Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 53 Body Tempering Bath

Envoy Feng took a deep breath and tried to control his loss of composure, but his voice still trembled a little: "Then... do you know the solution?" "Of course I know." Su Chen answered very happily. "What is the solution?" Envoy Feng's eyes lit up. He did not doubt the truth of Su Chen's words, because since Su Chen could see through his symptoms at a glance, it was enough to show that Su Chen had a deep understanding of his disease. "The solution is in that martial arts." Su Chen raised a mocking smile and pointed to the half of "The Finger of the King of Light". Envoy Feng was shocked. At this moment, he no longer cared about the dignity of the envoy. He rushed over to grab the half of the martial arts and read it as if he had found a treasure. At this moment, Su Chen said leisurely: "Oh, I forgot to tell you, it's in the second half."


At this time, the envoy could no longer keep calm. He raised his bloodshot eyes and stared at Su Chen, and asked in a hoarse voice: "What can you do to give me the second half?"

Su Chen stretched out three fingers leisurely: "Three conditions!"

"First, sell the snake blood ginseng to me."

"Second, the first half of "The Finger of the Bright King" will be purchased by Wubaotang at the market price."

"Third, I will teach you the second half of "The Finger of the Bright King" bit by bit according to the situation. During this time, you must obey me!"

As soon as these three conditions were said, the envoy almost immediately subconsciously said: "No!"

The first two points are easy to say, but the third point, let a strong man like me from the imperial capital obey a teenager in Qinghe City?

This is too embarrassing. If this is reported back to the imperial capital, I will lose face!

The envoy could not accept such conditions anyway.

Su Chen said indifferently: "If you are willing, you are willing. If you are not willing, forget it! The opportunity has been given to you, just don't regret it."

In the previous life, I don't know how many peerless strong men cried and shouted to be Su Chen's followers, but they were all rejected by him.

In this life, it is a blessing that the other party cannot cultivate in ten lifetimes to have the opportunity to obey me. If you still refuse, it can only be said to be stupid.

The envoy was silent for a long time, and it was obvious that he was struggling fiercely in his heart.

Until the moment before Su Chen completely lost his patience, the envoy finally made up his mind and said: "Okay! Then I will listen to you!"

The desire for survival finally defeated everything. Even if the envoy could not guarantee whether Su Chen was lying to him, it was better to have hope than no hope.

And the shopkeeper Min on the side opened his mouth in a daze, almost unable to believe his ears. The envoy actually agreed to obey Su Chen? This is not a dream, right?

"I hope you can keep your promise and teach this envoy the method of cracking!" The envoy stared at Su Chen and said in a deep voice.

Su Chen lazily said: "The Qi running method of the second half of "The Finger of the Bright King" can just restrain the symptoms of the twisted and blocked meridians in your chest. As long as you practice the second half of "The Finger of the Bright King", this symptom will slowly reverse and disappear completely in the end."

"However, since an agreement has been reached, the name should be changed, right?" Su Chen glanced at Envoy Feng indifferently.

Envoy Feng's pupils suddenly shrank, and after a long while, he reluctantly said: "What do you want to call me?"

"I am a more easy-going person. You can just call me Young Master Su like everyone else." Su Chen said, "As for yourself, of course you can no longer call yourself this envoy. What's your name?"

"Feng Qixing!" Envoy Feng spit out three words.

"Well, I will call you by your name from now on." Su Chen waved his hand.

Feng Qixing nodded, and said: "If you have anything to do, you can order me to do it now!"

Because he was eager to get the second half of the Finger of the Bright King, he naturally acted very actively.

Su Chen smiled faintly: "You don't need to do anything now, you just need to stay in Wubao Hall to practice, and don't need to go anywhere. Of course, I can teach you the first part of the second half of "The Finger of the Bright King" now."

Feng Qixing was also stunned: "What do you need me to do now?"

Su Chen nodded: "Yes, you just need to stay here, and you can show up when I need you."

"In addition, the fact that you obey me must be kept secret!" Su Chen ordered.

Feng Qixing nodded hurriedly, he wished that the fact that he obeyed Su Chen was kept secret, so as not to embarrass himself if it was spread.

"Mr. Su, this is the snake blood ginseng you want." Shopkeeper Min put the snake blood ginseng in an exquisite jade box and presented it to him.

In addition to the snake blood ginseng, there was also a silver note of 15,000 taels, which was the income from selling the first half of "The Finger of the Bright King" to Wubao Hall. After deducting the 5,000 taels for buying the snake blood ginseng, there was still 15,000 taels left.

Su Chen put away the snake blood ginseng and the banknotes and said, "Shopkeeper Min, I hope you don't spread it out. I sold the first half of the "Ming Wang Zhi." Shopkeeper Min smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Su, we in Wubaotang will keep the seller's identity absolutely confidential. As long as the seller does not agree, we will never reveal the seller's identity." Su Chen hummed, then took out a pen and paper, wrote down the first part of the formula for the second half of "Ming Wang Zhi", and left it to Feng Qixing. Then, Su Chen got up and left with the snake blood ginseng and the banknotes. Shopkeeper Min stood up quickly: "Mr. Su, I'll take you there." "No need!" Su Chen left three words and disappeared at the door.

Shopkeeper Min couldn't help but smile bitterly. This Mr. Su was really mysterious. It had to be said that he was becoming more and more curious about Mr. Su's background identity.

What kind of power could cultivate such a monster genius?

"Master Feng, shall I arrange a room for you?" Shopkeeper Min didn't think any more and turned to ask Feng Qixing. He knew that from today on, Feng Qixing should live in Wubaotang in Qinghe City for a while.

"Yeah!" Feng Qixing nodded calmly, picked up the first part of the formula for the second half of "The Ming King's Finger" written by Su Chen, and murmured to himself, "I hope this kid didn't lie to me!"

The Jiang family's mansion.

Su Chen returned to his room and immediately started preparing a body quenching bath.

The reason why he wanted to buy snake blood ginseng and other medicinal materials on the list was for this body quenching bath.

The body quenching bath is made of thirty-six kinds of medicinal materials and needs to be soaked for ten days. Its purpose is to thoroughly temper the skin, flesh and blood of the whole body, remove the junk and retain the essence, and remove all impurities in the skin, flesh and blood.

After tempering in this way, the skin of the whole body will become extremely tough, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is invulnerable.

Su Chen attaches great importance to physical training, because he has seen in his previous life that some strong men were very good in all aspects of cultivation and martial arts, but because their physical fitness could not keep up, they suffered great losses in actual combat. .

It's like a barrel. The shortest board of the barrel determines its upper limit. If you don't want your upper limit to be lowered, then you have to have no shortcomings.

Su Chen's goal in this life is to achieve the highest level of martial arts, so he will naturally not let his body become his shortcoming. Not only that, he also wanted to turn his body into his own advantage.

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