Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 530: Meteor from the sky

Su Chen didn't care at all, and said smoothly: "What's wrong with being first? You are all first, so that's alright."

Hearing what he said, Li Shitong started to smile. It was obvious that Su Chen's words were very helpful.


At this time, the auctioneer begins to introduce the next auction item.

"This stone has the effect of clearing the mind and concentrating the mind..."

"The starting price is one hundred thousand taels of silver."

The auctioneer pointed to a strange blue stone that was as tall as a person.

There were very few people present who responded. This green sandalwood stone is indeed a strange stone that has the effect of clearing the mind and concentrating the mind, but the effect is not obvious, and few people are willing to spend a lot of money to buy it.

At the moment, there were only a few people bidding, and it was obvious that the willingness to bid was not high, and they were only bidding upwards of 10,000 to 10,000.

According to the normal price, this green sandalwood stone can usually be sold for hundreds of thousands.

"Two hundred thousand taels."

At this moment, Su Chen's voice sounded unexpectedly.

This made everyone at the scene suddenly widen their eyes. No way, this guy wants to bid for something big?

Lin Wei suddenly regained his energy and thought to himself: "Haha, this fool wants to bid for something. He must have a lot of wealth. It seems that I can trick him again and let him be taken advantage of again." ”

Thinking of this, Lin Wei shouted directly: "Three hundred thousand taels!"

"Four hundred thousand taels." Su Chen said leisurely.

"Fifty thousand taels."

As the two continued to confront each other, everyone was surprised again. Could it be that Lin Wei was planning to raise the price again?

They almost all sympathized with Su Chen. Just now, because of Lin Wei's malicious price increase, he spent one million taels to buy Black Jade Imperial Ginseng. Now, Lin Wei has started to raise the price again. It seems that Su Chen wants to buy this It is not easy to get a strange green sandalwood stone.

"Six hundred thousand taels."

"Seven hundred thousand taels!"

Lin Wei raised the price with confidence, mainly because he saw that Su Chen was determined to win, so he didn't think that Su Chen would give up the bidding midway.

Lin Wei's plan was the same as before, he would give up when the price reached one million taels and let Su Chen suffer another loss.

"Eight hundred thousand taels." Su Chen smiled lightly.

"Nine hundred thousand taels." Lin Wei followed the price without hesitation and glanced at Su Chen's No. 5 box provocatively.

Just when everyone thought that Su Chen would have to spend another one million taels to buy this rare green sandalwood stone worth only hundreds of thousands, they heard Su Chen's slightly joking voice: "As expected, the Lin family's family The great cause is true, I am actually willing to spend 900,000 taels to buy a strange green sandalwood stone, I will give it to you..."


Su Chen actually gave in?

Everyone almost didn't react. Didn't Su Chen look determined to win just now? Why did he suddenly give in?

Lin Wei was also stunned. After a long time, his face twitched violently: "Boy, are you kidding me? You did it on purpose, right?"

Others also realized that, yes, Su Chen definitely did this on purpose. He didn't need any green sandalwood stones at all. He was just taking advantage of Lin Wei's habitual thinking and playing tricks on Lin Wei.

At this moment, Lin Wei was heartbroken. For 900,000 taels of silver, he bought a strange green sandalwood stone worth only a few hundred thousand, and he lost more than 700,000!

Moreover, Lin Wei's eyelids jumped even more violently when he thought about how his father, who was always strict at home, would react to this incident.

If I had known better, I shouldn't have tried to trick Su Chen, but instead I shot myself in the foot.

Su Chen spent one million to buy a black jade imperial ginseng, but he spent 900,000 to buy a green sandalwood stone. After all, he was still at a greater loss, not to mention that he didn't even use the green sandalwood stone. Not on.

All in all, there are two words: regret, my intestines are green with regret.

"Fifth brother, you are really generous. You only paid 900,000 taels for such a thing."

There were several other members of the Lin family who came with him, and one of the young men said with a slightly joking tone.


Lin Wei's face became even more ugly and he said nothing.

"That hateful boy, I must cut you into pieces in order to relieve the hatred in my heart."

Lin Wei gritted his teeth and thought to himself that he didn't seem to realize that he was responsible for everything. If he hadn't maliciously raised the price just now, how could Su Chen use this method to trick him.

Next few lots.

As long as Lin Wei bids, Su Chen will definitely step in and raise the price even higher, making Lin Wei furious.

in this case.

Soon, only the last few lots were left.

"The next item to be auctioned is a piece of meteorite..."

The auctioneer pointed at a pitted iron lump placed on the auction table.

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