Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 55 Random thoughts

For example, if she is now a strong person in the Condensing Yuan Realm and is on par with Jiang Shan and Jiang He, would Jiang Shan still dare to take away her place in Tianyue Academy and give it to Jiang Yuewu?

Jiang Shan and Jiang He still dare to marry her to Wang Sheng at will?

"What should I do to become stronger?" Jiang Tingyi murmured.

Su Chen nodded secretly. He saw a kind of stubborn belief in Jiang Tingyi's eyes. This kind of belief is the trait that warriors need most, and it is also one of the reasons why Su Chen believes that Jiang Tingyi is a talent.

Su Chen said: "There are still four days until the birthday banquet. I will teach you a martial art. Within these four days, you must learn this martial art. Of course, you have to endure a lot of hardship."

"I'm not afraid of hardship." Jiang Tingyi said stubbornly.

Su Chen nodded: "This martial art is called "Kurong Fist"."

He selected the "Kurong Fist" from the martial arts in his past life memory and taught it to Jiang Tingyi.

"Kurong Fist" is a boxing and martial art that contains the ultimate principles of yin and yang of heaven and earth, simulating the birth and death of all things. There are nine movements in the whole set of boxing techniques. Each time one is understood, the power of the boxing technique will be doubled.

Therefore, if you practice this boxing technique to the second form, its power can reach the level of the middle-level yellow level. If you practice it to the fourth form, its power can reach the high-level yellow level.

As for the fourth and subsequent moves, they are even more powerful. With Jiang Tingyi's current strength, they are still out of reach.

Of course, there were other reasons why Su Chen chose this boxing technique for Jiang Tingyi.

After Jiang Tingyi heard that the second form of this boxing technique could reach the intermediate yellow level, she was also in high spirits. Because this middle-level yellow-level boxing technique is a whole level higher than the low-level yellow-level fingering skills she is currently practicing.

In this way, Su Chen taught Jiang Tingyi the formula of "Kurong Fist". After Jiang Tingyi became familiar with the formula, she immediately started practicing.

It must be said that Jiang Tingyi seemed to have an innate talent for learning "Kurong Fist", and it didn't take long for her to get started.

However, when learning any martial arts, the most difficult time is after getting started. At this time, you need to practice the martial arts moves over and over again until the moves are completely integrated with yourself and form muscle memory.

Jiang Tingyi was in the yard, aiming at a sandbag and practicing the moves of "Kurong Fist" hundreds of times. The skin of her fists was quickly broken, and her slender hands were bloody and bloody, but she didn't care at all and just repeated the practice over and over again.

Whenever she thinks of Jiang Shan and Jiang Yuewu, who are planning to take away her place in Tianyue Academy, Jiang Tingyi feels like a fire is burning in her chest, and a voice in her heart keeps shouting, to be strong, you must become strong. !

This belief supported Jiang Tingyi to practice "Kurong Fist" a thousand times, two thousand times, three thousand times...

At this time, Su Chen had already swallowed Xiaoyuan Dan in the room, started practicing by running "Chaos Immortal Record".

Su Chen does not doubt whether Jiang Tingyi can practice "Kurong Fist" well, because Su Chen knows that the martial arts "Kurong Fist" is as if it was specially created for Jiang Tingyi. As long as Jiang Tingyi is willing, "Kurong Fist" can be used in her hands. Use it to its fullest power.

Because Jiang Tingyi's physique is very suitable for practicing "Kurong Fist", this is a secret that only Su Chen knows.

In her previous life, when Jiang Tingyi broke through to the Condensing Yuan Realm, she accidentally awakened the unique dual true essence core physique.

Although not as powerful as Su Chen's current five true essence cores, Jiang Tingyi's two true essence cores have mutant attributes!

Mutated attributes, that is, attributes other than metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Generally, the true essence core of a warrior is one of the attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. There is only a small chance that it will be a mutated attribute, such as wind, thunder, etc.

As for Jiang Tingyi's dual true essence cores, one has yin attributes and the other has yang attributes, which are double mutant attributes, and one yin and one yang form a perfect balance.

It can be said that when Jiang Tingyi awakened her dual true essence cores, she completed her transformation from an ordinary little genius to an extreme genius.

With her physique, she was supposed to be a top-notch genius that was unique in ten thousand, and she was the target of fierce competition from major colleges and sects. But at that time, Jiang Tingyi's appearance was completely ruined and her heart was filled with despair. Her dual mutant true essence cores had not been fully developed. Until her death, few people knew that she had such a powerful physique.

However, in this life, everything will be different.

"Kurong Fist" is just the beginning of Jiang Tingyi's changing destiny in this life.

In this way, three days flew by.

During these three days, Su Chen practiced "Chaos Immortal Record" during the day and took a body tempering bath at night. He could clearly feel that his body was becoming more powerful day by day. Even if he did not use any real energy or energy, his flesh and blood contained more and more explosive power day by day.

During these three days, Jiang Tingyi practiced "Kurong Fist" sleeplessly in the yard. The bandages on her fists had been changed countless times, and every time they were replaced, they were stained with blood, but she seemed not to feel the pain, just practicing day and night.

"How's your practice going?"

When Su Chen's questioning sounded after him, Jiang Tingyi stopped.

"I have completely mastered the first form. I have also started to learn the second form, but there are still a few points that I don't quite understand."

Jiang Tingyi answered with some confidence. Although she has not practiced Huang-level intermediate martial arts, she also knows that it takes three days to fully master the first move of an intermediate Huang-level martial arts, and also get started with the second move. Extremely impressive speed.

However, when Su Chen heard this, he frowned: "Too slow!"

"Too slow?" Jiang Tingyi looked at Su Chen in disbelief and said dissatisfied, "This is an intermediate yellow-level martial skill! To be able to practice to this level in three days has surpassed 99% of people."

Su Chen said, "If you just want to compete with the 99% of people, then please leave this courtyard. My place is not suitable for you."

Jiang Tingyi was choked. Yes, how could she compare with the 99% of people? Her goal should be the 1% of geniuses.

Her hot heart gradually cooled down. Jiang Tingyi took a deep breath and said, "Can you give me some pointers on those things that I don't quite understand?"


Su Chen then put away his cold expression and stepped forward to patiently teach Jiang Tingyi every move.

With his step-by-step guidance, Jiang Tingyi's progress is even faster, and mastering the second form is just around the corner.

However, since it is a step-by-step instruction, close physical contact is inevitable.

Jiang Tingyi didn't know what was going on, but she felt her heart beating violently uncontrollably, and even where she came into contact with Su Chen's body, her snow-white skin was stained with a faint red glow.

Fortunately, Su Chen didn't seem to notice.

Jiang Tingyi cursed her own random thoughts, concentrated her energy, and continued practicing.

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