, who would dare to take away your spot? Similarly, if you were powerful in the past, who would dare to arrange your marriage?"

Jiang Tingyi had never heard anyone say such things to her, and she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Similarly, if you have unparalleled strength in the future, you can try to find your father."

Jiang Tingyi's eyes gradually became brighter.

It's not like she hadn't thought about this before.

But before, these thoughts were not clear in her mind.

No one has ever told her so definitely and clearly like now that as long as she gains strong strength, she can firmly hold her own destiny in her hands.

For a moment, Jiang Tingyi felt as if she had been enlightened.

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