Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 529: Jealousy

Although the Black Jade Royal Ginseng is indeed a very rare treasure, for many warriors, they do not have dark attribute essence in their bodies. Therefore, the role that this black jade imperial ginseng can play on them is very limited. At most, it is only equivalent to an ordinary treasure of heaven and earth.

One hundred thousand taels of silver is also a considerable amount of wealth for many warriors. I'm afraid not many people are willing to spend one hundred thousand taels of silver to buy this black jade imperial ginseng.

"One hundred and ten thousand……"

"One hundred twenty thousand……"

Everyone at the scene started shooting, and the atmosphere was not too warm, but not too deserted either.

Although there was no one at the scene who had dark attribute essence in his body, the black jade imperial ginseng was after all a natural treasure and had many benefits for ordinary warriors.

Soon after, the price of Black Jade Imperial Ginseng was called two hundred thousand taels.

At this time, Su Chen suddenly spoke and unexpectedly asked for the price: "Four hundred thousand taels."

This asking price has doubled the price just now.

Suddenly, the entire auction hall looked towards Su Chen's No. 5 private room.

The price of 400,000 taels is already higher than the transaction price of most of the treasures of heaven and earth just now. You know, according to normal times, the normal auction price of Black Jade Imperial Ginseng can reach 300,000 taels, which is already good.

"Four hundred thousand taels, is there anything higher?"

"Four hundred thousand taels for the first time."

"Four hundred thousand taels for the second time."

"The third of four hundred thousand taels..."

Just when the auctioneer called for the third time, a voice suddenly floated out from private room No. 10: "Five hundred thousand taels!"

Suddenly, there was a gasping sound, and the air seemed to be stagnant.

Everyone looked at the private room No. 10 in unison. If I remember correctly, this private room No. 10 was the private room where the Lin family was located, and the voice that called out the price just now belonged to Mr. Lin Weilin. sound.

Su Chen also looked over. In the window of the private room No. 10, Lin Wei was looking over provocatively. The price of five hundred thousand taels was exactly what he called.

"No, are these two going to get angry again..."

"It's very possible. Mr. Lin was beaten just now, and he must be unhappy. I think these two people are likely to fight."

Everyone was talking about it.

Su Chen smiled lightly and said: "Six hundred thousand taels."

"Seven hundred thousand taels." Lin Wei was not to be outdone.

"Eight hundred thousand taels." Su Chen followed closely.

Everyone present was frightened when they heard this. These two people didn't play according to common sense at all. They were always adding hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands. You must know that the starting price of this black jade imperial ginseng was only one hundred thousand taels.

Isn't it just a black jade imperial ginseng worth fighting for? It was really eye-opening.

The most important thing is that Lin Wei is a member of the Lin family. He may have the capital to fight with such wealth, but what is the origin of the young man wearing the mask? How could he actually spend so much money on a piece of black jade imperial ginseng?

Or is it that he doesn’t have that much money at all and is just trying to gain some temporary momentum, so he is willing to sell iron even if he grits his teeth?

When Su Chen showed up at the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce's new elixir launch conference that day, although there were many people present, compared to the population base of the entire imperial capital, the number of people attending the new elixir launch conference was still a small number.

Therefore, at this moment, no one at the scene recognized Su Chen as the owner of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

"That boy has already paid 800,000 taels?" Lin Wei, who was in box No. 10, looked very ugly. He couldn't figure out how that boy could have so much money. He had such strong financial resources because he was the young master of the Lin family. , what does that kid do?

This is 800,000 taels. Even though Lin Wei is the young master of the Lin family, he still feels that the 800,000 taels is a bit beyond his endurance limit. He has not yet reached the point where he can casually control nearly one million taels of silver.

"Nine hundred thousand taels."

Lin Wei snorted coldly and said, this is a battle of spirits, not only about money, but also about face. At least when the price is less than one million taels, you must not give in.

When everyone heard his quotation, they all gasped again. Young Master Lin was really brave. He bought a piece of black jade ginseng for 900,000 taels. This would be a huge loss. Isn't he afraid of the direct confrontation? Give up the bidding and let him suffer the loss?

A group of people secretly felt frightened for Lin Wei. Lin Wei didn't really need the Black Jade Imperial Ginseng, just for fighting spirit. The risk was too great. What if Su Chen suddenly gave up the bidding.

At this moment, Su Chen really wanted to give up the bidding and let Lin Wei suffer the loss of being dumb. Buying a black jade imperial ginseng for 900,000 taels would probably make Lin Wei feel distressed for a year.

But Su Chen was just thinking about it. In fact, he would not give up the bidding for the Black Jade Imperial Ginseng. The Black Jade Imperial Ginseng was of great benefit to Gu Qianyin. It would be a pity to give up the bidding.

What's more, in Su Chen's previous Dan Realm, there were relatively more dark attribute warriors, and the price of Black Jade Imperial Ginseng was definitely more than 900,000 taels.

"One million taels."

As soon as Su Chen said these words, time seemed to stand still at the scene.

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